CEST MRI has emerged as a sensitive contrast mechanism for several metabolites such as glucose, glycogen, creatine and glutamate, as well as tissue pH. It has promising applications in a host of disorders including acute stroke, epilepsy and tumor. As we make the transition from CEST-weighted MRI toward quantitative in vivo CEST imaging for improved characterization of the underlying physiology, it is helpful to review persistent progress in the field of CEST imaging from equations, cells, rodents and patients.
To summarize CEST optimization
and quantification techniques, aiding ongoing in vivo CEST imaging.Introduction
versatile yet relatively complex technique. The measured CEST-weighted image is
under the influence of not only CEST properties, but also relaxation time and scan
parameters. Briefly, in addition to concentration of compounds and exchange
rate, often variables of the interest, CEST effect varies with field strength,
saturation waveform, saturation power, saturation duration as well as
repetition time and flip angle. It is worthwhile to point out that in vivo CEST
MRI often also involves changes in multiple parameters of interest (e.g.,
protein level, pH and relaxation), making the reverse problem of solving the underlying
system somewhat challenging. Nevertheless, persistent progress has been
achieved over the years.Quantitative CEST (qCEST)
The classical 2-pool CEST effect can be generally
described by CESTR=fs*ksw*alpha*(1-sigma)/R1w, where ksw and fs are labile
proton exchange rate and concentration relative to bulk water, respectively
(Fig. 1). This confers CEST imaging sensitivity to compound concentration and
pH/temperature. CEST effect also depends on relaxation, water content, and
experimental conditions via the experimental factors. Specifically, alpha is
saturation efficiency, which depends on B1 and exchange rate while sigma is the
spillover effect that most prominently varies with the chemical shift in Hz
(ppm*field), B1, and relaxation. In addition, the saturation transfer from
labile proton to bulk water signal approaches the steady state approximately following
the classical exponential function. Recently, the full solution of 2-pool CEST
effect also includes factors such as TR and flip angle, permitting direct
calculation of SNR per unit time for optimizing CEST scan (Fig. 2)1. Worth mentioning
are analytical techniques such as QUEST, QUESP, QUESTRA, ratiometric analysis, omega
plot, spill-over corrected omega plot and inverse Z-spectrum analysis. Notably,
the adoption of T1rho theorem to CEST MRI simplifies quantitative description
of multi-pool CEST effect, critical for in vivo quantification. The multi-pool analysis allows resolving
contributions from amides (proteins and peptides), amines
(creatine, glutamate), NOE (proteins, structure), and semi-solid MT.
Exogenous CEST Imaging
Dynamic CEST
imaging captures CEST signal change following administration of CEST agents to
probe certain tissue characteristics. Most notably, glucose has a unique CEST
signature, which is associated with tissue metabolism and cell division cycle.
Indeed, glucose CEST (GlucoCEST) imaging has been demonstrated in resolving
heterogeneous glucose consumption in tumor, even in cases without Gd
enhancement. Another promising application of diaCEST agent is ratiometric CEST
imaging with common CT contrast agents such as iopamidol, which provides concentration-independent
pH imaging in tumor and kidney2. In addition, there
is ongoing efforts to develop exogenous CEST imaging to measure important
biological indices, such as pH, temperature, lactate or glucose concentration,
enzyme activity or design agents suitable for cell-labeling. For example, reporter
gene CEST MRI has been demonstrated to monitor oncolytic viral activity using
lysine rich protein (LRP) production3.
Endogenous CEST Imaging
Endogenous CEST relies
on natural metabolites/proteins/peptides for tissue characterization. There is
a growing interest of the endogenous CEST applications for mapping metabolites
or microenvironment properties such as glycogen in the liver,
glycosaminoglycans in cartilage, myo-inositol in brain and amide proton transfer
(APT) for pH and ensemble protein level.
imaging captures composite changes in amide proton content, NOE and relaxation
changes. Whereas it has been recognized that MTRasym includes
multiple sources of contribution, it has played important role in shaping the field
of CEST MRI. For example, it has been shown that the APT-weighted MRI can be
used for tumor grading and resolving recurrent tumor from necrosis and edema
following treatment, augmenting routine MRI. To resolve the complex contrast in
APT-weighted MRI, analytical methods that correct for spillover and semi-solid
MT effects or decouples individual CEST effects have been proposed and
demonstrated. The results revealed that in addition to APT, NOE4 and Cr5 may serve as imaging biomarkers in tumor.
promising application of APT MRI is acute stroke. The pH-sensitive APT MRI demarcates
graded metabolic disruption in acute ischemic lesion, complementing routine perfusion
and diffusion MRI. In addition to APT MRI at 3.5 ppm, amine and amide
concentration-independent detection (AACID) tissue pH imaging has been
proposed.6 The recently developed magnetization transfer and
relaxation-normalized APT (MRPAT) takes the advantage of multi-parameter
regression to enhance tissue pH specificity, permitting automated lesion
segmentation and improved quantification of tissue acidification (Fig. 3)7.
A recent study using multi-pool Lorentzian fitting reported NOE signal in rat
brain as a new potential contrast for assessment of acute stroke.8 New means of APT imaging are emerging in studies of
multiple sclerosis, breast cancer, prostate and bladder cancer and spinal cord
protons from free amino acids or protein and peptide side chains are another
important class of endogenous CEST MRI. Glutamate (Glu) is a major
excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain and shows a pH and
concentration-dependent CEST effect (GluCEST) between its amine group and bulk
water. GluCEST detected glutamate decrease in ischemic stroke9, tumor9, Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)10, and Huntington's disease11. Notably, Glutamate is elevated in epileptic foci.
GluCEST sensitively detects lateralized glutamate changes in patients with
non-lesional temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), showing promises for guiding diagnosis
and treatment12.
Cardiac dysfunction is associated with myocardial ATP
loss. ATP is derived from the conversion of phosphocreatine to creatine
catalyzed by creatine kinase. CrCEST has been used to map creatine distribution
in the myocardium to assess metabolic activity in normal and infarcted animal
No acknowledgement found.References
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