To investigate deep brain stimulators, pacemakers or other elongated structures the transfer function was proposed to characterize these devices. A electro-optic E-field sensor is used to acquire 2D field data of copper wires excited at one tip for 64 and 123MHz. The data is compared to simulations and transfer functions are calculated from these simulations. These are compared to experimentally acquired transfer functions.
The electro-optic E-field sensor is based on the Pockels effect where the polarization of a laser beam becomes modulated proportional to an external electric field when passing through an electro-optical medium (LiNbO3) and by evaluation of the polarization state, the E-field is reconstructed6. The 1x1x1mm³ electro-optic crystal is mounted on the tip of a non-metallic sensor probe. Spatially resolved field scans are achieved by sweeping the probe along the x- and y-direction by a motor driven translation stage. According to the crystal orientation the laser light is polarized to the normal component of the E-field.4 samples/s of data were acquired during the scan. Single wires with different lengths (L=10cm, 20cm, 30cm) made of pure copper and Polyurethan isolation (1cm removed at both ends) were placed in distilled water (ϵr=81, σ=5.5⋅10−6S/m). The wires were excited at one tip by a small monopole and the resulting Ez-field was measured with a resolution of 1x1mm2 in an area of 2cm around the wire for proton frequencies of 1.5 T and 3 T (i.e., 64 and 123 MHz) at a height of 1mm above the wire. For comparison, simulations were performed with the finite-difference time domain software Sim4Life Version 3.4 (ZMT AG, Zürich, Switzerland). The 10cm long semi-rigid coaxial cable and the excitation source were modeled with a voltage source driving the coaxial cable. Simulation time was between 1 and 1.5 hours per setting (using GPU acceleration). For simulations and measurements background subtraction was applied, simulating and measuring the setup without a cable present and subtracting from the results. From this the transfer function was calculated via Ampere’s law from simulation data. In order to determine the transfer function experimentally, the sensor remained stationary at one end of the 20cm long wire, while the excitation source was moved along the sample. Each data point was normalized relative to the magnitude of the of the excitation field
In general, transfer functions derived from the E-field measurements are in good agreement with the simulations - observed differences can be attributed to uncertainties in material parameters and dimensions. The current study is only based on the measurement of the z component since the measurements are performed in the vicinity of the sample where the E-field is perpendicular to conducting structures.The presented setup is able to validate E-field distributions and transfer functions within relatively short measurement times, and it does not need electrically conducting elements such as dipoles, which can cause additional systematic errors. The applications of electro-optical electric field measurements are optimization of RF coils, safety assessment of active and passive devices, and general field measurements for diagnostic purposes.
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Figure 3: Magnitude (on a logarithmic scale) and phase of the simulated transfer functions at 64MHZ and 123MHz for different wires; the dip marks the excitation probe marks due to the background subtraction, the measured transfer function is shown in red