Manoj K Sarma1, Margaret A Keller2, Tamara Welikson3, Sathya Arumugam 1, David E Michalik4, Irwin Walot5, Karin Nielsen-Saines6, Jaime Deville6, Andrea Kovacs7, Eva Operskalski7, Joseph Ventura8, and M. Albert Thomas1
1Radiological Sciences, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Pediatrics, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA, United States, 3Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 4Infectious disease-Pediatrics, Miller Children's Hospital, Long Beach, CA, United States, 5Radiology, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA, United States, 6Pediatrics, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 7Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 8Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, United States
A recently implemented 5D echo-planar J-resolved
spectroscopic sequence using 8x acceleration and compressed sensing
reconstruction was evaluated in 7 perinatally infected and 8 healthy youths. Selected metabolite ratios with
respect to Cr were detected bilaterally in the basal ganglia, anterior insular
cortex, posterior insular cortex, frontal white and occipital/frontal gray
regions of the two groups. Statistically significant differences were found between metabolite
ratios (/Cr) of HIV-infected youing adults and healthy control subjects in the occipital
gray N-acetylaspartate, right basal ganglia glutamine/glutamate, left anterior
insular cortex choline, and left posterior
cortex. Also, our
pilot findings suggest a possible difference in energy metabolism between
perinatally HIV-infected young adults and controls without HIV. The
metabolite ratios correlated with neuropsychological test scores showing cognitive impairment as
result of HIV-infection and/or long term ART.
Perinatally HIV-infected young adults represent a
highly unique population, having been infected at a time of immune compromise (in utero and at birth) and having
experienced many years of antiretroviral
therapy (ART)1. Despite the success of ART2, signs of neurocognitive compromise are common. Hence, non-invasive
monitoring is needed to
ensure early detection of neurocognitive disorders or other CNS abnormalities
arising from HIV infection and its treatment. MRS can detect metabolic changes
in cerebral metabolite resulting from HIV infections3,4. One
dimensional (1D) MRS has previously been used to investigate the differences
between healthy children and pediatric patients with perinatal HIV5-10.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes between healthy and
perinatally HIV-infected young adults using a semi-laser based accelerated
five-dimensional (5D) echo-planar J-resolved spectroscopic imaging (EP-JRESI)11
sequence. We also explored the relationship
between brain metabolite ratios and cognitive performance as well as the
clinical variables.Materials and Methods:
We investigated seven perinatally HIV infected patients (age 21.1± 2.0years) and eight healthy controls (HC) (age 20.8± 1.8years). All data were collected on a Siemens 3T Prisma MRI scanner using a
16 channel head receive coil. The following parameters were used for
water-suppressed 5D EP-JRESI:
TR/TE=1.2s/40ms, voxel resolution=1.13x1.13x1.5cm3, 64 ∆t1
increments, 512 bipolar echo pair, FOV=18x18x12cm3, 1 average,
non-uniform sampling (NUS)= 12.5% with a scan time≈20min. A
maximum echo sampling scheme was applied and after post-processing12 bandwidth was ±250Hz along F1 and 1190Hz along F2. This was
followed by a non water-suppressed scan with only the first t1.
The 5D
EP-JRESI data were reconstructed as discussed previously11. The undersampled data were reconstructed using a
modified Split Bregman algorithm13 which solves the optimization
problem, min where u is the reconstructed data, f is the
undersampled data, \sigma^2 is an
estimate of the noise variance, TV is the total variation norm, R is the NUS
masking operator, and \mathcal{F} is the Fourier transform operator. Acquired data
were post-processed with a custom MATLAB-based program and metabolite ratios
with respect to the 3.0 ppm creatine (Cr) peak were calculated using peak
integration. The metabolite differences between the two groups were tested with a two-tailed t-test. To explore for any relationship
between the metabolite ratios and
clinical parameters along with the
Neuropsychological (NP) Raw Test Scores data from a battery of tests including
verbal fluency (FLUENCY), trail making test (TRAILS), stroop word score (STROOP WORDS), and WMS-III spatial span (WMS) a Pearson correlation was performed on the patient data from the regions where we
found metabolite differences. All statistical analysis was done using the SPSS
Fig. 1(A) shows the PRESS-localized volume of
interest (VOI) on a T1-weighted axial brain MRI of a 20-year-old HIV-infected
youth. Representative 2D J-resolved spectra extracted from the right occipital
gray (ROG) regions of the same subject is shown in Figure 1(B). Fig. 2 and
Fig. 3 show selected metabolite ratios with respect to Cr for the two groups. Statistically significant differences were found
between HIV-infected young adults and HC subjects in the
occipital gray (OG) N-acetylaspartate(NAA)/Cr (1.86[0.35] vs 2.23[0.28]), right
basal ganglia (RBG) Glx/Cr (1.80[0.42] vs 2.53[0.59]), left anterior insular
cortex (LAIC) choline(Cho)/Cr (0.34[0.07] vs 0.26[0.06]), and left posterior insular
cortex (LPIC) Cho/Cr (0.34[0.05] vs 0.27[0.05]) ratios. Table 2 shows the
results from the correlation analysis between the metabolite ratios versus the
clinical and NP tests. Discussion:
Our pilot data showed increased Glx/Cr, NAA/Cr
and decreased Cho/Cr in agreement with some of the previous studies in perinatally HIV-infected children14-16.
Assuming the mechanisms for glutamate (Glu)
transportation and uptake are unhindered, an increase in Glu can cause
increases in glutamine (Gln) and increased asparate which indirectly may cause
NAA to increase14. Both Glx and NAA have been reported to
decrease in in different regions of the brain in adults and in children15-18 when
neurological disorders were present. Our findings suggest a possible difference
in energy metabolism between perinatally HIV-infected young adults despite many
years of therapy. Also, to be noted that 3 of the 7 HIV-infected youth had a
diagnosis of HIV encephalopathy. The negative and positive correlations of CD4
count with NAA and Cho respectively in HIV youth are reflective of our finding
in metabolite changes. The metabolite correlation with NP scores showed cognitive
impairment as result of HIV-infection and/or long term ART.Conclusion:
Our findings are indicative of an abnormal
energy metabolism in the brain of the perinatally HIV-infected young adults
despite long term A=RT. Future studies using a larger sample size are required to further authenticate
the observations of the current study. Acknowledgements
This research was supported by two NIH grants: 1R21-NS090956 (PI: Sarma) and 5R21NS080649-02 (PI: Thomas). Authors thank Z. Iqbal for his help.References
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