Previously we have reported that fluctuations in fMRI signals at approximately 0.1Hz are highly correlated with blood pressure fluctuations at the same frequency. A multi-echo resting-state fMRI experiment was performed at 7T to separate the effect of changes in transverse relaxation (R2*) and longitudinal magnetisation (S0) in these fluctuations. We demonstrate that the magnitudes of correlations with blood pressure are significantly greater for R2* signals, compared with corresponding S0 signals. These data suggest that there is a significant proportion of BOLD dependent signal variance in fMRI that is of non-neuronal origin.
Image acquisition: Two 10 minute eyes closed resting-state scans were acquired in 5 subjects on a Siemens 7T scanner equipped with a 32-channel NOVA head coil. The CMRR SMS-EPI sequence was used to acquire multi-echo multiband EPI data with three echoes using the following parameters: Scan 1 – TR=1000ms, TE1/2/3=8.14/21.47/34.8ms, flip angle (α)=35°, 2.4mm2 in-plane resolution, 36 slices (2.5mm thick), SMS=4, GRAPPA=2) and Scan 2 - TR=500ms, TE1/2/3=8.14/21.47/34.8ms, flip angle (α)=90°, 2.4mm2 in-plane resolution, 6 slices (2.5mm thick), SMS=1, GRAPPA=2). Beat-to-beat blood pressure was recorded using the Caretaker device (Caretaker, BIOPAC).
Data analysis: Data were first motion corrected, and then a voxel-wise log-linear least-squares fit was used to estimate R2* and S0 time series for each scan. R2* and S0 time series were decomposed into 6 frequency scales using a maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform. The frequency range spanned by each scale of the wavelet decomposition is dependent on the sampling rate (TR), so the 0.1Hz frequency of interest was contained within scales 3 and 4 (0.0625 – 0.125Hz) for scans 1 and 2 respectively.
To account for a haemodynamic delay between MAP and fMRI fluctuations, the correlations between lagged MAP wavelet coefficients and mean grey-matter (GM) R2* wavelet coefficients were calculated. As a decrease in R2* corresponds to an increase in a single-echo T2* weighted EPI sequence, the most negative correlation between MAP and R2* was considered the optimal lag (as found previously, MAP leads fMRI by ~6s). Voxel-wise Pearson’s correlation coefficients (ρ) between the optimal lag MAP wavelet coefficients and matched frequency R2* and S0 wavelet coefficients were calculated, and correlation maps were spatially smoothed (5mm FWHM) and averaged across subjects.
Here we show that fluctuations in fMRI signals that are correlated with MAP at approximately 0.1Hz, are more prominent and spatially structured in R2* than S0 signals, and thus are likely mediated via the BOLD effect. An implicit assumption when inferring brain function using fMRI is that the BOLD signal is highly correlated with underlying neural activity. However, the implication of these data is that a significant proportion of BOLD fluctuations in the brain are due to localised control of blood flow that is independent of neural activity.
Correlation between MAP and BOLD fluctuations don’t establish causality, and so it is not clear how these signals are related, but it may be the case that they have a common systemic origin. A potential candidate is sympathetic nervous activity, which controls blood pressure, but may also influence blood flow in the brain via innervation of cerebral arteries [4]. These data provide an important demonstration that arteriolar mechanisms that regulate localised blood flow in the brain, are not solely responding to metabolic demands of neural activity. More data are required to better understand the nature of these fluctuations, how they relate to cerebrovascular function, and how they confound fMRI studies into brain function.
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2. Murphy, K., R.M. Birn, and P.A. Bandettini, Resting-state fMRI confounds and cleanup. Neuroimage, 2013. 80: p. 349-59.
3. Whittaker, J.R., Bright, M.G, Driver, I.D, Murphy, K. Beat-to-beat blood pressure fluctuations are present in time-frequency dynamics of resting-state fMRI. in Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med., 24 (2016), p. 0309. 2016.
4. Brassard, P., M.M. Tymko, and P.N. Ainslie, Sympathetic control of the brain circulation: Appreciating the complexities to better understand the controversy. Auton Neurosci, 2017.