Using multi-echo 23Na-MRI at 7T acquired in 13 healthy subjects and modelling the relationship between signal and reference concentration and applying it to in vivo 23Na-MRI signal, we quantify both T2* decay times and concentrations associated with short and long components for the first time. Relaxation times and concentrations differed between grey and white matter and subregions of differing tissues, suggesting sensitivity of 23Na toward features of tissue composition. As such, these results raise the prospect of multi-echo 23Na-MRI as an adjunct source of information on biochemical mechanisms in both physiological and pathophysiological states.
23Na-MRI from 13 healthy subjects was acquired at 7T using a multi-echo (24 TEs, 0.3 ms-100 ms (Figure 1)) density adapted 3D projection reconstruction pulse sequence (TR=120 ms, 10000 spokes, 3.5mm3 resolution, 60 mins). Six tubes of 2% agar gel doped with a range of sodium concentrations (10-75 mM) were arrayed in the FOV. A high-resolution 1H MRI 3D-MP2RAGE (TR=5000ms / TE=3ms / TI1=900ms / TI2=2750ms, 256 slices, 0.6mm3 isotropic resolution, 10 mins) was was used to define subject masks for GM, WM (SPM12, 0.9 tissue probability threshold) and 8 manually-defined regional ROIs (FSL 6.0). A biexponential fitting procedure was applied to the images of different TE derived from each individual to obtain T2*short and T2*long relaxation times for each ROI (Figure 2a). We measured M0 and the time of transverse relaxation (T2*) for a given reference tube across the 24 TEs, through monoexponential fitting via MATLAB (R2012a, MathWorks), and modelled a linear relationship between obtained M0 and known concentrations across all tubes (Figure 2b,c). Applying this to parameters estimated from the biexponential model of in vivo data, yielded quantitative estimates (Nashort and Nalong) for each brain ROI. To permit literature comparisons, total sodium concentrations (TSC) and extracellular fractions (EcF) were also calculated. Two ANOVAs (JMP v.9) were applied to investigate factors of interest Tissue Type (2 levels: GM, WM) and Region (8 levels), in addition to Sex and Age. Factors of interest were further investigated via non-parametric Steel-Dwass tests.1. Thulborn, K. R. Quantitative Sodium MR Imaging: A Review of its Evolving Role in Medicine. NeuroImage (2016). doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.11.056
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