Developmental Score of the Neonatal Brains: Characterizing Diffusion MRI Changes in the Term- and Preterm-born Infants
Dan Wu1, Linda Chang2, Thomas Ernst2, Jon Skranes3, and Kenichi Oishi1

1Radiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, BALTIMORE, MD, United States, 2Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, BALTIMORE, MD, United States, 3Laboratory Medicine, Children’s and Women’s Health, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway


Postmenstrual age (PMA) is used as a time-scale to evaluate brain development, but it contains inaccuracy with regards to the estimated time of conception because the duration from the last menstrual period to conception varies. To address this variation, we designed a developmental score (DevS) that aligned individuals with similar development patterns together, and provides a linear trajectory of DTI-measurement as a function of an underlying brain developmental index. Compared to PMA, DevS showed an improved the regression with DTI-measurements, and it better separated the developmental differences between term- and preterm-born infants.


Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is useful in studying developmental changes in the neonatal brain.1-5 However, analyzing DTI data in longitudinal and cross-sectional large cohort studies, however, is challenging, because individuals enter the study at different developmental stages with uncertainty in duration since conception. We aim to develop a computational method that characterizes the developmental trajectory from such database. The proposed developmental score (DevS) is a surrogate of postmenstrual age (PMA), which aligns cross-sectional data in a pseudo-longitudinal manner, and forms a linear relation with biomarkers, e.g., the DTI-measurements. We used DevS to investigate normal brain developmental changes in the term-born neonates, and the deviations from normal development due to preterm-birth.


Developmental score (DevS): The rationale and mathematical model of DevS is similar to the previously published work on disease progression score.6, 7 Briefly, two relations between PMA ($$$t$$$), DevS ($$$s$$$), and DTI measurement ($$$y$$$, MD in this study) were used:

$$$s_{i,j}=\alpha_{i}\cdot t_{i,j}+\beta_{i}$$$ Equation 1

$$$y_{i,j}=a\cdot s_{i,j}+b+\epsilon_{i,j}$$$ Equation 2

where $$$i$$$ and $$$j$$$ refer to subject $$$i$$$ at the $$$j$$$th visit; [$$$\alpha$$$, $$$\beta$$$, $$$a$$$, $$$b$$$] are the model parameters to fit; and $$$\epsilon$$$ is the variance of DTI measurement. The model was fitted using an expectation–maximization (EM) approach7.

Data acquisition: MRI of the infants (PMA between 37-57.5 weeks) was performed at the University of Hawaii and the Queen's Medical Center MR Research Center in Honolulu, HI, as described in our prior work.8-10 Preterm-born infants (n=48, gestational age at birth <37 weeks) and term-born infants (n=79, ≥37 weeks) were included in the analysis, and each infant had 1-4 longitudinal follow-up scans. DTI was acquired using a single-shot EPI at 2 x 2 mm2 in-plane resolution; 40-50 slices with 2.5 mm thickness; TE = 106 ms and TR = 7- 9 s; and 12 diffusion directions with b = 1000 s/mm2.

Image analysis: The individual DTI images were transformed to the JHU-neonate single brain DTI atlas,11 through linear AIR transformation followed by dual-channel (FA and MD) Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping (LDDMM),11, 12 after which the images were parcellated into 126 ROIs. A MD threshold of 2x10-3 mm2/s was to exclude CSF component.


Two sets of analysis were performed.

1) DevS in the term-born neonates. DevS was derived using PMA and MD measurements in 126 ROIs of 79 neonatal DTI data (1-4 visits per data, 171 data in total), according to Equations 1-2. Fig. 1A-B shows the linear regressions between MD and DevS and those between MD and PMA in several representative white and gray matter structures. The fitting errors (root-mean-square, RMS) were significantly reduced using DevS as the x-axis (Fig. 1C). Based on the DevS model, we were able to infer the MD values in each ROI at specific developmental stage (Fig. 2). For example, during early development (DevS= -1), the frontal cortex and commissural and projection fibers had relatively high MD compared to the other brain regions; whereas at late gestation (DevS = 2), MD decreased in general, and deep brain regions showed the lowest MD.

2) Developmental differences between term-born and preterm-born neonates. We used the scans from half of the term-born neonates (n=40) to train the DevS model, and used the model parameters to obtain DevS in the other half of term-born (n=39) and preterm-born (n=48) infants. The differences in developmental trajectories were more easily separated after transforming the x-axis from PMA to DevS (Fig. 3). We compared the RMS of regression errors between the fitted (using term-born training data) and true MD values. Using the DevS, significantly higher RMS was found in the preterm-born group compared to the term-born group, in multiple ROIs (Fig. 4A), indicating that the model trained by term-born infants did not fit well with the preterm-born infants. Fewer regions showed higher RMS in the preterm-born group compared to the term-born group, when PMA was used in regression (Fig. 4B).

Discussion and Conclusion

We proposed that the DevS can serve as a standardized index of brain development, which can be derived from DTI-measurements in the infant brains. Transforming the x-axis from PMA to DevS improved the linear regression with DTI-measurements, which helped to differentiate the brain development in term- and preterm-born neonates. The results indicate that the use of DevS could improve the characterization of normal developmental pattern and detection of developmental abnormalities. A potential limitation of this method is that the relationship between DevS and DTI-measurements was assumed to be linear, which may not be optimal if applied to non-linear developmental trajectories.


This work is supported by NIH grants R21NS098018 and R01HD065955.


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Fig. 1: Linear regressions between MD and DevS (first row), and MD and PMA (second row), in several representative white matter (A) and gray matter (B) structures. The dots are color-coded by the gestational age at birth. (C) The root-mean-square (RMS) fitting errors using DevS or PMA based regression in all 126 brain ROIs. By transforming the x-axis from PMA to DevScore, the linearity of the regression was improved, and thus, the fitting errors were less in most ROIs.

Fig. 2: Predicted MD values in all the brain ROIs at DevS of -1, 0, 1, and 2, based on the DevS model of the term-born infant data.

Fig. 3: Changes of MD with respect to DevS or PMA in several white matter (A) and gray matter (B) structures. The black dots denotes the term-born infant data for training of the DevS model; the blue dots denotes the term-born infant data as testing data; the red dots denotes the preterm-born infant data; and the black lines denotes the predicted MD based on linear regressions with DevS or PMA.

Fig. 4: RMS regression errors between the true MD values in the preterm-born infants and the predicted MD based on (A) the DevS model (trained by the term-born data) or (B) the PMA. The colormaps indicate the averaged RMS among all preterm-born infants, and only the regions with significant higher RMS in the preterm-born group than the term-born testing group are shown (p<0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26 (2018)