Suchandrima Banerjee1, Graeme McKinnon2, and Marcel JB Warntjes3
1Global MR Applications & Workflow, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States, 2Global MR Applications & Workflow, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States, 3SyntheticMR, Linköping, Sweden
Synthetic MRI enables reconstruction of multiple MRI
contrasts from a single scan based on voxel-wise computation of relaxation parameters.
This can improvement scan productivity and workflow considerably. The utility of synthetic MRI has recently been
demonstrated in clinical settings. However in its current implementation whole
brain coverage can be achieved within 5 minutes only if a thick slice
prescription (~ 4mm) is used, but this might provide insufficient through-plane
resolution for certain clinical protocols and can also lead to partial voluming
effects. This work explores the simultaneous multislice approach for more
efficient through plane coverage with synthetic MRI.
Synthetic MRI
enables reconstruction of multiple MRI contrasts from a single scan based on voxel-wise
computation of relaxation parameters such as T1, T2, PD. It can be a
very flexible tool for scan productivity and workflow enhancement [1-2]. The
benefits of Magnetic Resonance Image Compilation (MAGiC), a synthetic MR based technique
in which the parameters are fitted to data from a multi saturation delay multi
echo (MDME) 2D fast spin echo (FSE) acquisition [3,4] has been recently demonstrated
in clinical settings [5,6]. In its current implementation, whole brain coverage
be achieved in around 5 minutes only if a thick slice prescription (slice
thickness ~ 4 mm , slice gap ~ 1mm) is used but this might be insufficient in
terms of through-plane resolution for certain clinical protocols and might lead
to potential partial voluming artifacts. This work explores the simultaneous
multislice (SMS) approach [7-8] for more efficient through plane coverage with
synthetic MRI.Method:
above mentioned MDME sequence employed in MAGiC is a 2D Fast spin echo (FSE)
sequence acquired at multiple saturation delay times and multiple spin echo
times, providing a collection of images with different tissue contrast
weighting. The saturation delay times are varied between the acquisition phases
by changing the offset between the saturated and the excited-then-refocused
slice. SMS capability was incorporated into the sequence by modulating the
conventional single slice-selective saturation, excitation and refocusing
pulses to convert them into multiband. A plot of the sequence waveforms in
shown in Figure 1.
MAGiC Brain MRI was acquired in 2
volunteers with informed consent in accordance with IRB guidelines of the site
on a 3T scanner (GE MR 750 Waukesha, WI) using 32 channel array and
the following scan parameters: FOV=24x19.2cm, BW=22.7 KHz, 4 saturation delays,
2 echoes, in-plane resolution: 0.75x0.75 mm2, slice thickness/slice
gap: 2.5/1 mm, 42 slices, scan time=5:19 s for SMS factor = 2, and 8’47” for SMS
factor = 1. The conventional MDME sequence was also run with the currently used
protocol using slice thickness/slice gap: 4/1 mm, 29 slices, scan time = 6’4”.
Spin parameters were extracted from the
MDME sequence by fitting the T1 recovery curve to the different delay times and
T2 decay to the different echo times, and scaling the curves to determine PD,
on a voxel by voxel basis and images
with multiple different contrast weightings such as T1, T2, T2 FLAIR, Double
Inversion Recovery (DIR), phase sensitive IR (PSIR) were synthesized, all through
an automated pipeline without user intervention (SyntheticMR Linköping, Sweden)
Results and Discussion:
Synthetic T1 images in
the acquired axial plane and coronal reformats derived from SMS-MAGiC (slice
and the conventional MAGiC acquisition (slice thickness=4 mm) which had
approximately the same scantime are shown in Figure 2. The SMS-MAGiC images are
slightly noisier, as would be expected but the higher through-plane resolution
of SMS-MAGiC can be appreciated in the coronal reformat. Synthetic images
derived from the prescription-matched thin slice conventional MAGiC and the SMS-MAGiC
sequences had comparable image quality (Figure 3) even though the scan time was
60% shorter for the SMS acquisition. However, we observed some oscillations in
CSF in intermittent slices of the SMS images which will have to be investigated
further. This effect was most pronounced in the synthesized T2 FLAIR contrast. We
hypothesize that residual aliasing from superimposed slices might be causing
the oscillatory signal. Compared to EPI, the adoption of SMS in FSE sequences
have been limited [9-10] mostly due to the higher power requirement of SMS RF
pulses, FSE being typically SAR-limited. However,
MDME is a relatively good SMS candidate since its lower limit of TR is dictated
by saturation recovery considerations. Conclusion:
work incorporated SMS into a 2D Synthetic MRI technique to improve its
through-plane coverage efficiency. Previously in plane time-interleaved and
other acceleration methods have been explored [4]. Synthetic MRI can be a great
scan productivity tool providing radiologists access to additional contrast-weightings
from a single scan, and potentially providing an opportunity to classify
pathology based on multiple parameters. Any method for further speeding up this
technique without compromising the accuracy of parameter fitting or image
quality would make it even more useful in clinical settings.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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