The application of MRE to the breast as an adjunct to classical MR-Mammography is feasible in the clinical workflow. It adds valuable diagnostic information and allows to differentiate different grades of aggressivity via the ratio of viscosity to elasticity. Differentiation between benign and malignant is mainly possible via the viscosity with significant overlap in elasticity. Care must be taken in terms of sequence design as well as hardware to ensure optimal data quality, which is paramount here as lesions tend to be small.
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
The aims of this module on breast elastography are to:
Clinical MRE requires the emission of mechanical shear waves in the frequency range of 10-100Hz into the breast. A simultaneous sensing and recording of the wave propagation is possible using a motion sensitive MRI sequence synchronized to the mechanical excitation. Mechanical shear waves should preferentially illuminate both breasts and also reach upwards towards the axilla to allow for simultaneous lymph-node characterization.
Since the MRI acquisition is intrinsically slow compared to the wave propagation and the MRE sequences are broadband wrt frequency selectivity, hardware must operate at the highest possible fidelity to ensure monochromaticity. Breast parenchyma has short T2 and T2* values imposing short echo times. This enforces fractional motion encoding which leads to the broadband sensitivity of the sequence. The complex intricate geometrical mixture of fatty tissue with glandular tissue requires furthermore either in-phase echo-times to minimize geometrical distortions, or excellent fat suppression if EPI-based readouts are used. Fat suppression is generally reducing the SNR as part of the medium that actually supports the wave propagation is suppressed. Additionally, any geometrical distortion will lead to uncontrollable biases in the viscoelastic parameter estimation.
Experts in mammography know that benign and malignant lesions are not uniquely differentiable via their stiffness: malignant can be soft and benign can be hard [1]. This is reflected in the results of the clinical studies performed so far [2-9] and hence does not come with a surprise. The additional diagnostic value appears to originate from the loss modulus (viscosity) which is a physical parameter that is not accessible to manual palpation. It expresses the ability of the material to absorb the energy of the shear wave and hence something present only when vibrating at a finite frequency: slow quasi-static deformation do not implicate viscosity. It appears that malignant lesions tend to exhibit higher values of viscosity and that the ratio of viscosity to elasticity is higher for higher grade lesions. This finding is corroborated by in-vitro work that shows that cells can physically invade through nanoporous tissues in a protease-independent manner if the tissues are more viscous [10].
MRE has demonstrated in numerous studies its ability to stage liver fibrosis [11,12]. Our own recent findings (Rheological
Determinants for Simultaneous Staging of Hepatic Fibrosis and Inflammation in Patients
with Chronic Liver Disease, under submission) show the ability of multi-frequency MRE to simultaneously estimate liver fibrosis and liver inflammation. Those encouraging preliminary results should be translatable to breast tissue and provide valuable diagnostic information in the context of radiation induced fibrosis.
The application of MRE to the breast as an adjunct to classical MR-Mammography is feasible in the clinical workflow. It adds valuable diagnostic information and allows to differentiate different grades of aggressivity via the ratio of viscosity to elasticity. How these information translate into survival require new studies. Care must be taken in terms of sequence design as well as hardware to ensure optimal data quality, which is paramount here as lesions tend to be small.
[1] Rijnsburger, A. J. Mammography benefit in the Canadian National Breast Screening Study-2: a model evaluation, Int J Cancer 110 (5) 2004
[2] Lorenzen, J. Imaging of breast tumors using MR elastography, Rofo 173 (1) 2001
[3] Lorenzen, J. MR elastography of the breast:preliminary clinical results, Rofo 174 (7) 2002
[4] McKnight, A. L. MR elastography of breast cancer: preliminary results, AJR Am J Roentgenol 178 (6) 2002
[5] Van Houten, E. E. Initial in vivo experience with steady-state subzone-based MR elastography of the human breast, J Magn Reson Imaging 17 (1) 2003
[6] Xydeas, T. Magnetic resonance elastography of the breast: correlation of signal intensity data with viscoelastic properties, Invest Radiol 40 (7) 2005
[7] Sinkus, R. Viscoelastic shear properties of in vivo breast lesions measured by MR elastography, Magn Reson Imaging 23 (2) 2005
[8] Sinkus, R. Imaging anisotropic and viscous properties of breast tissue by magnetic resonance-elastography, Magn Reson Med 53 (2) 2005
[9] Sinkus, R. MR elastography of breast lesions: understanding the solid/liquid duality can improve the specificity of contrast-enhanced MR mammography, Magn Reson Med 58 (6) 2007
[10] K.M. Wisdom Extracellular Matrix Malleability Regulates Breast Cancer Cell Invasion, Cell Biology of Cancer, ASCB Doorstep Meeting, San Francisco (#14) 2016
[11] Rouviere, O. MR elastography of the liver: preliminary results, Radiology 240 (2) 2006
[12] Huwart, L. Magnetic resonance elastography for the noninvasive staging of liver fibrosis, Gastroenterology 135 (1) 2008