Near-isotropic high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee is beneficial for reducing partial volume effects and allowing multi-planar image analysis. However, previous methods exploring isotropic resolutions, typically compromised in-plane resolution for thin slices, due to intrinsic signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) limitations. Even computer-vision-based super-resolution methods have been rarely been used in medical imaging due to limited resolution improvements. In this study, we utilize deep-learning-based 3D super-resolution for rapidly generating high-resolution thin-slice knee MRI from slices originally 2-8 times thicker. Through quantitative image quality metrics and a reader study, we demonstrate superior performance to both conventionally utilized and state-of-the-art super-resolution methods.
MDSR was trained on 159 3D sagittal double-echo in steady-state (DESS) knee datasets obtained through the Osteoarthritis Initiative (relevant parameters: Matrix=384x307 (zero-filled to 384x384), 160 slices, slice-thickness=0.7mm)5, then tested on 17 additional datasets. The ratio of the ground-truth slice thickness and the input low-resolution slice thickness was termed as the downsampling factor (DSF). Separate networks were trained for DSFs of 2x,3x,4x,6x, and 8x (network and training/testing data description in Fig.1). The training data consisted of the ground-truth high-resolution images and simulated low-resolution images generated by sequential anti-aliasing low-pass filtering (to avoid aliasing), downsampling to the DSF, and TLI upscaling at the ground-truth slice locations. Fourier interpolated (FI) and state-of-the-art MRI single-image sparse-coding super-resolution (ScSR) images were also generated for comparison6.
Image quality between the ground-truth images and the MDSR, TLI, FI, and ScSR images was compared using computer-vision metrics of root-mean-square-error (RMSE), peak SNR (pSNR), and structural similarity (SSIM) for all DSF for the 17 testing datasets7. Two musculoskeletal radiologists (with 17 and 2 years of experience respectively) assessed the image sharpness, contrast, artifact-level, SNR, and overall quality for randomly-presented ground-truth, MDSR, and TLI images on a five-point scale (1=non-diagnostic, 2=limited, 3=diagnostic, 4=good, 5=excellent).
Notched-box plots and Mann-Whitney U-tests (α=0.05) compared and tested RMSE, pSNR, and SSIM variations between the MDSR and the TLI, FI, and ScSR images. One-sided Mann-Whitney U-tests (α=0.05) evaluated pairwise reader-score variations between the ground-truth, MDSR, and TLI images. Cohen’s kappa (κ) evaluated inter-reader reliability8.
Sample ground-truth images and super-resolution images with 3x DSF (Fig.2) show that MDSR images were visually the most comparable to the ground-truth. For the varying DSFs, all sagittal images appeared mostly similar, however, the axial and coronal MDSR reformations had the highest image fidelity (Fig.3). MDSR significantly (p<0.001) outperformed TLI, FI, and ScSR for all DSFs for RMSE, pSNR, and SSIM improvements (except for ScSR with DSFs of 4 and 8).
In the reader study, MDSR was significantly better (p<0.01) than TLI in all image quality categories, while MDSR was not significantly different to the ground-truth for contrast and artifact-level. Unlike, TLI, all MDSR image metrics were of ‘diagnostic quality’ or higher. Both readers had substantial scoring agreement (κ=0.73).
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