We present a
fully automated approach for quantification of left ventricle scar in Late
Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE) cardiac MR (CMR), using a residual neural network.
LGE images were acquired in 1075 patients with known hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy in a multi-center clinical trial. Scar segmentation was
performed in all patients by a CMR-trained cardiologist. For training, we use a
two-phase procedure, using cropped and full-sized images consecutively. We
train different models using sigmoid cross-entropy loss and Dice loss and
measure average LV segmentation Dice scores of 0.77 ± 0.10 and 0.70 ± 0.12 and
estimated scar percentage mismatches of 3.59% and 3.00%, respectively.
Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE) cardiac MR
(CMR) is the standard technique for
quantification of myocardial scar in the left ventricle (LV). Scar volume has
important prognostic value and is often measured by manual contouring of scar
boundaries. However, manual segmentation is time consuming and experience
dependent. There have been
numerous techniques developed over years to accurately calculate scar volume,
however, these methods are often non-robust and require user interaction.1-4 In this
paper, we sought to develop a fully automated approach for scar segmentation in
the left ventricle based on deep learning.Methods
We propose to use a residual neural network architecture to automatically
segment LV scar. A database consisting of 2D LGE images from 1075 patients with
known hypertrophic cardiomyopathy acquired as part of a multi-center clinical
trial was used to evaluate the performance of the approach.5 An experienced cardiologist with 5 years of experience in CMR manually
segmented all images, which were used as “ground truth”.
A common problem in the segmentation of small objects, such as scar, is the
high imbalance between background and foreground pixels, which is often tackled
by elaborate loss-weighting schemes.6 We circumvent this challenge by applying a residual neural network
architecture,7 which has shown competitive performance without weighted loss, when adapted for semantic segmentation.8 We set up our architecture (Figure 1) largely following these adaptions. Upsampling is realized by backwards-strided convolutions initialized for
bilinear interpolation9 and dropout of 0.5 is applied in bottleneck layers during training.
We define the softmax cross-entropy loss
using softmax probabilities sci∈[0,1] for classes c∈{0,1,2} (background, healthy LV, scar), with scyi being the softmax probability for
the correct class at pixel i.
We define a second loss function, based on the Dice coefficient for the
predicted segmentations:
Here, we calculate the average Dice loss for all n classes, using softmax
probabilities sci and ground truth label yci∈{0,1} for class c at pixel i. Optimization is performed using the Adam method with learning rate of 0.001 and exponential decay rates β1=1, β2 = 0.999.10
The LGE images first undergo several preprocessing steps. Volumes are
resampled to a pixel spacing of 1.2 mm and padded or cropped to a size of 256 x 256 pixels in the xy-plane. We augment training data by performing random
translation, mirroring and elastic deformation on volumes during training.6 2D slices are used as input, after being normalized to zero mean and unit
variance. We split the data into training and test sets, each containing 80% and 20% of the total data, respectively.
We follow a two-phase procedure for the training of the models (see Figure 1). First, the network is pre-trained with cropped, 128 x 128 sized patches that
are extracted along the short axis of the heart. We train the network for up to
80000 iterations with batch size of 20. The best performing model is then
fine-tuned for up to 20000 iterations with batch size 10 on full-sized
images. By pre-training with cropped images, we reduce training time, while implicitly reducing the imbalance between background and foreground pixels.
At test time, we apply a rectangular ROI filter on each volume to remove
potential outliers.
We perform quantitative evaluation on models
generated with the different loss functions. In addition to the volume-wise LV
Dice coefficient, we measure the accuracy of the predicted volume-wise scar
percentage and pixel quantity. We evaluate two models trained with cross-entropy loss
with best performance in LV segmentation and scar percentage prediction,
respectively. Furthermore, we evaluate the model with best overall performance
trained with Dice loss as well as an ensemble of all three models.
Figure 3 shows example scar segmentations achieved using the two approaches.
LV dice scores were higher for models trained with cross-entropy loss, whereas
the model trained with Dice loss achieves better scores for scar percentage
estimation (see Table 1). Using an ensemble of the three individual models led to the best scar percentage estimation, while still achieving a high LV Dice score.Conclusion and Discussion
We present a new and robust method for fully automated scar quantification in
LGE. Training and evaluation on a large-scale clinical data set shows good
segmentation performance. In future work, further improvements could be made by
incorporating the three-dimensionality of the data into the network
architecture.11-14 While we did not apply any thresholding method for scar quantification in
our work, the output of the network could be used to facilitate common scar
thresholding methods.Acknowledgements
This work was supported by a fellowship within the FITweltweit programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).References
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