Thomas M. Fiedler1, Stephan Orzada2, Martina Flöser1, Harald H. Quick2,3, Mark E. Ladd1,2, and Andreas K. Bitz1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Erwin L. Hahn Institute for MRI, University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, 3High Field and Hybrid MR Imaging, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany
RF safety assessment for a
32-ch body coil for 7T was performed based on SAR, tissue temperature, and a thermal
dose model (CEM43°C). Temperature simulations considered a
temperature-dependent thermoregulation. The tissue temperature limit is exceeded
when SAR limits are adhered to. However, based on the thermal dose limit, the maximum
input power determined from SAR limits can be exceeded by up to a factor of 5 without
noticeable limitations in permissible exposure time in MR examinations. This
increased input power allows for improved B1+ homogeneity
with 50% reduced flip angle error compared to the input power determined from
SAR limits.
PTx systems with multi‐channel transmit arrays provide
high degrees of freedom for the manipulation of RF fields. RF coil arrays
placed behind the bore liner allow for a higher number of coil elements and provide
superior patient comfort. RF safety assessment requires simulations with
heterogeneous body models. However, limits are defined for both SAR and tissue
temperature, and the spatial distributions of both do not correlate well in all
cases. Thermal dose potentially allows a more precise determination of the subject’s
RF exposure, and the evaluation of thermal dose is under consideration for
future regulatory limits. Thermal dose limits could allow for longer exposure
times and/or higher SAR, and the latter can result in improved RF shimming
performance. In this study, an RF exposure assessment was performed for a 32‐ch
whole‐body coil array configuration 1 based on SAR, local tissue
temperature, and thermal dose CEM43°C 2,3.Methods
A 32-ch Tx/Rx meander body array was
placed behind the bore liner and loaded with a heterogeneous body model (72.4
kg) in head-first supine position with the liver-kidney region in the coil
center, Fig. 1. RF shimming regarding uniform B1+ in the central
axial slice was performed for a target magnetization of 6.5 µT and maximum peak
power per channel of 500 W. For SAR evaluation, an MR protocol with duty cycle
of 10% (fast pulses) 4 was assumed. Thermal simulations were
performed using the Pennes bioheat equation 5 with the following thermal
parameters: ambient temperature = 25 °C, blood temperature = 37 °C, heat
convection coefficient at body surface = 2 W/(m²∙K). A temperature-dependent physiological
response to RF exposure with exponential increase in blood perfusion was
applied 6 as proposed for healthy subjects. Thermal results were evaluated
regarding tissue temperature and exposure time at thermal dose limit of CEM43°C
= 9 min for healthy subjects 3. Thermal simulations were performed
for an input power (Pin) determined based on the SAR10g limit
for normal operating mode (NM) and for Pin increased by a factor of
4 and 5. Corresponding permissible input power and exposure times and
consequences for RF shimming were determined. Simulations were performed in CST
Studio Suite 2016 7.Results and discussion
An RF shim setting with mean
deviation from target magnetization of 30% and SAR10g,max of 20 W/kg
(SAR limit in the limbs in NM) was selected, Fig. 2. SAR
10g,max was
located close to the elbow joint in the right arm, cf. Fig. 3 a). The maximum
permissible time‐averaged input power determined from the SAR limit was 482 W
and the corresponding maximum tissue temperature of 39.24 °C was found close to
the location of the SAR
10g,max, Fig. 3 b). As a result, the
local temperature limit of 39 °C in normal mode (NM) was exceeded even though
the SAR limits were complied with; to satisfy the temperature limit, the maximum
permissible input power would have to be decreased. The temperature limit was
reached after 10 min exposure time. However, the thermal dose limit of CEM43°C
= 9 min allowed an exposure time > 30 h. The permissible exposure time
decreases to 1.4 h and 50 min with P
in increased by a factor of 4
and 5, respectively, cf. Table 1. Thus, the CEM43°C approach allows for
continuation of the MR examination after the time point when the temperature
limit in NM is reached. With an exposure time of 1.4 h, most MR examinations
will be feasible without noticeable limitations. Furthermore, the temperature as
well as the thermal dose maximum were located in well-perfused muscle tissue
for all considered power levels, Fig. 4. In the literature, minor thermal
damage in muscle was found above CEM43°C = 41 min and thermal thresholds for
different tissue types are discussed 3. Tissue-dependent thresholds
would allow for even longer exposure times; however, the position of the
temperature maximum must be known. With Pin increased by a factor of
4 and 5, the B1+ homogeneity can be improved and the flip
angle (FA) error decreased to 17.46% and 15.91%, respectively, cf. Fig. 2.
The proposed perfusion model yields
a tissue temperature that exceeds the temperature limit even when SAR limits
are adhered to. The maximum permitted input power would need to be decreased if
temperature is considered to be the fundamental limit most closely related to
possible tissue damage. Compared to the temperature limit, the thermal dose
approach allows longer exposure time and higher input power. The higher
permissible input power can allow for increased shim performance with reduced
FA error. Acknowledgements
The research leading to these
results has received funding from the European Research Council under the
European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant
Agreement n. 291903 MRexcite.References
1. Orzada et al.
Proc. ISMRM 24 (2016) #0167.
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Dewey. Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys. Vol. 10, pp. 787-800 (1983).
3. Van Rhoon et
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4. Pennes, H. H.
Journal of Applied Physiology Volume 1 (2) (1948).
5. Laakso et al.
Phys Med Biol 56, 7449-7471 (2011).
6. CST AG,
Darmstadt, Germany.