Henrik Lundell1, Markus Nilsson2, Carl-Fredrik Westin3, Daniel Topgaard4, and Samo Lasič5
1Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark, 2Clinical Sciences Lund, Radiology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 3Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 4Department of Chemistry, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 5Random Walk Imaging AB, Lund, Sweden
account for time-dependent diffusion in multidimensional diffusion encoding
(MDE), the relevant temporal characteristics of encoding waveforms need to be
identified and controlled. Based on the frequency domain analysis, we suggest a
framework for analyzing the spectral content in MDE, which is useful to
experimentally disentangle the effects of time-dependent diffusion. We introduce
a novel concept of spectral anisotropy
and demonstrate how differentiated temporal characteristics along orthogonal encoding
axes may be used to isolate time-dependent diffusion in anisotropic domains,
which is not possible with existing approaches without a priori model
need for increased specificity of diffusion MRI has lead to an upsurge of
interest in non-conventional encoding waveforms. Multidimensional diffusion
encoding (MDE), associated with acronyms like DDE, TDE and QTI, can unveil
microscopic anisotropy on a sub-voxel level1–3. Further morphological
characterization can be achieved by probing time-dependent non-Gaussian
diffusion4. Understanding how MDE
waveforms encode time-dependent diffusion is thus necessary.
frequency domain analysis of MDE waveforms allows identifying novel encoding
dimensions capable of disentangling time-dependent diffusion effects. As we
have demonstrated, spectral tuning needs
to be considered to ensure unbiased microstructural assessment with MDE5. In addition, the spectrally
modulated MDE allows ordering structures according to their anisotropy and e.g.
the dephasing trajectories are in general three dimensional in MDE,
characterization of their spectral content is non-trivial. Here we present a
theoretical extension to our previous work, suggesting a framework for
analyzing the spectral content in MDE5,6. Spectral moments might be used in designing spectrally tuned MDE waveforms. We introduce the
concept of spectral anisotropy and
demonstrate how it may provide a novel encoding dimension to independently probe
time-dependent diffusion in isotropic and anisotropic morphologies.Theory
convenient analysis of time-dependent diffusion and general encoding waveforms
is provided in frequency domain7,8. Considering only the second
cumulant in the signal expansion, $$$ E = e^{-\beta}$$$, the attenuation is
given by $$$ \beta = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}
F_{i}(\omega)D_{ij}(\omega)F^*_{j}(\omega) \, d\omega $$$. We are adopting
Einstein’s summation convention over the repeated indices $$$i, j = 1,2,3$$$. Here
$$$F_{i}(\omega)$$$ are the spectra of the dephasing waveforms $$$F_i(t) =
\gamma \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} g_{i}(t) dt $$$, where $$$g(t)$$$ is the
effective gradient. The $$$D_{ij}(\omega) $$$ are given by rotations of the
eigenmodes $$$\lambda_{i}(\omega) $$$.
the low frequency expansion7, $$$\lambda_k (\omega) =
\sum_{0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n!} \lambda_k^{(n)}(0)\,\omega^n $$$, the
attenuation is given by the spectral moments
$$$ M_{ij}^{(n)} = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} F_{i}(\omega)F^*_{j}(\omega) \,\omega^n
\, d\omega$$$. The moments $$$ M_{ij}^{(n)} $$$ thus provide a
meaningful extension to characterize MDE waveforms and their spectral content.
In terms of the spectral moments, we
have $$$ B_{ij}=M_{ij}^{(0)}$$$, while the sensitivity to confinement size is
provided by a dephasing moment tensor
$$$ M_{ij}^{(2)} $$$, if restricted diffusion is considered7,9.
mean spectral content of MDE schemes is given by the trace of $$$m_{ij}^{(2)} =
\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \tilde{F}_{i}(\omega)\tilde{F}^*_{j}(\omega) \, \omega^2
d\omega$$$, where $$$\tilde{F}_{i}(\omega)= F_{i}(\omega)/q_{i}$$$ and
$$$q_{i}$$$ is the dephasing magnitude. Spectral tuning of different MDE schemes could thus be achieved by matching
the traces, $$$m_{ii}^{(2)} $$$.
fractional anisotropy of $$$m_{ij}^{(2)}$$$ provides a measure of spectral anisotropy (SA). Consider for
example isotropic diffusion encoding with $$$B_{ij}=b\delta_{ij}$$$ and
non-zero SA. In the presence of time-dependent diffusion, the attenuation is
still expected to be rotationally invariant for compartments with isotropic
diffusion, but no longer for compartments with anisotropic time-dependent
diffusion, e.g. in cylinders or ellipsoids.Methods
Calculations were performed using in-plane spectrally
isotropic (Fig. 1A1) and anisotropic (Fig. 1A2) planar dephasing waveforms
applied along two orthogonal directions. Powder averaging in the calculation
was applied over 1000 directions constructed from bipolar electrostatic
repulsion10. The diffusion spectrum for restricted
diffusion in an axially symmetric ellipsoidal pore was approximated using
$$$D(\omega)$$$ for spherical geometry with radii of 1 µm along two axes and 5
µm along one axis. The intrinsic diffusivity, $$$D_0$$$ = 10-9 m2/s was
used. The encoding time $$$t_e = 2\tau + t_m$$$ was logarithmically spaced in
the range 0.05-625 ms. The mixing time was adjusted to $$$t_m = 0.2t_e$$$. In
addition, Monte Carlo simulations where performed with the same geometry and intrinsic
diffusivity using 5·105 walkers and time-steps. Powder averaging in
the simulation was performed with the ellipsoid's symmetry axis rotated along 24 directions10 with 10 linearly spaced diffusion weighting steps in the range $$$b$$$ =
0-18·109 s/m2.Results and conclusion
of time-dependent diffusion in general MDE experiments can be analyzed in the frequency
domain. The dephasing moment tensor
provides additional characterization of encoding waveforms in terms of their
spectral content. While the B tensor
provides sensitivity to the long-time or Gaussian diffusivity, the dephasing
moment tensor provides sensitivity to time-dependent diffusion. While varying
anisotropy of the B tensor gives
contrast specific to the long-time diffusion anisotropy, varying spectral anisotropy yields contrast
specific to time-dependent diffusion anisotropy. In our example with planar
diffusion encoding, the spectral
anisotropy can be varied independently from a constant mean spectral
content. The resulting signal attenuation difference carries highly specific
information, isolating time-dependent diffusion in anisotropic domains.Acknowledgements
This work
is supported by the Danish Council for Independent Research (4093-00280A and
4093-00280B), Vinnova, VINNMER Marie Curie Industry
Outgoing (2013-04350) and the Swedish
Foundation for Strategic Research (AM13-0090) and the Swedish Research Council
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