Pim Borman1, Clemens Bos2, Sjoerd Crijns1, Chrit Moonen2, Bas Raaymakers1, and Rob H.N. Tijssen1
1Radiotherapy, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Imaging Division, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Integrated MR-guided radiotherapy systems make it
possible to monitor intra-fraction anatomy changes due to motion. A Simultaneous
Multi-Slice (SMS) balanced SSFP sequence with interleaved stacks is used for dynamic
imaging, where SMS is used to increase the spatial coverage without decreasing
the frame rate. It is shown that SMS factors up to 4 are feasible without significant
artifacts, for both orthogonal and parallel stacks.
The promise of integrated MR-guided radiotherapy systems1,2 is that mobile tumors can be monitored during the treatment and that the risk of radiating nearby organs at risk
can be reduced. The high signal-efficiency makes balanced steady-state
free-precession (bSSFP) an ideal candidate for real-time motion tracking.
Previous studies have successfully demonstrated tracking of a tumor centroid
using single slice acquisitions with interleaved orthogonal imaging planes3. In this work we propose a multi-stack, simultaneous multi-slice (SMS)4 bSSFP sequence, which allows real-time tracking of multiple independent
locations (e.g., tumor and organs at risk). The interleaved nature of the
sequence, however, may present a challenge for the use of bSSFP as interruptions
of the steady-state may lead to transient artefacts and stacks with different
orientation may introduce time-varying eddy currents. An initial characterization
of these effects is performed in a phantom study and the in vivo image quality is assessed.
A balanced SSFP SMS-CAIPIRINHA sequence was implemented on
a 1.5T Ingenia scanner (Philips, Best, NL). To induce the controlled aliasing,
slice-selective gradient blips were applied, that were balanced during every TR
to maintain signal coherence5. Image acquisition allowed prescribing
multiple stacks that were either mutually orthogonal or parallel. Each stack used
a α/2 MultiBand pulse to bring the spins near steady-state, and again at
the end to bring the magnetization back to the longitudinal axis (fig. 1). The SMS images were
reconstructed in MATLAB (MathWorks, MA) using ReconFrame (Gyrotools LCC,
Zurich) and a custom SENSE unfolding implementation. Parameters further
included α/TE/TR
= 50°/1.85ms/3.7ms,
FOV 394x450mm2, voxel size 2.34x2.34x8mm3, and signal was
received using a 28-channel coil array.
First, phantom experiments were performed in a 2% agar
phantom. Two orthogonal stacks (coronal and sagittal) were acquired in an
interleaved fashion with varying delays to assess the effects of eddy currents
produced by switching gradient orientation. To test for transient artefacts
additional scans with 100 dummy pulses were acquired and compared to the
α/2 only catalization.
For the volunteer experiments,
SMS factors (RSMS) 2-4 were used to increase the number of slices per stack accordingly. The dynamic scan time
was 1.2s and the slice gaps were 15mm. The orthogonal stacks (coronal and
sagittal) were centered on a kidney, while the parallel stacks (sagittal) were placed
one in each kidney.
The phantom experiments (fig. 2) showed ripple artefacts (black arrows) independently
of the delay between the stacks while in the sequence with dummy pulses these ripples were absent. This
implies that eddy currents of timescales <1000ms are unlikely to have affected
the image, but that the artefacts are related to the disrupted steady state of
the magnetization.
The in vivo SMS
images (figs. 3, 4) show that multi-stack
SMS bSSFP is possible while maintaining adequate image quality to dynamically
visualize anatomic structures such as kidneys, liver and spine. Apart from the expected saturation bands
at the intersection of orthogonal slices (fig. 4), mild rippling due
to transient effects can be seen in various locations of the images
performed well for both orientations up to RSMS=4, with only minor
unfolding artefacts present when four sagittal slices were acquired
simultaneously (fig 4),
indicating the parallel imaging limits of the receiver-coil array. These
artefacts are consistent with the
g-factor maps which showed high values (data not shown).Discussion
The combination
of SMS with bSSFP provides an extremely SNR efficient multi-slice sequence,
while the ability of acquiring multiple stacks in an interleaved fashion
provides the flexibility to track multiple targets during the intervention. Although
the real-time images do not need to be of diagnostic quality, the artefacts observed
(e.g., saturation bands and transient artefacts) may have the potential to
influence the tracking accuracy. We have previously demonstrated that
saturation bands in single slice orthogonal acquisitions do not affect the registration
accuracy6. Nevertheless, it is a topic of future research to
confirm whether these results translate to multi-stack SMS bSSFP, where
multiple saturation bands are present. The transient effects are small compared
to the saturation bands and may be reduced by more extended catalyzation
schemes tailored to real-time imaging7.Conclusion
We have implemented and demonstrated the feasibility of a multi-stack
SMS bSSFP sequences, which allows the acquisition of 2 x 4 simultaneously
acquired slices with minimal transient steady-state or unfolding artefacts.
Future work will assess the tracking accuracy of this sequence in combination
with real-time image registration or tracking algorithms.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
[1] Lagendijk et al., Semin Radiat Oncol 24(3), 2014
[2] Mutic S et al., Semin Radiat Oncol 24(3), 2014
[3] Bjerre T et al., PMB 58(14), 2013
[4] Breuer FA et al., MRM 53(3), 2005
[5] Wang D et al., Patent US 20150115958 A1, 2014
[6] Stemkens B et al., PMB (61), 2016
[7] Santos JM et al.,Proceedings ISMRM (13), 2005