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S-ESPIRiT: Estimation of Coil Sensitivity Maps from MR Spectroscopic Imaging Data Using ESPIRiT
Namgyun Lee1,2, Vincent Oltman Boer3, Esben Thade Petersen3, and Gyunggoo Cho1

1Korea Basic Science Institute, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of, 2University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR)


Estimating a set of coil sensitivity maps that is consistent with the low-resolution SENSE model is challenging in SENSE spectroscopic imaging. Recently, ESPIRiT, an autocalibrating approach to estimate sensitivity maps for MR imaging, that combines both advantages of SENSE and GRAPPA has been developed. In this work, we propose a spectroscopic extension of ESPIRiT, referred to as S-ESPIRiT, to estimate sensitivity maps from Cartesian 2D spectroscopic k-space data. The proposed method was demonstrated using 2D spectroscopic imaging data of a brain metabolite phantom acquired with a semi-LASER pulse sequence and a 32-channel receive head coil on a 7T MRI scanner.


Estimating an accurate set of coil sensitivity maps that is consistent with the low-resolution SENSE model1 (a non-Dirac point spread function) is challenging in SENSE spectroscopic imaging2,3. Recently, ESPIRiT4, an autocalibrating approach to estimate sensitivity maps for MR imaging, has been developed. In this work, we propose a spectroscopic extension of ESPIRiT, referred to as S-ESPIRiT, to estimate sensitivity maps from Cartesian 2D spectroscopic k-space data.


We consider two-dimensional (2D) Cartesian parallel spectroscopic imaging. Let nk and nt denote the numbers of k-space positions in spatial dimensions and spectral dimension in a fully sampled Cartesian grid, respectively. Let Rκ:RnkntRnb be the sampling operator that first chooses a block of k-space samples out of a single-channel Cartesian grid, where a block is of size nbky×nbkx×nbt and centered at position κ, and then vectorize the block of k-space samples into a column vector of size nb. With the Kronecker product , we express multichannel sampling operator ˜Rκ:RncnkntRncnb as ˜Rκ=IdncRκ. Let the size of calibration data be nACky×nACkx×nACt. Then, the number of sliding windows in a calibration region is given by nw=(nACkynbky+1)(nACkxnbkx+1)(nACtnbt+1). Following the ESPIRiT formalism for MR imaging4, a calibration matrix ACnw×ncnb for 2D spectroscopic imaging is defined. Figure 1 shows a detailed description of constructing a calibration matrix A for 2D spectroscopic imaging. The singular value decomposition (SVD) of a calibration matrix gives A=UΣVH, where ΣCnw×ncnb is the matrix of sigular values, and VRncnb×ncnb is the matrix of right singular vectors. V can be decomposed into V that is a basis for the row space of A and V_{\perp} that is a basis for the null space of A. Figure 2 illustrates an example of the singular value decomposition of a calibration matrix for spectroscopic imaging k-space data. Since V_{\|} is a basis for the overlapping blocks of k-space in calibration data, V_{\|} can be a good basis for any blocks of k-space, namely, a projection of a block \tilde{R}_{\kappa}y onto V_{\|} should be V_{\|}V_{\|}^H\tilde{R}_{\kappa}y=\tilde{R}_{\kappa}y. Therefore, this leads to the ESPIRIT conditions for the multichannel k-space data x4:\begin{equation}\underbrace{\frac{1}{n_b}\sum_{\kappa=0}^{n_k n_t-1} \tilde{R}_{\kappa}^H V_{\|}V_{\|}^H\tilde{R}_{\kappa}}_{\mathcal{W}}x=x.\end{equation} Using the Cartesian SENSE model1, multichannel Cartesian k-space data x\in\mathbb{C}^{n_k n_t} is related to a 2D spectroscopic image m\in\mathbb{C}^{n_k n_t} by x = \tilde{F}\tilde{S}m, where \tilde{F}:\mathbb{C}^{n_c n_k n_t}\to\mathbb{C}^{n_c n_k n_t} is the Fourier operator that performs a coil-wise 3D DFT, and \tilde{S}:\mathbb{C}^{n_k n_t}\to\mathbb{C}^{n_c n_k n_t} is the sensitivity operator that generates full-FOV coil images. Substituting for x and multiplying \tilde{F}^{-1} on both sides of the equation yields an eigenvalue problem (with eigenvalue "=1") for the coil images:\mathcal{G}\tilde{S}m=\tilde{S}m, where \mathcal{G}=\tilde{F}\mathcal{W}\tilde{F}^{-1}. To simplify the equation, we explicitly express each term in \mathcal{G} and V_{\|} in block form where each kernel is broken into per-channel-kernels v_{r}=[v_{r,0},v_{r,1},v_{r,n_c-1}]^T:\begin{align}\mathcal{G} &=\left(Id_{n_c}\otimes H_{n_k n_t}\right)\left(\frac{1}{n_b}\sum_{\kappa=0}^{n_k n_t-1}(Id_{n_c}\otimes R_{\kappa}^H)V_{\|}V_{\|}^H (Id_{n_c}\otimes R_{\kappa})\right)\left(Id_{n_c}\otimes H_{n_k n_t}^H\right)\\&=\frac{1}{n_b}\sum_{\kappa=0}^{n_k n_t-1}\left[\left(Id_{n_c}\otimes H_{n_k n_t}R_{\kappa}^H\right)V_{\|}V_{\|}^H\left(Id_{n_c}\otimes R_{\kappa}H_{n_k n_t}^H\right)\right]\\&=\frac{1}{n_b}\sum_{\kappa=0}^{n_k n_t-1}g_{\kappa}g_{\kappa}^H,\end{align}where\begin{align}g_{\kappa}=\left[\begin{array}{@{}c:c:c@{}}g_{\kappa,(0,0)}=H_{n_k n_t}R_{\kappa}^H v_{0,0}&g_{\kappa,(1,0)}&g_{\kappa,(n_r-1,0)}\\ \hdashline g_{\kappa,(0,1)}&g_{\kappa,(1,1)}&g_{\kappa,(n_r-1,1)}\\ \hdashline g_{\kappa,(0,n_c-1)}&g_{\kappa,(1,n_c-1)}&g_{\kappa,(n_r-1,n_c-1)}\end{array}\right], \mathrm{and} \, \, g_{\kappa,(r,\gamma)} =\left[\begin{array}{c} g_{\kappa,(r,\gamma)}(\vec{r}_{0}) \\ g_{\kappa,(r,\gamma)}(\vec{r}_{1}) \\ g_{\kappa,(r,\gamma)}(\vec{r}_{n_k n_t-1}) \end{array}\right] \in \mathbb{C}^{n_k n_t}.\end{align}

By the Fourier shift theorem in k-space, if g_{c,(r,\gamma)}=H_{n_k n_t}R_{c}^H v_{(r,\gamma)}, where c is the voxel index for zero spatial coordinates in image space, then g_{\kappa,(r,\gamma)}= \Phi_{\kappa} g_{c,(r,\gamma)}, where \Phi_{\kappa} \in \mathbb{C}^{n_k n_t \times n_k n_t} is diagonal with \Phi_{\kappa}(\rho,\rho) = e^{+j \vec{\omega}_{\kappa} \cdot \vec{r}_{\rho}}.

A further simplification leads to a block diagonal structure in \mathcal{G}: \begin{equation} \mathcal{G}=\left[\begin{array}{@{}c:c:c@{}} \mathcal{D}(G_{0,0}) & \mathcal{D}(G_{1,0}) & \mathcal{D}(G_{n_r-1,0}) \\ \hdashline \mathcal{D}(G_{0,1}) & \mathcal{D}(G_{1,1}) & \mathcal{D}(G_{n_r-1,1}) \\ \hdashline \mathcal{D}(G_{0,n_c-1}) & \mathcal{D}(G_{1,n_c-1}) & \mathcal{D}(G_{n_r-1,n_c-1}) \\ \end{array}\right], \end{equation} where \mathcal{D}(\cdot) is an operator that selects only diagonal terms and G_{\gamma, \gamma'}(\rho,\rho') = \Sigma_{r=0}^{n_r-1} g_{c,(r,\gamma)}(\vec{r}_{\rho}) g_{c,(r,\gamma')}^H (\vec{r}_{\rho'}).

This diagonal structure decouples voxels and leads to individual eigenvalue decomposition at voxel with non-zero signal value:\begin{equation} \left[\begin{array}{@{}ccc@{}} \mathcal{G}_{0,0}(\vec{r}_{\rho}) & \mathcal{G}_{0,1}(\vec{r}_{\rho}) & \mathcal{G}_{0,n_c-1}(\vec{r}_{\rho}) \\ \mathcal{G}_{1,0}(\vec{r}_{\rho}) & \mathcal{G}_{1,1}(\vec{r}_{\rho}) & \mathcal{G}_{1,n_c-1}(\vec{r}_{\rho}) \\ \mathcal{G}_{n_c-1,0}(\vec{r}_{\rho}) & \mathcal{G}_{n_c-1,1}(\vec{r}_{\rho}) & \mathcal{G}_{n_c-1,n_c-1}(\vec{r}_{\rho}) \\ \end{array}\right] \left[\begin{array}{@{}c@{}} S_0(\vec{r}_{\rho}) \\ S_1(\vec{r}_{\rho}) \\ S_{n_c-1}(\vec{r}_{\rho}) \end{array}\right] m(\vec{r}_{\rho})=\left[\begin{array}{@{}c@{}} S_0(\vec{r}_{\rho}) \\ S_1(\vec{r}_{\rho}) \\ S_{n_c-1}(\vec{r}_{\rho}) \end{array}\right] m(\vec{r}_{\rho}).\end{equation}


A semi-LASER pulse sequence5 was used to acquire 2D spectroscopic imaging data of a brain metabolite phantom with a 32-channel receive head coil on a 7T human MRI scanner. Figure 3-5 show the largest eigenvalue maps, sensitivity maps (the first set of eigenvectors), and SENSE-reconstructed spectra using the sensitivity maps estimated by S-ESPIRiT, respectively. A detailed description for each result is provided in the figure caption.


This work presents a novel autocalibrating method to estimate coil sensitivity maps from Cartesian 2D spectroscopic data. The proposed method was demonstrated using a phantom data set, showing promising results. A further study using human datasets is required to validate the robustness of S-ESPIRiT.


This research was supported in part by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation via grant International Network Programme and by KBSI grant T36418 (N.L. and G.C.).


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Figure 1. Construction of a calibration matrix from multichannel spectroscopic k-space data. Each 3D block of k-space per channel (e.g., each red block) is first vectorized and then concatenated to form a single vector. This single vector becomes transposed and forms the first row of a calibration matrix A. The 3D block slides through the calibration data in order indicated by the gray arrows until it reaches the end of the calibration data (the last blocks are shown in purple). The calibration matrix A is a block Hankel matrix, where the Hankel structure (skew-diagonal) is shown by colored boxes.

Figure 2. Singular value decomposition of a calibration matrix A from spectroscopic imaging k-space data acquired with a 32-channel receive head coil. In contrast to a calibration matrix for MR imaging, a calibration matrix for 2D spectroscopic imaging is formed by a three-dimensional (3D) kernel, exploiting available information in the fully sampled spectral dimension. In addition, the calibration matrix usually becomes a ``fat'' matrix, a matrix with more columns than rows. An empirically determined hard threshold (cut-off relative to the maximum singular value) was used to select the basis vectors of the row space of A.

Figure 3. S-ESPIRIT results of 2D spectroscopic data (32 x 32 x 1024) of a brain metabolite phantom using a 6 x 6 x 100 calibration region and a 3 x 3 x 10 kernel. S-ESPIRiT generates a total of n_c eigenvalues per voxel with the largest eigenvalue close to “=1” at voxels with non-zero signal. Maps with the largest eigenvalue for all frequencies are shown in b). c) Magnitude of the spectrum at the center of SENSE (R=1)-reconstructed SI spectra using sensitivity maps estimated by S-ESPIRiT. d) Top: The largest eigenvalue maps corresponding to the peaks shown in c).

Figure 4. Each spatial position generates n_c eigenvectors whose length is also n_c. Let the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue be the eigenvector 0 (also referred to as the first set). For each spectral frequency, each component of the eigenvector 0 can be displayed separately as a map and the set of all n_c maps (denoted eigenvector maps) looks like coil sensitivity maps. The phantom data was obtained with a 32-channel receive head coil with 7 faulty channels (17, 20-23, 28, 30). The magnitude and phase of individual coil images at the same spectral frequency is shown for comparison.

Figure 5. a) Magnitude plot of SENSE (R=1)-reconstructed spectra maps with range 1.0-4.5 ppm of the water-suppressed semi-LASER sequence. The MRSI dataset was not either zero-filled or filtered. b) Magnitude of the spectra in the red box. c) Magnitude of the spectra in the orange box. d) Top: Magnitude of the spectrum at the center (17,17) of the 32 x 32 spectra. Middle-Bottom: Magnitude and phase of the metabolite maps at frequencies indicated in the spectrum (red dots with numbers). Metabolite maps starting from 16 to 1(16-9 in the first row, 8-1 in the second row) are displayed.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)