Xian-Feng Shi1, Young-Hoon Sung1, Douglas Kondo1, Colin Andrew Riley2, and Perry Renshaw1
1Psychiatry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 2The Brain Institute, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States
aim of the present study was to test a novel method for improving the subcortical
tissue segmentation results, of the anatomical brain images acquired using a 31P/1H
dual-tuned coil. When a dual-tuned
31P/1H coil is utilized to perform phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance
spectroscopy studies of subcortical brain regions, the resulting anatomical
images suffer from both low signal-to-noise ratio, and from reduced image
contrast. By registering this volume image on a second anatomical image acquired
using a single-tuned, 12 channel 1H head coil, we found that the subcortical
tissue segmentation accuracy was significantly improved.
energy phosphates (HEP) including phosphocreatine (PCr) and nucleoside
triphosphate (NTP) play a critical role in neuronal activity. Tissue-specific
changes in HEP are associated with abnormal brain function, and can be measured
with 31P NMR spectroscopy. However, detection of low-concentration HEP requires
large voxel sizes, limiting the ability to interrogate smaller brain structures.
To measure HEP, chemical shift imaging (CSI) is preferred if data can be
acquired using a 31P/1H dual-tuned volume coil, which is designed to optimize
31P signal detection. When the spectral signal is localized, anatomical images
must be acquired along with the 31P spectrum from the same tissue location. Due
to the high concentration of water in brain relative to HEP, suboptimal single-channel
1H coil sensitivity within 31P/1H dual-tuned coils is common, reducing structural
image quality. When the volume of interest is subcortical, the dual-tuned
coil’s signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and image contrast are reduced even further.
The reduced contrast and large voxel introduce another challenge to studying subcortical
structures: the need to correct for partial volume artifacts. Recent work has
measured functional brain activity, 1H, and 31P metabolites simultaneously.
However, to achieve an optimal 1H functional image/proton-1 MRS signal, a high-performance
1H coil is needed. Using two coils requires repositioning subjects in the
scanner, but is acceptable depending on the resulting improvements in data
quality. For this study, we tested a novel method that registers anatomical
images acquired with a 31P/1H dual-tuned coil on those acquired with a 12-channel
1H coil, followed by application of inverse affine transformation, the results
of which provide a high-contrast image for 3D CSI voxel tissue segmentation.Method:
enrolled n=25 healthy subjects (age=39.9±13.5). The protocol was approved by the University of Utah Institutional Review
Board, and written informed consent was obtained from all subjects. Scans were performed using a 3 Tesla (T) clinical MRI system. A 3D CSI
pulse sequence was implemented to acquire spectral data. The first T1 weighted
volume image was collected using a 31P/1H dual-tuned coil. Following 31P data
acquisition, a 12-channel 1H volume coil was used to acquire a second anatomical
image. When two T1-weighted images are obtained from one subject, affine transformation
can be used to co-register the images. The images were extracted with the FSL BET tool [1]. The FSL FLIRT was then used to register the image acquired
with the 31P/1H coil into the 1H head coil image, and the affine transformation
matrix was derived, converting the high-contrast T1-weighted image to
phosphorus data native space. To perform tissue-specific data analysis, and
minimize CSI array misalignment, the CSI grid was aligned according to the
property of CSI grid re-shifting with an additional linear phase application in
the k-space domain. The CSI voxel center coordinate was defined in the MNI
space. This center coordinate was mapped from the MNI space to the phosphorus
data native space. The transformation matrix between the standard image in the
MNI space and the registered T1-weighted image in subject native space was
computed using the FSL FLIRT and FNIRT tools. Both T1-weighted images were
segmented using the FSL FAST tool [2]. To demonstrate differences in tissue
segmentation between the original T1-weighted image and the registered
T1-weighted image, we selected several gray-matter-rich regions (Fig. 1), such
as anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), posterior cingulate cortex (POC), left/right
amygdala (AMY_L/AMY_R), left/right caudate nucleus (CAU_L/CAU_R), and
left/right hippocampus (HIP_L/HIP_R).Results & Discussions:
shows the percentage of gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) within the specified
brain voxels. We found that the GM content of subcortical regions was
underestimated, when only the 31P/1H dual-tuned coil T1 image is segmented.
Thus, application of registered T1-weighted images significantly improved
detection of subcortical GM. Furthermore, the standard deviation in the
registered segmentation images is smaller than that of the original T1-weighted
image, across subjects. Two factors may contribute to this improved segmentation,
and reduced measurement variability. First, greater contrast in the registered
T1-weighted image likely improves the accuracy of FSL FAST’s segmentation. Second,
the registered image’s increased SNR provides better affine transformation from
the T1-weighted image in subject native space to standard reference image in
the MNI space. The previous operation yields consistent voxel placement at the
desired voxel location. This improved voxel placement should be useful for both
longitudinal and multisite studies. Further, these improved segmentation results
will enable investigators to more accurately correct partial volume effects,
despite the large voxel sizes required for 31P research.
No acknowledgement found.References
[1] Smith, S.M., Fast robust automated brain extraction.
Hum Brain Mapp, 2002. 17(3): p. 143-55.
[2] Zhang, Y., M.
Brady, and S. Smith, Segmentation of
brain MR images through a hidden Markov random field model and the
expectation-maximization algorithm. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 2001. 20(1): p.