Although a major advantage of SPatiotemporal ENcoding (SPEN) vs EPI is a higher immunity to artifacts, it suffers –as all single-shot experiments– from resolution and SNR limitations. These can be dealt by multi-scan interleaving, which unlike EPI counterparts leads to independent low-resolution images free from aliasing artifacts. We present an acquisition and processing protocol that reconstructs from these data a composite image free from hardware or motional imperfections, possessing unprecedented resolution. The power of this self-referenced method is demonstrated with in vivo ADC maps of brains, kidneys and fetal organs in pregnant mice, possessing resolutions in the 78-230 µm range.
Diffusion provides unique in vivo insight under normal and pathological conditions, helping to reveal structures and microstructures. The pulsed gradients used in these measurements make multi-scan experiments incompatible in vivo motions, demanding single-shot imaging methods like EPI’s quality, however, is compromised by field distortions. SPatiotemporal ENcoding (SPEN) is a single-shot method enabling the use of larger gradients, hence providing higher immunity to these heterogeneities.[1] Still, both single-shot EPI and SPEN suffer from limited resolution and compromised sensitivities. Multi-shot interleaving can bypass these, yet in EPI this comes at the expense of reintroducing sensitivity to motions. Not so necessarily in SPEN, where interleaving will still comprise the acquisition of low-resolution images in every scan. This paper introduces new acquisition and processing methods that exploit this, and demonstrates their potential with ADC maps acquired in vivo for olfactory bulbs and kidneys in naïve mice and for organs in pregnant mice –including fetal brain and placental diffusivity maps.RESULTS & DISCUSSION
Figure 3 compares single- and multi-shot b0 and ADC images collected on a live mouse’s brain. Notice the good agreement between the low (single-shot) and high resolution (multi-shot) ADC maps, which in the latter case access the sinuses-challenged olfactory bulb without distortions at a 79µm in-plane resolution. Figures 4 and 5 center on in vivo abdominal images of pregnant and naïve mice. The kidney’s ADC map in Figure 4 clearly reveals the different behavior of the cortex, medulla, collecting ducts and collecting papilla layers. These layers have been observed in anatomical mice images, but to our knowledge it is the first time they are revealed by ADC maps [5]. The pregnant mouse’s ADC map also reveals for the first time multiple fetoplacental features, including a clear delineation of fetal brain hemispheres with distinct CSF and white matter values, fetal organs including lung and heart, fast-diffusing amniotic fluid, distinct placental layers (maternal, fetal, trophoblasts), diffusing fluid in the umbilical cord, and the maternal spine.1. Tal, A. and L. Frydman, Single-scan multidimensional magnetic resonance. Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc, 2010. 57(3): p. 241-92.
2. Schmidt, R., A. Seginer, and L. Frydman, Interleaved multishot imaging by spatiotemporal encoding: A fast, self-referenced method for high-definition diffusion and functional MRI. Magn Reson Med, 2016. 75(5): p. 1935-48.
3. Ben-Eliezer, N., M. Irani, and L. Frydman, Super-resolved spatially encoded single-scan 2D MRI. Magn Reson Med, 2010. 63(6): p. 1594-600.
4. Seginer, A., et al., Referenceless reconstruction of spatiotemporally encoded imaging data: principles and applications to real-time MRI. Magn Reson Med, 2014. 72(6): p. 1687-95.
5. Hueper, K., et al., Multiparametric Functional MRI: Non-Invasive Imaging of Inflammation and Edema Formation after Kidney Transplantation in Mice. PLoS One, 2016. 11(9): p. e0162705.