Quantitative analysis of in vivo MEGA-PRESS spectra in mice at 9.4T
Jia Guo1, Yanping Sun2, Zhu Gang3, Scott A. Small4, and Douglas L. Rothman5

1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States, 2Department of Medicine, Columbia University, New York, NY, 3Bruker BioSpin, Billerica, MA, 4Departments of Neurology, Radiology or Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York, NY, 5Departments of Biomedical Engineering or Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, Yale University, New Haven, CT


As of yet J-difference editing methods such as MEGA-PRESS have not been applied to in vivo mouse studies due to low sensitivity and the lack of an automated program to analyze the data. To overcome the obstacles, a fully automated software toolkit MRSMouse was developed for the quantitative analysis of MEGA-PRESS data of the mouse brain. With MRSMouse, we demonstrated the feasibility and reproducibility of MEGA-PRESS for detection of GABA in the mouse brain using a Bruker BioSpec 94/20 9.4T system. During anesthesia, significant decreases of mouse thalamic GABA levels caused by isoflurane were noticed in vivo for the first time.


The application of J-editing approaches to measure GABA in mice has been limited due to low sensitivity and the lack of an automated program to analyze the data. The purpose of this study is to describe the MRSMouse toolkit and to demonstrate its feasibility for quantifying Meshcher–Garwood point resolved spectroscopy (MEGA-PRESS) in the mouse brain at 9.4T.


A Bruker BioSpec 9.4T system with ParaVision6.0.1 was used with a 23mm 1H circularly-polarized transmit/receive capable mouse head volume coil. MEGA-PRESS pulse sequence was implemented in ParaVision6.0.1 using standard acquisition parameters (Figure-1).

To verify the performance of the sequence, a series of in vitro samples of creatine (Cr) or GABA in Gadolinium doped water were prepared at 4 concentrations.

During animal study, four scans per mouse were acquired at the thalamus in a 2-hour time-course for 9 male wild-type C57BL/6J mice with isoflurane.

All datasets were analyzed by MRSMouse which has two modules: MRSMouseLoad and MRSMouseFit. MRSMouse was implemented in Matlab2015 and will be distributed under the GPL license.

Bruker time-domain data was loaded by MRSMouseLoad. After correction for the digitization group delay, 0.03 ppm line broadening and zero-filling to 215 points were applied. A major limitation in all J-editing pulse sequences is that small changes in spectra frequency and phase will distort the edited spectrum. In our framework, the frequency correction was achieved by aligning the power spectrum of each ‘Off’ shot to their median spectrum by maximizing the cross-correlation over 0-4.3ppm. We implemented this method using icoshift1. To achieve accurate phase correction given the lower S/N available, we achieved phase correction for each frequency aligned ‘Off’ using ACME2, to get the optimal spectral form by minimizing a Shannon-type objective function. The same corrections were applied to its corresponding ‘On’/’Off’ spectrum. Time-resolved spectra were excluded before time averaging on the basis of being greater than three standard deviations from the mean in anyone of the following metrics: cross-correlations to the median spectrum, frequency shifts and zero-order phases. Rejections were applied in a pairwise manner. After corrections and outlier exclusions, time averaging was performed and the difference spectrum calculated.

Spectral fitting was done by MRSMouseFit with the principle that a measured 1H NMR spectrum can be approximated as a sum of the individual constituent metabolite 1H NMR spectra. GABA and Glx concentrations were determined by fitting the edited ‘Diff’ spectrum with simulated edited GABA and Glx spectra at 2.5-4.1ppm. Cr and choline concentrations were determined by fitting the ‘Off’ spectrum with simulated Cr and choline spectra at 2.8-3.4ppm. Simulated basis set was generated by NMRWizard3. The nonlinear fitting problem was solved using VARPRO4.

With MRSMouse, we investigated the sensitivity and reproducibility of the GABA measurement to validate the successful implementation and quantification of MEGA-PRESS in mice. We also assessed the use of isoflurane as an anesthetic given the fact that previous study has shown GABA level was significantly decreased by isoflurane in the rat or cat brain5,6.


In vitro phantom results are demonstrated in Figure-2 with expected spectra shapes and good agreement with known concentrations.

Detection and quantification of thalamic GABA levels were successfully obtained. Figure-3 summarizes the reports of MRSMouse. Figure-4 compares the performance between Gannet7 (modified by us to work with Bruker data) and MRSMouse. MRSMouse has better performance, revealing that the approaches we chose are more robust when dealing with in vivo mouse data with reduced S/N.

Figure-5 shows the time-course of thalamic GABA levels during anesthesia. The coefficient-of-variation across subjects was 10.90% for the initial GABA/Cr ratios. Isoflurane caused a significant decrease in GABA levels.


For in vivo MEGA-PRESS data of mouse brain, the limited S/N puts the standard Cr based phase and frequency correction approach at a disadvantage. In the present study we use ‘whole’ spectrum (without the residual water) based frequency and phase correction methods which we demonstrated perform well even at low S/N levels at which per scan Cr correction algorithms fail.

GABA levels can be quantified either relative to NAA, unsuppressed water or Cr.

It is also important to note that the GABA value reported in this study includes co-edited MM contributions and therefore should be interpreted as GABA+.


We present a new tool, MRSMouse, designed for automated analysis of MEGA-PRESS spectra of mouse brain. With Bruker raw data supported, our toolkit is fully automated and rater-independent and is specifically designed to deal with low S/N spectra. Mouse thalamic GABA levels decreased significantly by isoflurane. We anticipate that it will be a useful method for the adoption of GABA editing studies in transgenic mice.


No acknowledgement found.


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5. Vanini G, Wathen BL, Lydic R, Baghdoyan HA. Endogenous GABA levels in the pontine reticular formation are greater during wakefulness than during REM sleep. J Neurosci 2011;31(7):2649-2656.

6. Watson CJ, Lydic R, Baghdoyan HA. Sleep duration varies as a function of glutamate and GABA in rat pontine reticular formation. J Neurochem 2011;118:571–580.

7. Edden RA, Puts NA, Harris AD, Barker PB, Evans CJ. Gannet: a batch-processing tool for the quantitative analysis of gamma-aminobutyric acid-edited MR spectroscopy spectra. J Magn Reson Imaging 2014;40(6):1445-52.


Figure1: Representative MEGA-PRESS pulse sequence (with TE1=5 ms, TE2=67 ms and TR=2 s), showing the addition of the editing pulses symmetrically around the second 180o pulse in the ‘On’ mode comparing to the standard PRESS sequence used in the ‘Off’ mode. Computer on-the-fly calculated Shinnar-LeRoux type editing pulses (with desired bandwidth, 90Hz, or pulse length 29 ms) were applied at offset of 1.9 ppm during ‘On’ and without editing pulse during the ‘Off’ excitation. Nonlinear map shimming up to third order was obtained following by local frequency adjust and local linear shimming. Water suppression was manually adjusted using VAPOR.

Figure2: In vitro results for phantom solutions. Editing pulses applied at 1.9 ppm modulate the GABA singles at 3 ppm. (A) The effect of editing pulses on Cr signal at 3.02 ppm; perfect cancellation of Cr signal was observed in the difference spectrum. (B) The effect of editing pulses on GABA signal at 3 ppm; theoretical ‘pseudo-doublet’ shape of edited GABA signal was observed in the difference spectrum. (C) Normalized GABA peak areas at 3 ppm (normalized by the result of 2.5mM GABA solution) have good agreement (R2>0.999) with prepared concentrations (i.e., 2.5 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM and 20mM).

Figure3: Output reports of MRSMouse. For each dataset processed, pdf report is automatically saved by both the MRSMouseLoad (A) and MRSMouseFit (B) modules. Both graphical and quantitative results are displayed in the reports which allow users to access data and fit quality. (A) In the MRSMouseLoad report, details of frequency and phase corrections are reported with rejected shot (if exists) marked with red circle and blue line in the bottom right panel in. (B) In the MRSMouseFit report, estimated metabolites amplitudes (to Cr ratios) are provided.

Figure4: Comparison of frequency and phase corrections results between Gannet (A) and the proposed method (B). Our approach gave excellent phase and frequency corrections and minimized subtraction errors. The limited S/N puts the standard Cr based phase and frequency correction approach at a disadvantage.

Figure5: Time-course for examining the influence of isoflurane on GABA and Glx levels at mouse thalamus. (A) Single voxel at mouse thalamus with size 5x3x3 mm3. (B1) Regression analysis of relative differences to baseline showed GABA/Cr ratios decreased significantly by isoflurane. (B2) Paired t-test showed significant higher initial GABA/Cr ratios compared to follow up scans (3rd and 4th time points). CV across subjects was 10.90% for the initial GABA/Cr ratios. (B3) Regression analysis of relative differences to baseline showed Glx/Cr ratios increased significantly by isoflurane. (B4) Paired t-test showed significant lower initial Glx/Cr ratios compared to all follow up scans.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)