Bastien Guerin1,2, Stephen F Cauley1,2, Jorge F Villena3, Athanasios G Polimeridis4, Elfar Adalsteinsson5,6,7, Luca Daniel7, Jacob K White7, and Lawrence L Wald1,2,5
1Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Cadence Design Systems, Feldkirchen, Germany, 4Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russian Federation, 5Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States, 6Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States, 7Dept of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States
extend our previously reported methodology for computation of the ultimate signal-to-noise
ratio in realistic body models to the computation of the ultimate specific absorption
rate (SAR) in the head of the Duke body model at 3 Tesla. We optimize 90° magnitude
least-squares RF pulses subject to hundreds of thousands of SAR constraint for
increasing numbers of electromagnetic fields in the basis set. As the size of
the basis set increases, we show that the local SAR decreases toward a value
that we call the “ultimate local SAR”.
Target audience
engineers and MRI physicists.Purpose
Recently, we have proposed a methodology for the computation of the
ultimate signal-to-noise in MRI in realistic body models [1]. We extend this
approach to the computation of the ultimate local specific absorption rate (SAR)
in the head of the Duke body model [2] at 3 Tesla.Methods
Basis fields generation: For generation of a
complete basis set of the solution to Maxwells’s equations in the head of the
Duke body model (Fig. 1a), we use the same technique that we used previously [1].
STEP #1: We place a large number of electric and magnetic dipoles at a minimum
distance of 3 cm (Fig. 1c) to the head and we excite those dipoles using random
amplitudes and phases. No dipoles are placed below the neck since no coils can
be placed there. STEP #2: We compute the incident fields created by the random
dipole excitations. STEP #3: We compute the scattered component of the electric
field in Duke’s head using the fast MARIE electromagnetic solver [3]. STEP #4:
We sum the incident and scattered electric field components to obtain the total
fields. Pulse design: We optimize slice-selective RF-shimming 90º degree,
20% duty-cycle pulses using a magnitude least-square objective [4] that
accounts for the full Bloch equation dynamics (i.e., we do not use the small
tip-angle approximation) [5]. We incorporate SAR constraints for every voxel in
the body model, which results in 193,542 constraints (i.e. we do not compress
the SAR matrices using the VOP algorithm). We provide analytical expressions of
the Jacobian of the objective (Bloch) and constraint functions (SAR) for faster
convergence. To minimize computation time, we parallelize these computations
using a Tesla K20 GPU. Ultimate local SAR analysis: For a given basis-set
(i.e., fixed N), we optimize a series of pulses corresponding to varying local SAR
constraints (L-curve). We then fit the L-curve to an exponential model (sum of two
exponentials) and use the fit to determine the “optimal point” of the curve as
the point with the greatest curvature. Finally, we report the flip-angle error
and local SAR of optimal points associated with increasing N. Temperature
simulation: We compute the steady-state temperature of the optimal SAR maps
using a Crank-Nicholson discretization of the Pennes bio-heat equation [6].Results
Fig. 2 shows that, as
expected, L-curves associated with increasing large basis sets (i.e.,
increasing N) are closer and closer to the origin of the RMSE vs local SAR
graph. The L-curves of Fig. 2 for increasing N display the “typical L-shape” with
a clear optimal point. Fig. 3 shows the local SAR and flip-angle error of these
optimal points for increasing N. The RMSE converges toward zero, which is
another way to say that the flip-angle maps approach the optimal, perfectly
flat 90º flip-angle distribution (Fig. 4a). However, the local SAR graph seems
to plateau toward a value which we call the “ultimate local SAR”, which is this
work is equal to ~5 W/kg. However, it is clear that the basis sets used in this
work are not “large enough” to approximate the value of the ultimate local SAR
with a high degree of accuracy and confidence. Visual comparison of the maps in
Figs. 4 and 5 shows that the SAR and temperature distributions are very
different, which is due to the non-uniform perfusion map in this body model (see
Fig. 1b. This result is in agreement with previous studies [7]). This indicates
that the ultimate SAR is likely different from the ultimate temperature. We
also point out that the maximum steady-state temperature of the relatively
high-power pulse studied in this work is only 0.4º for N=159, which is well
below the tolerated limit of 1º.Conclusion
We have proposed an
approach for computation of the ultimate local SAR in realistic body models.
Our results are preliminary because our SAR maps have clearly not converged to
the actual ultimate SAR value. Accurate estimation of the ultimate local SAR in
Duke’s head will require using larger basis sets (i.e., greater N). This is challenging
however, because the high memory requirements of such large datasets are beyond
the capability of our GPU card. More investigation of the differences between
the ultimate SAR and the temperature distributions is also needed.Acknowledgements
R01EB006847, P41EB015896, K99EB019482References
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