The accuracy of biophysical models requires that all relevant tissue compartments are modelled. The so-called “dot compartment” is a conjectured compartment that represents small cells with apparent diffusivity approaching zero. We establish an upper limit of the “dot-fraction” across the whole brain in vivo, by using ultra-high gradients and optimized gradient waveforms for spherical tensor encoding. We report a notable signal above the noise floor in the cerebellar gray matter even for an extremely high b-value of 15000 s/mm2. For cerebral tissue, the dot-fraction seems negligible, and we consider how exchange may have affected this result.
The signal arising from each compartment represented by diffusion tensor D probed by b-tensor B can be described by f⋅exp(B:D), which in the specific case of STE and two non-exchanging compartments (one dot-compartment) simplifies to
For infinite SNR, the S(0)-normalised signal at the plateau equals the dot signal fraction (fdot=Splateau/S(0)). Fig.1 shows the simulated signal in the case of two non-exchanging compartments with isotropic diffusivities of 1 and 0 µm2/ms. In the absence of a plateau, the normalised signal at bmax can serve as an upper limit of fdot, because fdot≤Sbmax/S(0). The accuracy is limited by the presence of the noise floor but still yields an upper-limit of fdot, at least in the absence of exchange.
Data: A healthy volunteer was scanned on a 3T, 300mT/m Siemens Connectom using a prototype spin-echo sequence that enables arbitrary b-tensor encoding. We used b-values=[0,250,1500,3000,...,15000]s/mm2 repeated [1,6,9,12,...,36] times, respectively. No in-plane acceleration was used, voxel size=4.4×4.4×6 mm3, matrix=64×64, 26 slices, TR/TE=5000/90ms, partial-Fourier=6/8, bandwidth=1594Hz/pix. Maxwell-compensated waveforms11 were optimized numerically12, and yielded a diffusion time of approximately 20ms. This approach renders superior encoding efficiency compared to standard 1-scan-trace imaging (requires TE=270ms for b=15000s/mm2). An MPRAGE was acquired for brain segmentation.
Processing: To investigate whether a potential plateau arising in the signal decay was not solely an effect of the noise floor, the data was corrected for Rician bias13-15. Masks for different tissue types were created in Freesurfer based on the MPRAGE registered to the susceptibility-distortion corrected16 dMRI data, and used to guide the definition four regions for further analysis: cerebral white and gray matter (WM and GM), and cerebellar white and gray matter (cWM and cGM).
Fig.2 shows that the signal in most of the cerebral tissue was reduced to the noise floor at b>9000 s/mm2. However, cGM was observed to have a remarkably high signal at high b-values, remaining well above the noise floor even at b=15000 s/mm2, unlike any other tissue.
Fig.3 shows that the signal-verus-b curve in cGM was markedly non-monoexponential, with signal values above the noise floor for all sampled b-values. However, no plateau is found at b=15000s/mm2. In the absence of exchange, the estimated upper-bound of fdot in WM, GM, cWM and cGM is approximately 0.5%,0.5%,1% and 2%, respectively.
In the cerebrum, we did not find evidence of a large dot-fraction. In the cerebellum, however, the non-negligible signal at very high b-values points to the existence of a dot-like compartment. The absence of a signal plateau could be caused by compartments with low but non-zero isotropic diffusivity, or a true dot-compartment with zero diffusivity but non-negligible exchange. The effect of exchange17,18 is simulated in Fig.4, and can result in an underestimation of fdot.
Regardless of model assumptions, the high signal retention at high b-values in the cerebellum demonstrates that its microstructure is remarkably different compared to the cerebrum. We speculate that this may originate from granule and/or Purkinje cells, that have a morphology consistent with this finding (Fig.5). If so, STE at extremely high b-values can become a very specific biomarker for better understanding of diseases such as autism spectrum disorders19, spinocerebellar ataxia20, and Alzheimer disease21,22, where such cells are affected.
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