Automatic white matter fiber bundle segmentation in diffusion-weighted MRI brain scans enables detailed studies of white matter characteristics in healthy and diseased brains. Existing approaches combine processing steps such as tractography, atlas registration and cortical parcellation, resulting in pipelines that are computationally intensive and tedious to set up. We present a novel convolutional neural network-based approach that incorporates or circumvents most of the usually required processing steps (no registration, no tracking, no parcellation). We demonstrate in 105 subjects from the Human Connectome Project that the proposed approach is much faster than existing methods while providing more accurate results.
We directly segment white matter bundles in dMRI images by employing a 2D fully convolutional neural network similar to the U-Net6. The network receives the three most dominant peaks of the fiber orientation distribution as its voxel-wise input. The peaks are encoded in a nine-channel input image after computing them using Constrained Spherical Deconvolution7. The network produces an individual binary segmentation channel for each bundle, thus segmenting all bundles included in the training process in one forward pass. Figure 1 provides an overview of the entire pipeline.
We used 105 HCP subjects to train and validate our model. Reference segmentations of 74 tracts per subject were created using a semi-automatic approach: First we created a whole brain tractogram with 10 million fibers per subject using probabilistic tractography8. Using TractQuerier2, we then extracted a rather coarse initial estimate of each bundle. To reduce the large number of false positive streamlines, we further filtered these tracts based on a combination of density and geometry constraints as well as automatic clustering9 and ROI-based filtering10 that required manual interaction. We additionally tested our model on data more typical for a clinical setting by downsampling the images to 2.5mm isotropic resolution and removing all but 32 weighted volumes at b=1000 s/mm2.
We compared our method with five state-of-the-art pipelines for white matter tract segmentation: TRACULA1, TractQuerier2, WhiteMatterAnalysis3 (WMA), RecoBundles4 and Diffeomorphic registration11 to a white matter bundle atlas that was created using the reference tracts (Atlas).
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