We aim to investigate whether dynamic perfusion image time series instead of static perfusion image can offer extra insight to bipolar disorder (BD). Average perfusion and perfusion fluctuation maps were compared between patients with BD and controls using customized Statistical non-Parametric Mapping (SnPM). Perfusion decrease in the posterior lateral regions of the default mode network and increase of perfusion fluctuations in the parahippocampus and amygdala regions were observed. The abnormal perfusion fluctuations may be supported by perturbed functional connectivity at the same regions. These results indicate that dynamic perfusion image series may serve as potential novel neuroimaging biomarkers for BD.
Forty-five subjects (20 BD patients, 25 controls) were imaged on a GE 3 Tesla scanner using an 8-channel head coil receive array. The scan included T1-weighted magnetization prepared rapid gradient echo (MPRAGE) images covering the whole brain and resting state PCASL acquisitions [8]. Twenty-seven 3D ASL volumes were collected in 9 minutes. Each PCASL image was acquired with a 3D stack of spirals RARE sequence. Each ASL volume requires two spiral interleaves and control-label pairs with the total time of 9 s.
ASL perfusion image time series were head-motion corrected and normalized to the standard template space using SPM8. The first 3D ASL volume was removed for increased stability. For each subject, the average perfusion image was quantified from the average image across the 26 time points, the perfusion fluctuation was calculated as the voxel-wise standard deviation image across the time points and then divided by the averaged global perfusion. Customized Statistical non-Parametric Mapping (SnPM) was used to compare the difference of average perfusion and perfusion fluctuation maps between BD patients and controls. In the SnPM analysis, perfusion and perfusion fluctuation maps were first globally normalized and then modeled as a multiple linear regression on a voxel-by-voxel basis. The disease state (0 for controls, 1 for BD patients) was used as the only variable. One-thousand random permutations were performed on the disease state (either BD or control). For each permutation, a voxel-level p-value threshold of 0.01 was chosen to define clusters first and then the largest supra-threshold cluster size was calculated. Largest cluster sizes from all 1000 permutations were used to calculate the empirical distribution in order to correct for multiple comparisons among voxels. The maximum t values from all 1000 permutations were used as another measure to correct for the multiple comparisons. The cutoff cluster size and t-value threshold with family-wise error (FWE) of 5% was derived. The correlation of perfusion or perfusion fluctuations with cognitive measures are in progress.
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