Velocity selective (VS) ASL theoretically allows high temporal resolution functional CBF mapping, since the arterial tag is immediately delivered to target microvascultature. This is in contrast to conventional ASL, which suffers from transit delays that limit minimum TR to about one second. VSASL, however, employs a nonselective VS tagging scheme, resulting in incomplete T1 recovery of tagged blood away from the imaging slice, and subsequent signal loss at low TRs. In this study, we introduce a slice-selective VS tag to mitigate T1 recovery effects, and for the first time demonstrate subsecond functional CBF mapping of the visual cortex. The approach is dubbed “Turbo VSASL”.
High temporal resolution functional CBF mapping is required to characterize sensory and high-level cognitive processes1. Conventional ASL-CBF imaging is limited for this task, since a minimum inversion time (TI) of about one second is required for the ASL tag to transit from proximal arteries and accumulate within distal microvasculature2.
Velocity-selective ASL (VSASL) is a newer approach that creates the ASL tag within the imaging slab itself, thus allowing immediate delivery to target microvasculature3. This is done by implementing an RF train that labels blood as it decelerates from small arterioles into the capillary network. VSASL theoretically allows much shorter TIs for imaging parenchymal perfusion, making the technique amenable to low TR, ultrafast fMRI.
Standard VSASL, however, uses nonselective RF pulses to create the velocity-based tag and thus saturates blood signal throughout the body. Since ASL depends on repeated tag-control acquisitions, a proportion of this saturated blood must undergo sufficient T1 recovery to provide optimal perfusion signal for the next tag. As TR becomes short, recovery is suboptimal and perfusion SNR is sacrificed, limiting high temporal resolution acquisition.
To address this issue, we introduce a slice-selective VSASL approach dubbed “Turbo VSASL” that creates a finite-width tag centered around the imaging slab (Figure 1). This approach avoids unnecessary saturation of blood distant to the imaging slab, allowing improved perfusion SNR at short TRs. We first optimize the thickness of the VSASL tag for various TI/TR combinations, and then, for the first time, demonstrate subsecond TR functional CBF mapping.
Pulse sequence
1a illustrates the standard VSASL velocity selective (VS) module, which uses non-selective,
hard 90o flip-down and flip-up pulses as part of the RF train,
resulting in the VS tag profile seen in Figure 1b. Figure 1c shows the revised
slice-selective VS module, with hard 90o pulses replaced with sinc
pulses and slice-selective gradients, giving user-control of the VS tag thickness
(Figure 1d).
VS tag thickness
Parameter optimization to find the ideal VS tag thickness for
several TI/TR combinations was performed at 3T in a single subject, including
comparison to the nonselective case (Table 1). A single slice through the
visual cortex was acquired for each parameter combination. A VSASL-nonQUIPSS2
approach was employed with a Vcutoff of 2 cm/s to target parenchymal perfusion4, coupled with an EPI readout of
matrix=64x64, bandwidth=2368 Hz/pixel, and TE=22 ms. Experiments using standard
VSASL parameters of TI/TR=900/3000ms (allowing ample T1 recovery) were also performed
for comparison. Scan time per acquisition was fixed at 2 min. Perfusion SNR maps (Figure
2) were generated using standard ASL processing streams5. Visual cortex SNR was measured
and reported in Table 1. At the shortest TI/TR of 500/600ms, SNR was maximized
with a VS tag thickness of 100 mm, ~30% higher compared to the nonselective
Functional CBF mapping
of visual cortex activation
Using the above optimization as a guide, functional
experiments were performed next on three subjects with TI/TR=500/600ms. An optimization at this TI/TR was done to
determine optimal VS tag thickness (50, 100 or 200 mm) for each individual
subject; a value of 50mm was found to provide the highest visual cortex SNR for
all three. The parameters were subsequently used for a functional experiment
with an 8Hz flashing-checkerboard, 1mOFF–1mON–1mOFF–1mON–1mOFF design, done three
times. The data were averaged, smoothed (6mm Gaussian), and surround-subtracted
to create the perfusion time series. This series was fit with the general linear
model (Figure 3a). Activation maps were thresholded at p < 0.001,corrected to
identify activated voxels, then overlaid onto an anatomic image (Figure 3b). Table
2 reports the number of activated voxels and average percent CBF increase within
activated regions.
All human studies were approved by the IRB.
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