Jason Kai1, Loxlan W Kasa2, Terry M Peters1,2,3, and Ali R Khan1,2,3
1Medical Biophysics, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 2Biomedical Engineering, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 3Robarts Research Institute, Western University, London, ON, Canada
of white matter tractography typically investigate fibers that make
up long association tracts, such as the arcuate fasciculus. As a
result, the local structural connections comprising short association
(cortico-cortical), U-shaped fibers, or U-fibers, are poorly
understood. Previous work suggests these fibers play an important
role in communication between adjacent cortical regions. We introduce
a flexible, data-driven tool incorporating multimodal MRI techniques
to aid differentiation of fiber tracts via clustering techniques,
including a filter to identify and extract U-fibers. Using this tool,
we present a preliminary investigation of U-fibers between controls
(N=20) and patients diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy (N=19).
of brain white matter fibers via diffusion tractography modelling can
allow for inferences to be made of different brain pathways1.
Tractography can have a potential impact on several tasks, such as
neurosurgical planning2,3. Individual modelled fibers can
be clustered into tracts with existing semi- and fully-automated
techniques, which leverage fiber geometry to establish similarity4.
Such techniques can successfully identify a number of tracts,
including, but not limited to, long association bundles (e.g. genu of
corpus callosum), allowing for such structures to be probed in
healthy and patient populations5. With existing research
primarily focused on the long association tracts, little is known
with regards to short association (cortico-cortical), U-shaped
fibers, or U-fibers. We introduce a flexible, data-driven clustering
tool to filter for and perform a preliminary investigation of
U-fibers differences between healthy and epilepsy patient
1 exhibits the workflow described in this section.
– A group of control subjects (N=20) and patients diagnosed with
epilepsy (N=19) were scanned using a 3T MRI (Siemens Prisma) system
with a 32-channel head coil. The scanning protocol included
acquisition of structural images using a MPRAGE sequence (5000/2.98ms
TR/TE, 700ms TI, FOV = 256x256mm2, slice thickness = 1mm).
In addition, a multiband echo-planar sequence was used to acquire
diffusion weighted images (b=0, 1300, 2600 s/mm2, 140
diffusion-encoding directions acquired twice with alternating phase
encoding directions, 2800/66.80ms TR/TE, FOV =224 x 224mm2
slice thickness = 2mm). Diffusion images were corrected for echo
planar imaging and eddy current distortion using topup6
and eddy7 from FSL8. Correction of Gibbs’
ringing artifact was attempted by determining optimal sub-voxel
shifts within the neighborhood of sharp edges9, while
noise reduction was achieved by separating the signal from the noise
in the image via local noise estimation (MRTrix dwidenoise)10.
– All code for the data-driven tool was developed using Python.
Using MRTrix11, a study-specific template based on the
control data was created using a linear, affine registration,
followed by a non-linear Registration of individual subjects to the
template was performed following template creation prior to
Whole-brain, constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD) tractography
with 20 million fibers were generated via a probabilistic algorithm
with MRTrix using second-order integration over fiber orientation
distributions (FODs). Following generation of fibers, the tracking
data were filtered until 2 million fibers remained using a
feature transform12.
To identify short association fibers from whole-brain tractography,
filtering for U-fibers was performed by constraining and eliminating
the generated fibers. Any fibers crossing the mid-sagittal plane of
the brain were removed. The distance between the fiber end points,
D, and the length of the fiber, L were computed to apply
constraints. For a fiber to be a candidate U-fiber, it had to meet
the following criteria13:
Following their extraction, the U-fibers, were grouped into tracts
via a spectral clustering algorithm14, 15. To compute the
affinity between fibers, 20 points were sampled evenly along the
length of the fibers. The distances between fibers were then
calculated and a Gaussian kernel applied to determine fiber
similarity. Fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) maps
were computed from the diffusion images and sampled onto tractography
data for visualization and statistical analysis.
– Comparison of average FA, MD,
fiber length (L), distance between end points of a fiber (D), and L:D
ratio for each cluster was performed using two-tailed t-tests between
control and patient groups. P-values were adjusted to control for
false discovery rates following the Benjamini-Hochberg16
The whole-brain tractography, shown in figure 2, displays tracts prior to and following U-fiber filtering and extraction. Figure 3 presents tract-based
statistics for identified U-fiber clusters between control and
patient groups. A box-and-whisker plot is displayed in figure 4,
comparing average diffusion measurements of different clusters
between the studied cohorts. Figure 5 displays the average measured
length, distance between endpoints and L:D ratio.Discussion/Conclusion
data-driven clustering tool with constraints to filter for U-fibers
is introduced and implemented on whole-brain tractography. With such
a tool, visualization of cortico-cortical U-fibers was made possible
and a preliminary investigation of U-fibers between controls and
epilepsy patients was performed. An examination of average cluster
FA, MD, L, D, and L:D ratio was completed. Following correction to
control for false discovery rates, no significance was found. Future
work includes further examination of specific classifications of
epilepsy (left vs right temporal lobe epilepsy) in addition to other
neurological conditions. Acknowledgements
We acknowledge the support from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (Foundation Grant 333550), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Discovery Grant 2015-06639), BrainsCAN, and Brain Canada.References
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