Chemical exchange saturation transfer from taurine to water (TauCEST) is primarily detectable in the low temperature range. Since, TauCEST asymmetry is bijective in the physiological pH-range (6.8-7.5), TauCEST is a potential candidate for in vivo studies on brain of polar fish. The specificity of TauCEST MRI on the brain of polar cod at 1.5°C shows a taurine contribution of 65%. TauCEST in brain of polar cod significantly increased under elevated CO2 concentrations by about 1.34%-3.17% in comparison to control, reflecting pHi changes since localized 1H NMR spectra show no significant changes in metabolite concentration for the different treatments.
In vitro NMR measurements were performed on a 7T animal scanner (Biospec 70/20 USR, Bruker Biospin) equipped with a B0 gradient system BGA-12S2 and a quadrature birdcage coil (72mm ø). CEST images were obtained by pre-saturated FISP imaging. Pre-saturation was accomplished by a train of 12 rectangular pulses (tp=1s, B1=5.87μT). The phantom consisted of six NMR tubes filled with 10mM taurine solutions dissolved in PBS, titrated to different pH values between 5.5-8.0. The applied temperature range was 1-37°C. The CEST asymmetry was calculated as CESTasym=(Msat(-Δω)-Msat(Δω))/Msat(-Δω).
Simulations were performed by numerically solving the Bloch-McConnell equations using a two-pool- or a multi-pool-model. Exchange rates were determined by numerically fitting the Bloch-McConnel equations to experimental data (not shown).
In vivo NMR measurements were performed on a 9.4T animal scanner (BioSpec 94/30 USR, AVANCE III, Bruker BioSpin) equipped with a BGA-12S HP B0 gradient system and a quadrature coil (86mm ø) was used. CEST imaging was similar to the in vitro studies. Pre-saturation was accomplished by a train of 3 rectangular pulses (tp=1s, B1=4.4μT). The experimental setup consisted of a temperated sea water circulating system (1.5°C) with two header tanks supplying a flow-through chamber for unanesthetized polar cod Boreogadus saida (n=5) (Figure 1). The header tanks were bubbled with air and elevated air-CO2-mix concentrations (Control: pCO2=540µatm/pH8.0; OAm: pCO2=3300µatm/pH7.2; OAh: pCO2=4900µatm/pH7.0).
The in vitro TauCEST z-spectra and asymmetry curves only depict an effect at a pH <6.5 for 37°C. However, at 1°C, the asymmetry curves show a clear dip for the pH values between 5.5-7.5. Although the TauCEST effect is not a bijective function of pH, the TauCEST effect changes monotonically in the range of physiological pH (pH 6.8-7.5) at 1°C. Simulations indicated that TauCEST shows the same course like the total CEST effect. Furthermore, taurine dominates the total CEST effect for a pH between 6.5-7.5. The in vivo CEST asymmetry curves show a clear difference between the two treatments in comparison to control at ~2.8 ppm (downfield from water), that can be attributed to TauCEST. Localized 1H MR spectra obtained for control and OAh conditions indicate no significant changes in metabolite concentrations. For all conditions and in relation to the first control measurements, the TauCEST asymmetries show an increase of 1.34%-3.17% after 1.5h of CO2 exposure.1. Gattuso JP, Magnan A, Billé R, et al. Contrasting futures for ocean and society from different anthropogenic CO2 emissions scenarios. Science. 2015;349(6243):aac4722.
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