better understanding of the complex water diffusion dynamics in the extra-axonal
environment may aid in the mathematical modeling of the diffusion MRI signal
and have application to pathologies that specifically impact glial cells and
the surrounding extracellular space. Here we employ a novel method of combining
diffusion MRI data for weak and strong diffusion weightings to show that
extra-axonal water diffusion anisotropy strongly correlates with intra-axonal
diffusion anisotropy and takes on large values in voxels with highly aligned
axons. This connection suggests that the geometrical alignment of axonal fibers
is important for both intra-axonal and extra-axonal water diffusion.
Water diffusion dynamics in the
extra-axonal space of white matter (WM) is complicated by the presence of glial
cells and the complex geometrical restrictions imposed by axonal fibers. As a
consequence, idealizations are necessary, in practice, in order to model the
contribution of extra-axonal water to the diffusion MRI signal. These range
from treating the extra-axonal space as a simple isotropic, Gaussian
compartment1-3 to more elaborate, non-Gaussian signal models4-6. A better understanding of extra-axonal water diffusion
can help guide the development and application of such models. In addition,
many neurological diseases are known to affect components of the extra-axonal
environment (e.g. microglia, oligodendrocytes) and a better characterization of
the extra-axonal water diffusion with MRI may be useful in the study of these
pathologies. Diffusion MRI techniques that utilize strong diffusion weightings,
such as fiber ball imaging (FBI)7, allow for the direct study of intra-axonal diffusion by
suppressing the dMRI signal from extra-axonal water. Here, FBI is combined with
low b-value data to infer the diffusion anisotropy of the extra-axonal
environment. Using data from one healthy control, we investigate the Fractional
Anisotropy of the Extra-axonal compartment (FAE) and how it is related to the
Fractional Anisotropy (FA) of the intra-Axonal space (FAA). The FAE and FAA are
defined in terms of the extra-axonal and intra-axonal diffusion tensors in a
manner completely analogous to the conventional definition of FA in terms of
the full diffusion tensor.Methods
dMRI data from one healthy adult (30 yrs) were acquired on a Siemens Prisma scanner for 4 b-value shells with b = 0, 1000, 2000 and 6000 s/mm2 and 30, 30 and 256 diffusion encoding directions, respectively. Additional imaging parameters were TE = 98 ms, TR = 5100 ms and voxel size = (3 mm)3. Estimations of the total diffusion tensor, $$$\bf{D}$$$ , were obtained through conventional calculations by using data from the first two shells8. The diffusion tensor for the intra-axonal compartment, $$$\bf{D_a}$$$, was calculated, up to an overall scaling factor, from the highest b-value shell with FBI. This yielded $$${\bf A}\equiv{\bf D_a}/D_a$$$ (1), with the unknown scaling factor, $$$D_a$$$, corresponding to the intrinsic intra-axonal diffusivity. Under the assumption that myelin water can be neglected due to its short T2, $$$\bf{D}$$$ is related to $$$\bf{D_a} $$$ and the extra-axonal diffusion tensor, $$$\bf{D_e}$$$ by
$${\bf D}=f \cdot{\bf D_a}+ (1-f)\cdot{\bf D_e}\space\space(2), $$
where $$$f$$$ is the axonal water fraction. This can be rearranged into $${\bf D_e}=\frac{{\bf D}-f\cdot{\bf D_a}}{1-f}\space\space(3) $$
Since FBI also yields estimates for the microstructural parameter $$$\zeta=f/\sqrt D_a$$$7, it is useful to rewrite Equation (3) in the form
$${\bf D_e}=\frac{{\bf D}-\zeta\cdot\sqrt D_a^3\cdot{\bf A}}{1-\zeta\cdot\sqrt D_a}\space\space(4) $$
Thus given a value for $$$D_a$$$, one can calculate $$$\bf{D_e}$$$ along with its associated anisotropy FAE. Here we calculate FAE in healthy WM for a physically plausible range of (1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 µm2/ms)4-6,9,10. Voxels with a mean diffusivity lower than 1.5 µm2/ms and a mean kurtosis larger than 1 were considered to be WM.
The average FAA of the intra-axonal water in WM is found to be 0.54±0.13, and the distribution of FAA values is shown in Figure 1. Not surprisingly, the FAE is lower than the FAA at 0.40±0.14, 0.37±0.13, 0.33±0.13 and 0.26±0.13 for $$$D_a$$$ = 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 µm2/ms (Figure 2). The large standard deviations are indicative of a heterogeneous microstructural environment, and the regional variability is illustrated in Figure 3 using voxelwise parametric maps of FAA and FAE. The relationship between FAA and FAE is shown in Figure 4, revealing strong correlations for all the $$$D_a$$$ values considered. The coefficients of determination decrease as is increased, with r2 values of 0.88, 0.85, 0.79 and 0.61 for $$$D_a$$$ = 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 µm2/ms, respectively.
Our results imply three main
conclusions. First, the FAE is substantial with an average value exceeding 0.25
for all the $$$D_a$$$ values considered.
This suggests that treating the extra-axonal compartment as isotropic may not
be an accurate representation of its water diffusion dynamics. Second,
diffusional anisotropy in the extra-axonal compartment has high degree of
regional variability, as illustrated by Figure 3, including many voxels with
FAE values exceeding 0.4. Third, the FAE is strongly linked to the FAA, suggesting
that the geometrical alignment of axons has a pronounced effect on extra-axonal
water diffusion. A limitation of this study is that our results depend on the
choice of $$$D_a$$$. This is unavoidable given our present understanding of water
diffusion in brain, since a definite value for has yet to be established10. Nonetheless, this work adds to our
understanding of extra-axonal water diffusion and may serve to guide the
development and evaluation of improved models for the diffusion MRI signal.Acknowledgements
work was supported by: NIH T32 DC0014435 (Trainee EM), NIH DC014021 and The Litwin
foundation (JAH) References
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