Spectral interleaving is often used in echoplanar spectroscopic imaging (EPSI) sequences to achieve high spatial and spectral resolution, especially on high field scanners with larger chemical shift dispersion. Unfortunately, a major roadblock is the spurious Nyquist ghost artifacts, resulting from phase errors between interleaves. We introduce a novel framework, that simultaneously capitalizes on annihilation relation between the interleaves introduced by phase relations, as well as a linear predicability of the spectra, to remove the phase errors and to provide spectral denoising of the spectra. In addition, we also exploit on the low-rank structure of the EPSI data to provide additional spatial denoising, which will further improve the signal to noise ratio of the datasets.
We perform experiments on two datasets. The first dataset is a 13C hyperpolarized mouse kidney MRSI data, collected using a 9.4T small animal imaging scanner (Bruker BioSpin MRI GmbH, Germany)[6]. Axially oriented slice containing mouse kidney of 3 mm thickness was selected. EPSI data of matrix size 64×64 was collected using a bipolar gradient with 64 spectral points. Combination of odd and even echoes achieved a spectral bandwidth of 1562.5Hz. The second data was acquired from a volunteer on a GE MR750W 3T scanner at the University of Iowa using a 32-channel head coil. A press-box based EPSI acquisition scheme with flyback trajectory was used to collect a 64×64 sampled data with 8 averages for an axial slice of FOV=22×22×10cm3. The readout bandwidth is 600Hz and 256 spectral points was achieved using two interleaves. The scan time was about 8 mins and the residual water was removed in the post-processing stage. For Dataset 1, which had high signal only the annihilation relations are used by assigning $$$\lambda_{2}=0$$$ in eq(4).
The pyruvate maps exhibit increased SNR as shown by the arrows in Fig. 2(f) whereas the spurious peak frame shows reduced intensity after reconstruction signifying removal of spurious peaks. The spectra in Fig.3 from three regions of the kidney (aorta, cortex & medulla) show complete removal of spurious peaks and also exhibits denoising. For dataset 2 we added the Casorati based denoising as the dataset had poor signal. The results(Fig.4) show increased Creatine and NAA signal where we can see the ventricles after reconstruction. The spurious peak frame shows removal of artifacts. The spectra(Fig.5) also exhibit improved SNR and is devoid of artifacts.
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2 Stefan Posse, Stephen R Dager, Todd L Richards, Chun Yuan, Robert Ogg, Alan A Artru, Hans-Wilhelm M¨uller-G¨artner, and Cecil Hayes, “In vivomeasurement of regional brain metabolic response to hyperventilation using magnetic resonance: proton echo planar spectroscopic imaging (pepsi),”Magnetic resonance in medicine, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 858–865, 1997.
3 Arvind Balachandrasekaran, Vincent Magnotta, and Mathews Jacob, “Recovery of damped exponentials using structured low rank matrix completion,”arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.04511, 2017.
4 Petre Stoica and Randolph L Moses, Introduction to spectral analysis, vol. 1, Prentice hall Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA, 1997.
5 Rodrigo A Lobos, Tae Hyung Kim, W Scott Hoge, and Justin P Haldar, “Navigator-free epi ghost correction using low-rank matrix modeling:Theoretical insights and practical improvements,” in Proc. ISMRM, 2017, p. 0449.
6 Hansol Lee, Jae E Song, Jaewook Shin, Eunhae Joe, Young-suk Choi, Ho-Taek Song, and Dong-Hyun Kim, “High resolution hyperpolarized 13cmrsi acquired by applying spice in mouse kidney,” in Proc. ISMRM, 2017, p. 3698.
Fig 1: Spectral interleaving using flyback EPSI: (a) For each excitation kx-t space is traversed simultaneously during readout time. This example shows kx dimension = 8. (b) By doubling the spatial resolution i.e. kx = 16, each interleave takes twice the time which results in half spectral bandwidth. Thus two interleaves are used (red and green) as on combining spectral bandwidth is preserved.
Fig. 2: Metabolite maps for 13C Hyperpolarized MRSI experiments: (a) Reference image of mouse kidney with reference pixels marked in three regions. (b) & (c) Spurious peak (of pyruvate) frame for the uncorrected and reconstructed data respectively. After reconstruction reduced intensity implies removal of spurious peaks. (e) & (f) Pyruvate maps for uncorrected and reconstructed data respectively. The arrows show regions with increased signal intensity due to reconstruction. (d) Map showing percentage increase of signal intensity provided by proposed method compared to uncorrected data. Pixels showupto 70% increase.