Slow acquisitions and susceptibility to respiratory motion artifacts are major challenges in free-breathing 3D whole-heart coronary MR angiography (CMRA). Recently, a respiratory-resolved approach has been proposed to improve scan efficiency and reduce motion artifacts using non-Cartesian acquisitions. However, irregular respirations compromise its suitability for Cartesian imaging. Here, sparsity in a motion-corrected domain is exploited to generate high-quality respiratory-resolved Cartesian images, used to estimate nonrigid motion fields. These are incorporated into a motion-corrected generalized matrix reconstruction, to further improve coronary vessel sharpness. Thus, this approach provides high-quality respiratory-resolved Cartesian CMRA images and a motion-corrected CMRA image at a given respiratory phase.
3D CMRA data is acquired using a prototype golden-step spiral-like Cartesian trajectory,8 which samples the ky-kz plane with spiral interleaves on a Cartesian grid. Consecutive spirals are separated by the golden-angle. Low-resolution 2D iNAVs are acquired at every heartbeat, before each spiral interleaf of the 3D CMRA acquisition. The 2D iNAVS are used to estimate beat-to beat 2D translational (SI and right-left: RL) motion and obtain the respiratory signal, which is used to distribute the 3D CMRA data into five equally populated respiratory bins. Each undersampled bin is reconstructed using 1) XD-GRASP and 2) XD-ORCCA. The latter is followed by a 3) nonrigid motion-compensated MC-ORCCA reconstruction.
The respiratory-resolved images $$$\hat{\rm{\mathbf{x}}}_{\rm{b}}$$$ were obtained by solving: 1) $$$\hat{\rm{\mathbf{x}}}_{\rm{b}}=\rm\arg\min\limits_{\rm{\mathbf{x}}_b}\left\{ \frac{1}{2}\left\|\mathbf {E}\,\mathbf{x}_b-\mathbf{k}_b\right\|_2^2 +\alpha\,\Psi_t(\mathbf{x}_b)\right\}$$$ and 2) $$$\hat{\rm{\mathbf{x}}}_{\rm{b}}=\rm\arg\min\limits_{\rm{\mathbf{x}}_b}\left\{ \frac{1}{2}\left\|\mathbf {E}\,\mathbf{x}_b-\mathbf{d}_b\right\|_2^2 +\alpha\,\Psi_t(\mathbf{x}_b)+\beta\,\Psi_s(\mathbf{x}_b)\right\}$$$, where $$$\mathbf{k}_b$$$ is the binned k-space data, $$$\mathbf{d}_b$$$ is the 2D translational corrected binned k-space data, $$$\Psi_{\rm{s}}$$$ is the 3D spatial TV function, $$$\alpha$$$ and $$$\beta$$$ are regularization parameters, $$$\mathcal{R}\rm{\mathbf{x}}_b=\mathit{T}_{b}\mathbf{x}_b$$$ is the motion-corrected domain, where $$$\mathit{T}_{\rm{b}}$$$ is the translation transform that maps the bin image $$$\rm{\mathbf{x}}_b$$$ to the reference image $$$\rm{\mathbf{x}}_1$$$ (end-expiration), and $$$\Psi_{\rm{t}}=\rm{\mathbf{x}}_1-\mathit{T}_{b}\mathbf{x}_b$$$ is the 1D temporal TV function. The operator $$$\mathbf{E}=\mathbf{A}_{\rm{b}}\mathbf{FS}$$$ incorporates the sampling matrix $$$\bf{A}$$$ for each bin b, Fourier transform $$$\bf{F}$$$ and coils sensitivities $$$\bf{S}$$$. The MC-ORCCA reconstruction was obtained by solving 3) $$$\hat{\rm{\mathbf{x}}}=\rm\arg\min\limits_{\rm{\mathbf{x}}}\left\{ \frac{1}{2}\left\|\mathbf {G}\,\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{d}\right\|_2^2\right\}$$$, where $$$\hat{\rm{\mathbf{x}}}$$$ is the motion corrected image, $$$\mathbf{G}=\sum\limits_{\rm{b}}\mathbf{A}_{\rm{b}}\mathbf{FS}\mathbf{U}_{\rm{b}}$$$ and $$$\mathbf{U}_{\rm{b}}$$$ are the nonrigid motion fields estimated (via image registration) from XD-ORCCA reconstructed $$$\hat{\rm{\mathbf{x}}}_{\rm{b}}$$$ images. These problems were solved with a (non)-linear conjugate gradient method.
In-vivo free-breathing experiments were performed on six healthy subjects and two patients on a 1.5T scanner (Siemens Magnetom Aera) with 18-channel body and 32-channel spine coils. 3D CMRA bSSFP acquisitions were performed using the following parameters: coronal orientation, FOV=320x320x80-104mm3, resolution=1x1x2mm3 (1.2x1.2x1.2mm3, for patients), TR/TE=3.6/1.56ms, flip angle=90°, T2 preparation (40ms), SPIR-like fat saturation, subject specific mid-diastolic trigger delay, acquisition window ~100ms, 1 spiral interleaf per heartbeat, with acquisition time of 9-12min. For the 2D iNAV acquisition, 14 bSSFP startup echoes were used (same geometry). Patient acquisitions were performed after gadolinium-based contrast injection. Patient 1 had a non-ischemic cardiomyopathy and Patient 2 had known ischemic heart disease with previous stent deployment in the mid-distal segment of the right coronary artery.
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