Predicting Osteoarthritis Radiographic Incidence by Coupling Quantitative Compositional MRI and Deep Learning
Valentina Pedoia1, Jan Neumann 1, Ursula Heilmeier 1, Jenny Haefeli1, Adam R Ferguson1, Thomas Link1, and Sharmila Majumdar1

1University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States


In this study quantitative compositional MRI and deep learning were coupled to discover latent feature representations, non-linear aggregation among elementary features able to characterize relaxation maps for Osteoarthritis diagnosis and progression prediction. 1,348 subjects from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) public dataset were considered. T2 relaxation map were automatically analyzed to build a 2D feature map used to train a convolutional neural network for the classification of subjects in OA, control and progression groups. The proposed method was able to detect OA subjects with 95.2% accuracy, and to detect controls subjects that demonstrated OA signs 4 years later with 80.7% accuracy.


Quantitative compositional MRI biomarkers, such as T2 relaxation time mapping, play a central role in Osteoarthritis(OA) research, probing the biochemical composition of the articular cartilage1. Current standard is to measure averages T2 values in manually defined cartilage compartments2, however there is growing interest in exploring techniques for the automatic analysis of spatial distribution and extraction of relaxometry patterns able to characterize subjects and predict disease progression3. Recently, deep learning has dramatically improved some of the most challenging artificial intelligence and medical informatics tasks including drug discovery and genomics4. Deep learning computational models are composed of multiple processing layers and learn representations of data with multiple levels of abstraction using the tendency that many natural patterns are compositional hierarchies. In this study we coupled T2 relaxation time compositional imaging and deep convolutional neural networks with the aim to automatically extract relaxometry patterns and data-driven features able to: (i) distinguish OA subjects from controls (ii) predict incidence of OA 4 years before any radiographic signs.


1,348 subjects from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) public dataset were considered in this study. 3 groups were defined by the evaluation of Kellgren and Lawrence (KL) scores at baseline (V0) and 4 year (V4) time points: the Control Cohort V0 KL 0-1; V4 KL 0-1 (N=612(48.29%), age 58.39 years, BMI 27.94 Kg/m2, 310 female), the OA Cohort V0 KL ≥2; V4 KL ≥2 (N=651(45.4%), age 63.48 years BMI 30.34 Kg/m2, 438 female) and the Progression Cohort V0 KL 0-1; V4 KL ≥2 (N=85(6.3%), age 59.28 years, BMI 29.84 Kg/m2, 54 female). Sagittal 2-D multi-echo spin-echo images were used for the quantification of the T2 relaxation time. All the T2 maps were morphed to a common standard space, performing a fully automatic atlas based cartilage segmentation previously described5 (Figure 1A). The morphing of all the T2 relaxation time maps allowed the description of each map with a matched vector of 11,980 components building a multidimensional signature that capture all the cartilage compositional information included in each T2 map (Figure 1B). Each vector was then locally normalized considering matched controls groups, obtaining a description invariant to demographics covariates and global spatial pattern that captures just anomalies (Figure 1C). Unsupervised data exploration based on Topological Data Analysis (TDA)6 was performed for the multidimensional visualization of the dataset with the aim of evaluating the voxel based T2 relaxation time N-Dimensional description as a valid osteoarthritis feature space (Figure 2). All the normalized maps were then converted in 2D images (Figure 3) by mapping the T2 values using a cartilage flattening technique aimed to preserved the structural information included in the maps (cartilage layers, directional heterogeneity). These 2D maps were used for the training of a deep convolutional neural network described in Figure 4. Due to the small number of subjects in the progression group, simplified feature maps including either medial or lateral information were explored to accomplish the second aim of this study. 25% of the subjects in each class were randomly selected as validation set and not used in the training phase. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)-based technique was used for data augmentation7 of the remaining 75% with the aim of synthetizing feasible maps and to increase the sample size to 13,480 samples.


The automatic method adopted in this study produced T2 compartmental averages strongly correlated to the ones obtained by manual segmentation processing (R =0.84, Figure 5). The binary classification between OA and controls subjects showed a classification accuracy of 95.2% when applied in the validation test. As a comparison, when the 4 compartmental averages obtained from manual process (LF, MF, LT, MT) were considered to train a Support Vector Machine (SVM) the accuracy was just 59.18%, showing the power of applying a deep learning model and extracting data driven features from the overall map. The progression prediction showed the best performances when applied on the medial femur compartment alone with a percentage of correct classification in the validation set equal to 80.7%.

Discuss and Conclusion

In this study we provide a proof of concept that the coupling of cutting edge technologies in quantitative compositional MRI and deep learning fields can successfully discover latent feature representations, non-linear aggregation among elementary features able to accurately characterize disease status and predict progression. The data-driven extraction of features from T2 maps can exploit the real potential of this quantitative MRI technique, to date still hampered by tedious and time-consuming manual image post-processing pipelines; and deeply underused due to the handcrafting of too simplistic image representations, such as relaxation averages or first order texture information.


P50 AR060752 (SM), R01AR046905 (SM), H. Neilsen Foundation (JH and ARF), R01NS067092 (ARF), R01NS088475 (ARF), Wings for Life (ARF),


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T2 map automatic Analysis: A. One subject was selected as minimum deformation template using an iterative process where the cartilage was semi-automatically segmented. A non-rigid registration technique was applied between the reference and each first TE=0. The transformation field was applied to every T2-weighted image before fitting. B. Each subjects is described with 11980 dimensions feature vector including all the T2 values of the articular cartilage. Is visible a global pattern of higher values in femoral compartments then tibiae. C. local Z-score normalization eliminates the global distribution, emphasizing local recurrent pattern in OA subjects specifically in medial femur compartment.

Unsupervised Data exploration: TDA was adopted to obtain a network that describes relationship between subjects in the multidimensional feature space. Similar individuals were grouped into nodes. Individuals that appear in two different nodes were shown as connecting lines. A. TDA net colored using % of OA subjects in each node, showing a clear clusterization of the OA subjects demonstrating the T2 feature space as proper OA-syndromic space. B. TDA net colored using % of subjects in the progression cohort. This net does not show a clear progression subnetwork demonstrating the need for supervised technique for the classification of this group.

Normalized 2D map input of the convolutional neural network A. Example of 1 subject from the control cohort. B. Example of 1 subject from the OA cohort. C. Example of 1 subject from the progression cohort.

Network Architecture: we adopted a modified version of AlexNet7 with 4 convolutional and 2 fully connected layers. The first convolutional layer has a kernel of 3x3 and stride 1 to maximize the details extracted from the input image. The output was computed with two fully connected layers with size of 512, 4 times smaller then the original architecture. Training: The network was trained for 40 epochs (3hrs), with standard stochastic gradient decent, 3rd degree Polynomial Decay as learning policy and initial learning rate of 0.01. Hardware: The network was trained using an Nvidia Devbox with 4 GTX TitanX GPUs

Manual vs Automatic: correlation between the compartmental averages computed with the automatic procedure based on voxel based relaxometry and the same data computed with manual segmentation procedure on the overall 1348 cases. High correlation (R=0.84) is observed between the 2 procedures. The data from manual segmentation are obtained with a different fitting algorithm (3 parameter fitting with noise estimation) then the present study. This explains the consistent shift observed between the manual and automatic data. Nevertheless the high correlation is a demostration of the quality of our registration procedure.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)