Compartmental models are increasingly being used to quantify diffusion MRI signals from tumours. We have developed a complex, multiscale mathematical modelling platform for simulating tumour pathophysiology, using high-resolution optical imaging data from complete tumour samples. Diffusion MRI signals from these tumours were simulated, including vascular flow and intra- and extracellular diffusion. These data were fitted to the VERDICT compartmental model, and the resulting parameters compared against ground truth simulation values. Cell radius and intra/extracellular fractional volume parameters and respective ground truth values were strongly correlated. A more complex relationship was found in vascular volume fractions.
Substrate Generation: The vascular compartment of the simulation substrates (figure 1) was generated from optical projection tomography data (5-10μm resolution) acquired from optically-cleared LS174T tumours grown subcutaneously on balb/c nu/nu mice, with vessels labelled with fluorescently conjugated lectin4,5. Optical clearing was performed with benzyl alcohol benzyl benzoate (BABB). The vessel structures were segmented by applying a Frangi vesselness filter6, binary threshold and skeletonisation algorithm. Volumetric blood flow values were estimated throughout the networks using a discrete-network model simulating Poiseuille flow with conservation of flux at network bifurcations7. Four voxel-sized sections were randomly isolated for separate Monte Carlo simulations. The intracellular and extracellular compartments of the simulation were created by randomly generating spherical cells with a sphere-packing algorithm, which packed non-overlapping cells of a specified radii around the vessel network.
Synthetic MRI Data Generation: Walkers, representing water molecules, were initialised in one of the three compartments within the substrate, with the total in each compartment weighted by pre-specified volume fractions. In the intra/extracellular space the walker position was updated at each time-step using a random-walk protocol8 (figure 2(c)). In the vascular compartment, the walkers followed the flow velocity of their current vessel segment. Once all the walkers had been propagated, synthetic VERDICT data (46 b-value, 3 direction PGSE) was generated from their recorded trajectories using the Camino Diffusion MRI Toolkit9.
VERDICT Parameter Validation: The VERDICT models ‘BallSphereStick’ (Anisotropic vascular compartment) and ‘BallSphereAstrosticks’ (Isotropic vascular compartment) were each fitted to the synthetic data. The model parameters produced from these fits were then compared against the ground truth values specified in the simulation. This process was repeated for a range of simulation parameters to ascertain the correspondence between the VERDICT parameter estimates and the ground truth, over a wide range of values. The synthetic data produced by the simulation was also compared against subject-matched in-vivo data acquired previously.
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