Antonino Mario Cassara'1, Esra Neufeld1, Gisela Hagberg2, Manuel Guidon3, Klaus Scheffler4, and Niels Kuster1,5
1IT'IS Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Max Plank Institute - Tuebingen, 3Zurich MedTech, 4Max Plank Institute - Tuebingen, Germany, 5ETH, Zurich, CH
The mechanisms of peripheral nerve stimulation
(PNS) induced by the fast switching of MRI gradient coils are only partially understood,
stimulation sites and E-field (or dB/dt) thresholds show large inter-subject
variability and neurostimulation models based on the amphibian SENN axon model are
not ideal. We propose a 3 level computational investigation that combines analysis
of E-field exposure, of activation functions, and of multi-parametric EM-electrophysiological
simulations in neuro-functionalized human models for different axon models and gradient
waveforms. Results concerning E-field/dB/dt thresholds values and sites of
neurostimulation are compared with published experimental data. A functional
uncertainty analysis is also provided.
Limitations of MRI gradient outputs (dB/dt
and/or E-field) are imposed by the IEC-60601-2-331 standard
according to the IEEE2 and ICNIRP3 guidelines to avoid peripheral
nerve stimulation (PNS) on the basis of experimental evidence4 and strength-duration
(SD) relations derived from neurostimulation models using the compartmentalized
axonal SENN5 model. Many reasons exist for further investigations6,7.
Some authors8 suggest that higher threshold levels (i.e. 120%) than those
indicated in IEC-60601-2-331 can be used in clinical practice. The mechanisms
of MRI gradient induced PNS are still only partially understood7, the
sites and thresholds of neurostimulation depend on MRI pulse sequence
parameters, and they show large inter-subject variability8,9. Additionally,
it has become clear that SENN may not be ideal and a conservative model for
mammalian axons at 37C6. In the present work we analyse PNS induced
by MRI gradients in human bodies using a 3 level approach comparing whole body,
MRI pulse sequence-independent E-field exposure analysis (i) with neuronal activation
functions (ii) and coupled EM-electrophysiological simulations in neuro-functionalized
human body models, featuring different axonal models and considering realistic
clinical gradient pulse sequences (iii). Benefits and limitations of the
approaches are discussed, conditions and mechanisms for the stimulation
investigated, and results are compared with experiments in terms of the
location of neurostimulation and thresholds.
Electromagnetic and neuronal
simulations were performed using Sim4Life. 1th level: the E-fields and
their Jacobian (as a measure for inhomogeneity – a relevant stimulation
mechanism not adequately considered by current standards) were computed for
each individual gradient coil within the “Ella” and “Fat” human models from the
Virtual Population10 at three relevant body positions (head, hearth
and pelvis at coil’s isocentre). 2nd level: Large sets of generic,
approximated nerve trajectories were generated in the arms, legs and spinal
cord. E-fields and activation functions11 were calculated along these
trajectories. 3rd level: Anatomically realistic nerve trajectories
were parametrized as dynamic 15um diameter axon-models (amphibian SENN5,
warm (37deg) mammalian-specific McIntyre12 and Sweeney13 models).
E-fields and neuronal simulations were coupled using the ‘extracellular
mechanism’ available in the NEURON libraries integrated in Sim4Life. Biphasic
E-field pulse waveforms, derived from trapezoidal gradient pulse shape typical
of 2D and 3D EPI imaging, as well as transient exposure derived from clinically-employed
2D and 3D spiral pulses, were investigated. Threshold fields and the location
of spike initiation were recorded for each configuration.
Locations of neurostimulation
derived from the 3rd-level approach were compared to results from
the other 2 levels (E-field maps and activation functions) for trapezoidal, distinct
(i.e., individual gradient coils) and simultaneous gradient pulse sequences. The
loci of non-end node activations (see figure 1c) predicted by the
electophysiological models are in general agreement with experimental findings,
such as in Hoffmann7, where
activation is detected in the triceps muscles in the upper arm and scapula. For the same MR
sequence, the exact stimulation locations depended on which of the three axonal
models is used, but are generally located near articulations or at muscle/fat
interfaces. Threshold predictions showed large model-dependence. Location of
likeliest excitation can change when going from single gradient-coil exposure to
pulse sequences involving simultaneous coil-activation.
The 3rd level approach permits to relate the
location of stimulation to anatomical factors (dielectric contrast at tissue
interfaces, field inhomogeneity and foci near articulations), and to consider realistic
nerve trajectories and pulse sequence timing. The expected observence of stimulation
at many end-nodes suggests that additional studies are required to improve models
for nerve terminations. Results must be revised with more comprehensive and (anatomically
and electrophysiologically) accurate nerve trajectory functionalization. The
agreement with experimentally verified neurostimulation sites and levels is
promising. Conclusion
The results show that the proposed 3rd
level analysis permits to investigate different mechanisms of MRI induced neurostimulation,
with increasing consideration for anatomical, electrophysiological, and
pulse-sequence specific information that increase safety and potentially reduce
the need for conservative safety margins. Results could impact existing safety
guidelines and the optimization of MRI pulse sequences. Extensive verification
has been performed and validation is ongoingAcknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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