We introduce and demonstrate a novel “k-t-segmented” gradient echo 3D-EPI variant for motion-robust, rapid quantitative susceptibility and R2* mapping at 3T. The combination of a versatile 2D-CAIPIRINHA EPI sampling (“k-segmentation”) and two complementing multi-echo options (“t-segmentation”) provides maximum time- and SNR-efficiency by acquiring exactly as many k-space lines per echo time as fit to the required R2* sampling without compromising spatial resolution. Offline averaging of multiple, rapid measurements (here: 6 averages, 6 echo times from 6.5-31.5ms, 52s/average) following optional, retrospective correction for motion and B0 drift, yields excellent quantitative whole-brain maps at 0.8mm isotropic resolution acquired in approximately 5 minutes.
A gradient-echo 3D-EPI sequence9,10 was extended by “true” multi-echo capability and an additional option to achieve a finer TE spacing than given by the ETL (Fig. 1A). In extension to traditional segmentation along the secondary phase encode direction (PE2), a flexible 2D-CAIPIRINHA k-segmentation of the EPI trajectory (Fig. 1B) was implemented to decouple the ETL from spatial resolution. Further vital modifications were: binomial-121 water excitation instead of typical fat-saturation, and performing only one EPI phase correction scan prior to each volume acquisition (minimize first TE). The following whole-brain protocol was performed on a MAGNETOM Prisma 3T scanner (Siemens, 80mT/m gradients, 64-channel head-neck coil, complex coil combination using body-coil as reference, online 2D-GRAPPA reconstruction): 264x264x176 matrix, 0.8mm isotropic, TE1-6=[6.5, 11.5, 16.5, 21.5 26.5, 31.5]ms (odd-numbered TEs acquired first), CAIPIRINHA 4x2(shift=1), partial Fourier 6/8x1, k-/t-segmentation: 7/2, 1.2ms echo spacing, 15° flip angle, TRvol=26s (52s for all TEs), 6 averages, TA=5:25min (incl. 13s preparation and FLASH autocalibration scans11).
Offline averaging of the complex images allows for retrospective motion correction (or scrubbing in case of excessive motion) and to correct for a B0 drift over time. The latter was done here using the voxel-wise autocorrelation method12 across all averages to estimate a temporal field slope. Following complex averaging, an optional adaptive non-local means (NLM) denoising filter13 was applied to the corresponding real and imaginary parts.
Monoexponential R2* maps have been computed via linear fitting of the logarithm of the averaged magnitude images according to TE1-6. The averaged phase maps have been unwrapped14, divided by 2πTE and summarized to a single frequency map using optimized weights15. The frequency map was corrected for background contributions using V-SHARP16,17 and supplied to homogeneity enabled incremental dipole inversion (HEIDI)18 to reveal quantitative susceptibility maps.
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