Multi-atlas segmentation techniques fail to properly represent very small nuclei because of their low overlap in the fusion stage. We present a shape modeling approach that recovers more accurately such small structures, which we apply to the segmentation of the deep cerebellar nuclei.
Recent multi-atlas methods for image segmentation have become very effective, for instance to segment the hippocampus or the cerebellar lobules1,2. These techniques, while improving the registration aspect, still rely on fairly simple fusion methods for generating the final segmentation, such as majority voting or STAPLE3 that ignore the shape of the structures and assume a fair amount of intra-individual overlap between segmentations. Automatic approaches for accurately delineating the cerebellar nuclei on MR images are scarce and typically utilize one individual atlas4, where the dentate nucleus is represented as a bean-like structure. The dentate nucleus, however, is a highly convoluted structure on the order of 400 mm³, while the other cerebellar nuclei, the emboliform nucleus, the globose nucleus and the fastigial nucleus are rather small with volumes of around 50 mm³, 10 mm³ and 45 mm3, respectively5 (Fig. 1A). In such cases, the assumption of overlap is compromised if the dentate nucleus ribbon is not perfectly aligned and registration accuracy is on the order of nucleus size. Here, we propose an alternate fusion technique based on explicit shape modeling rather than a voxel-by-voxel analysis to overcome this limitation for the segmentation of cerebellar nuclei in high resolution 7T quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) of the cerebellum.Image acquisition and reconstruction: Ten whole brain T2*-weighted images of young subjects were acquired using a 3D flow-compensated FLASH sequence at a resolution of 0.5 mm isotropic on a Siemens 7 T MRI scanner with a 24-channel Nova head coil (TE 11.2 ms, TR 22 ms, FA 10°, GRAPPA acceleration factor 2, 6/8 partial Fourier, acquisition time 20:22 min:sec). Quantitative susceptibility maps were calculated from the FLASH phase images using sophisticated harmonic artifact reduction for phase data with varied radii (V-SHARP)6 and homogeneity enabled incremental dipole inversion (HEIDI)7.
Manual delineations: Cerebellar nuclei were visually identified on the susceptibility images. Because of their high iron content the cerebellar nuclei appear bright on these maps. The cerebellar nuclei were delineated manually on the axial, sagittal and coronal images by a trained lab technician using MRICroN (
Image processing: We compared multi-atlas segmentation approaches with a leave-one-out strategy, i.e., nine subjects were used as segmentation templates for the remaining one. Firstly, we deformed susceptibility maps between each template and subject using ANTs8. Secondly, we performed label fusion either with STAPLE3, which estimates jointly the maximum likelihood labeling and the relative accuracy of raters, or with a dedicated shape-based averaging method. The latter consisted in building signed distance functions for each nucleus before deformation, then transforming and averaging them across templates. The zero-level set of the averaged distance function which represents the nucleus is then re-estimated, so that the average shape volume is the closest possible to the average volume of the deformed templates. Accuracy of both fusion approaches was assessed by computing volume differences, Dice overlaps, and average boundary distances between manual and automated segmentations (Fig. 1).
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