Specialized in word recognition, the visual word form area (VWFA) is located in the posterior fusiform gyrus of the left hemisphere, regardless of one’s writing system. To test the hypothesis that this consistent location is determined by specific connections to linguistic regions, we studied 6-7year old children throughout the process of learning to read. Using diffusion and functional MRI, we analysed the white-matter connectivity of cortical regions processing visual categories (words, houses, faces, tools). We showed that the emerging VWFA has specific and stable connections to the inferior-dorsal parietal cortex, and these connections exhibit microstructural maturation related to reading improvement.
Ten children (5 females) were recruited in a longitudinal study. Participants were evaluated behaviourally, and underwent MRI scanning (3T Siemens TRIO) at six different time points spanning the beginning and end of the first school year of reading instruction. Diffusion MRI data (45 directions, b=1000s/mm2), which constitute the focus of this study, were obtained at the first and last time points (mean ages: 6.2±0.3 years, 7.2±0.4 years), while reading performance (number of words read in one minute) and fMRI data were obtained at each time point.
All functional data were used to localize functional peaks corresponding to the already developed house, face, and tool processing areas along with the emerging VWFA over the first year of reading instruction. Functional peaks were used to generate tractography seeds for the first and last time points (Figure 1A). To tentatively resolve simple crossing fiber configurations, DW images were analyzed based on a fourth order analytical Q-ball model6. Individual whole-brain 3D tractography was performed with an algorithm using regularized particle trajectories7. Tracts were converted into density maps (Figure 1B), normalized onto a population template constructed from diffusion tensor images using DTI-TK8, and smoothed with a 3mm Gaussian Kernel. For each visual category, these subject-level density maps were binarized and averaged over subjects to create a group-level probability map.
To test the stability and specificity of the connectivity for each visual category processing area, we performed a voxel-wise ANCOVA (FSL’s randomise9) on density maps with two within-subject factors (time point and visual category), and two within-subject covariates (age and reading score). Finally, we tested the hypothesis that only specific connections for the word processing region shows microstructural changes related to improvement in reading performances. The specific connectivity of each category (resulting from previous ANCOVA) was then used as a region-of-interest to extract average fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusivity (AD), and radial diffusivity (RD) weighted by the group-level probability map. We computed partial correlations between changes in each DTI parameter and changes in reading score from the beginning to the end of the school year, while controlling for the age increase.
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11. Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Dehaene, S. The emergence of the visual word form area: Longitudinal evolution of category-specific responses in ventral visual cortex during reading acquisition. Submitted.