Lucas Lindeboom1,2 and Robin de Graaf3
1Dept. of Human Biology/Human Movement Sciences, NUTRIM school for Nutrition and Translational Research in Maastricht, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2Dept. of Radiology, NUTRIM school for Nutrition and Translational Research in Maastricht, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, Netherlands, 3Dept. of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Research Center, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, United States
1H-MRS has been
used extensively to measure the total amount of lipids stored in organs like
skeletal muscle and liver and it has been found that these so called ectopic
fat stores are associated with insulin resistance. The role of the composition
of these lipid stores (e.g. saturated vs. unsaturated fatty acids) in metabolic
disturbances is unclear. Here we show the feasibility of spectral editing
techniques to characterize lipid composition in adipose tissue and skeletal
muscle in vivo. Estimations of lipid
composition with our approach are in line with invasive biopsy studies.
Previously it
has been shown that increased storage of lipids in non-adipose tissue (i.e.
skeletal muscle and liver) is associated with insulin resistance. Although
there are indications that especially saturated fatty acids interfere with
insulin signaling1,2, data on lipid composition in skeletal muscle
and liver are scarce. The lack of non-invasive methodology might be an
important reason that this topic is mainly overlooked. The spectral resolution
of 1H-MRS at high field (7T) is sufficient to characterize the lipid
composition in vivo3, but
this approach is limited to adipose tissue and the ability to perform 1H-MRS
at high field. Especially in skeletal muscle, the complexity of
extramyocellular and intramyocellular lipid signals (EMCL and IMCL), will
hamper accurate quantification of lipid composition. We here sought to use 1H-MRS
homonuclear spectral editing to characterize the lipid stores in vivo at 4T.Methods
In this study we used a MEGA-sLASER4
sequence to exploit homonuclear scalar coupling within a fatty acid molecule.
The principle of our approach is depicted schematically in figure 1. By using
the scalar coupling between the methine resonance (resonance D, around 5.31
ppm) and the neighboring methylene resonances (resonance B and C, around 2.03
ppm and 2.77 ppm respectively), these latter resonances can be separated from
any resonances obscuring these peaks in
vivo. While both mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA
and PUFA) are characterized by the appearance of resonance B, only the PUFA
will also give a signal at 2.77 ppm (resonance C). The signal from the methyl group (resonance
A, around 0.89 ppm) can be used as a reference for the total amount of fatty
We included 4 lean, healthy male subjects in this
study (age between 31 and 45 years, BMI < 25 kg/m2). The protocol
was approved by the local Institutional Review Board and informed consent was
obtained from all participants before the study. All in vivo experiments were performed on a 4.0 T (170.4 MHz) Magnex
magnet (Magnex Scientific Ltd, Oxford, UK) interfaced to a Bruker Avance
Spectrometer (Bruker Instruments, Billerica, MA).
Spectra were acquired from adipose
tissue (voxel 20mm x 7mm x 40mm, 32 averages (NA)), soleus muscle (voxel 30mm x
20mm x 40mm, NA=768) and tibialis anterior muscle (voxel 18mm x 18mm x 40mm, NA
= 768). TR was set to 1500 ms for all measurements. The
offset of the frequence selective inversion pulses in the MEGA-sLASER were set
to the methine resonance (+686 Hz relative to the bulk methylene resonance) in
odd scans and was far off resonance (+2686 Hz) in even scans. Additional water
suppression (VAPOR) was applied. Initial post-processing was performed in
Matlab (phasing, frequency alignment and subtraction) and edited spectra were then
analyzed in jMRUI, assuming Gaussian lineshapes.Results
In figure 2 typical examples of spectra acquired
from the soleus muscle (SOL) and tibialis anterior muscle (TA) are shown. For
qualitative comparison a short TE (12ms) STEAM spectrum is shown together with
the edited spectra. In table 1 the calculated lipid composition is given.
Please note that for the TA measurements, only results of 2 subjects were
Homonuclear spectral editing can be used
to characterize ectopic lipid composition in
vivo. The reported lipid composition in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle
in this study is in line with previous invasive biopsy studies5,6. The use of this method in metabolic research
will give insight into the role of ectopic lipid composition in the etiology of
metabolic disease, such as type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and non alcoholic fatty liver
disease (NAFLD).Acknowledgements
LL was supported by a Van Leersum Grant
of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts (KNAW) and Sciences and a Albert
Renold Travel Fellowship from the European Foundation for the study of Diabetes
1. Dimopoulos et al.
Biochem J (2006); 2. Manco et al. Metabolism (2000); 3. Ren et al. J Lipid Res
(2008); 4. Andreychenko et al. MRM (2012); 5. Field et al. AJCN (1985); 6.
Andersson et al. AJCN