Modern clinical and animal scanners offer versatile options for
diffusion MRI, including very high b-values, at which the conventional
perturbative description and related model are not applicable. We demonstrate this
failure for any nontrivial domain with a boundary, regardless its shape and
the magnetization is localized near boundaries, the signal becomes more
sensitive to the microstructure. Even the signal from
the extracellular diffusion is shown to be non-Gaussian at high b-values. These
non-Gaussian features offer new imaging modalities at ordinary gradients accessible
on most MRI scanners but, if unnoticed, they may result in misleading
biomedical interpretations.
clinical and animal MRI scanners offer versatile options for diffusion MRI, including
very high b-values. For instance, the b-values as high as 300 000 s/mm2
have been used for in vivo rat brain imaging1,
in contrast to a conventional range up to 1 000 s/mm2. At such high b-values, perturbative descriptions
and related bi-exponential, kurtosis, Kärger, and similar models may not be applicable.
Their failure and the emergence of the so-called localization regime were predicted
in 1990s for one-dimensional domains2 and higher-dimensional bounded domains3. However, these
important works remain underappreciated even nowadays, partly because isolated
impermeable compartments are not representative for biological tissues. We summarize
recent mathematical advances that extend the range of applicability of the
localization regime and open new modalities for probing the microstructure at
very high b-values. We also show that the Gaussian paradigm generically fails at high gradients.Method
investigated the Bloch-Torrey (BT) operator, A=∇2−ix1/ℓ3, where ∇2 is the
Laplace operator describing diffusion, x1 is the
coordinate along the gradient direction, and the gradient amplitude G is
represented by the gradient length ℓ=(γG/D)−1/3 (γ being the
gyromagnetic ratio and D the
intrinsic diffusion coefficient). The BT operator governs the evolution of the
transverse magnetization of the nuclei under a constant magnetic field gradient
→G. We studied this operator both analytically
(via spectral theory and semi-classical asymptotic analysis) and numerically
(via the matrix formalism4,5 and a finite element method6).
In particular, we computed the signal from water molecules diffusing in the
exterior space of an array of cylindrical obstacles (Fig. 1).Results
summarize our recent results. For one-dimensional domains with permeable boundaries
(e.g., a stack of parallel permeable membranes), we computed exactly the Green
function of the BT operator whose poles determine the eigenvalues of the
operator7,8. In particular, the impact of permeability onto the signal
was studied in detail, showing a transition from the localization regime to the
Gaussian free diffusion signal. The semi-classical asymptotic analysis of the
eigenmodes of the BT operator was developed for planar domains with smooth
boundaries9. When the domain is much larger than the gradient length
ℓ, the eigenmodes are localized near the
boundary, resulting in an “abnormal” ln(S)∝b1/3 behavior
at large b (note that b∝ℓ−6). We quantified the respective effects of
boundary curvature, surface relaxation and permeation onto the eigenvalues and
thus the signal at high gradients (see also Refs10,11).Discussion
failure of the Gaussian paradigm and related models at high b-values originates
from the non-self-adjointness of the Bloch-Torrey operator. Our mathematical analysis
has revealed that the localization regime generically emerges at high
(non-narrow) gradients in any nontrivial domain with a boundary, regardless whether
it is bounded or not, permeable or not. Since the transverse magnetization is localized near microscopic
boundaries (of cells and cellular organelles), the signal can reveal their
microstructure (e.g., effective sizes and mutual arrangement) and become very
sensitive to the permeability. Even the
signal from water molecules diffusing in the extracellular space (an unbounded
domain) exhibits the characteristic ln(S)∝b1/3 behavior
at large b (Fig. 2), in contrast to usual
Gaussian assumptions. We
emphasize that the localization regime and its features are accessible at
ordinary, routinely used experimental conditions on clinical and animal MRI scanners.
For instance, setting G=40 mT/m for a
clinical scanner and D=3⋅10−9 m2/s for water
molecules, one gets ℓ≈6.5μm so that
the b1/3 behavior
is expected for cells much larger than ℓ (e.g.,
muscle or plant cells). The gradient length ℓ can be
reduced to 2μm in animal
scanners with gradients up to 1 T/m. If the emergence of the localization regime
remains unnoticed, deviations from the straight line of ln(S) at high
b-values could be wrongly interpreted. For instance, the application of the
bi-exponential model to the curves shown in Fig. 2 yields an
excellent fit but results in a strongly misleading interpretation of a model
tissue in Fig. 1 in terms of intracellular and extracellular compartments with
slowly and rapidly diffusing molecules, whereas only the extracellular
compartment is present (see also Ref.12).Conclusion
localization of the transverse magnetization near microscopic boundaries offer
new modalities for probing the microstructure by diffusion MRI at very high
b-values that complement conventional tools4,13,14. While
the advantages of the localization regime are not yet fully exploitable in
biological samples due to signal-to-noise limitations, a non-perturbative theory of signal formation is
urged to predict, quantify and eliminate potential artifacts in clinical dMRI due
to the localization regime.Acknowledgements
acknowledge the support under Grant No. ANR-13-JSV5-0006-01 of the French
National Research Agency. We also
acknowledge INRIA for providing a private copy of the simulation code,
developed by Jing-Rebecca Li and Dang Van Nguyen of Equipe DEFI, INRIA-Saclay.
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