A new technique, termed Echo Planar Time-resolved Imaging (EPTI), was developed to address EPI’s geometric distortion and blurring, and to provide new temporal signal evolution information across the EPI readout window. Using only a few shots, a time-series of multi-contrast images can be created free of distortion and blurring (up to 100 T2- and T2*-weighted images with time interval of an EPI echo spacing). This should make EPTI useful for numerous applications where undistorted images across multiple-contrasts are desired. We demonstrated EPTI in brain to simultaneously map T2, T2*, and tissue phase, as well as to provide SWI.
Echo planar imaging (EPI) is a commonly-used MR acquisition technique due to its fast speed. However, there are two major problems with EPI: i) geometric distortion along the phase-encoding direction, and ii) its ability to only obtain a single-contrast image at the effective echo time, with blurring effects from other time points in the EPI readout. These problems significantly compromise EPI’s image quality in functional/diffusion/perfusion imaging, and limit its ability to achieve high-quality anatomical and quantitative imaging.
In this study, a new technique based on EPI, termed Echo Planar Time-resolved Imaging (EPTI), was developed to address these issues. This approach not only achieves distortion- and blurring- free imaging, it is also capable of obtaining up to 100 T2&T2*-weighted images across the EPI readout window, spaced at a time interval equal to EPI’s echo-spacing (~1ms). This should make it useful to numerous applications where high-SNR undistorted images or multiple-contrast images are desired. Here, we validated EPTI by applying it to simultaneously map T2, T2*, and tissue phase, as well as to provide susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) in the brain.
To understand how EPTI works, a different perspective of EPI signal space, ky-t space, is introduced in Fig.1. For single-shot EPI (SS-EPI), the signal is acquired to fill a 45° diagonal line in the ky-t space, with T2/T2* decay and susceptibility-induced phase accumulating over time, leading to blurring and distortion in the final image. To correct for distortion, a pair of datasets with reversed phase-encoding is usually acquired[1,2]. Such acquisition obtains two +/-45° diagonal lines in the ky-t space, with more information to estimate and correct for the susceptibility-induced distortion (Fig.1a). To obtain multiple-contrast images, multi-echo EPI methods[3,4] can be used as shown in Fig1.b, but suffer from limited number of echoes as well as image distortions and blurring.
If we acquire data to fully-sampled ky-t space, distortion- and blurring- free images with different contrasts can be obtained at different echo times with a spacing-interval of an echo-spacing. Such fully-sampled ky-t data can be achieved through several existing techniques, such as EPSI[5] which acquires horizontal lines in ky-t space for different shots, and PSF-encoded EPI[6,7] which acquires multiple diagonal lines for different PSF encodings. However, these techniques require extremely long scans, especially for high-spatial resolution.
To achieve an optimal acquisition to resolve the temporal evolution of EPI signals, EPTI is proposed with “tilted-CAIPI” reconstruction[8]. As shown in Fig1.c, each EPTI-shot covers a segment of ky-t using a zig-zag trajectory with an interleaved acceleration in the phase-encoding direction. The zig-zag trajectory ensures that neighboring ky-points are acquired only a few milliseconds apart, and contain small B0-inhomogeneity induced phase and T2* decay that can be estimated well by parallel imaging and B0-inhomogeneity-informed reconstruction[8]. Here, the reconstruction utilizes compact kernels to interpolate under-sampled ky-t space to fully-sampled ky-t, which requires an acquisition of low-resolution calibration scan. Partial Fourier in ky can also be implemented into EPTI to reduce the number of shots/segments.
EPTI can be used for quantitative T2&T2* mapping, using single spin-echo or dual-echo (gradient-echo & spin-echo) acquisition (Fig.1c), and for SWI using the gradient-echo portion(s) of the same acquisition. Phantom and in-vivo experiments were performed at 3T to validate EPTI (see acquisition parameters in figure captions).
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