This study introduces a real-time confound-tolerant approach for mapping resting-state network (RSN) dynamics that is compatible with ultra-high-speed fMRI and integrates the following processing steps: (a) iterative optimization of seed selection, (b) sliding-window online detrending of confounding signals, and (c) seed-based sliding-window correlation analysis using hierarchical running averages (meta-statistics) for mapping connectivity dynamics. The method maximizes sensitivity and specificity of mapping RSNs with enhanced suppression of spurious connectivity in WM and GM. This methodology is suitable for online monitoring of data quality, for clinical applications and basic neuroscience research of resting-state connectivity, for which there are no currently available tools.
Iterative seed optimization7 was performed in a pre-scan using Brodmann areas (BAs) as initial seed regions for wSCA. Optimized seeds for subsequent iterations were generated by masking the BAs using thresholded meta-mean correlation maps. Sliding window correlation with online detrending was computed as follows8,
with αi and βi being the detrending coefficients. Hierarchical sliding window meta-statistics were computed using a running mean across a 1stlevel wSCA and a 2ndlevel running mean across the 1stlevel correlation maps (Figure 1). This approach was implemented in the TurboFIRE fMRI analysis software package8,9 using dynamic multi-threading. Resting state data (eyes-open) were collected in 3 healthy controls on a 3T scanner using MB-EPI10 (TR/TE: 292/35 ms, flip angle: 30o, voxel size: (3 mm)3, 32 slices, 10 min scan). Informed consent was obtained. Data were reconstructed and transferred in real-time to an external 6-core Linux workstation using a custom designed TCP/IP interface. Real-time processing included motion correction, 4s moving average temporal low pass filter, 5 mm isotropic Gaussian filter, spatial normalization into MNI space and 1st level wSCA with 8s sliding window and running mean. The complete pipeline with detrending and 1st and 2nd level meta-statistics (1st level-window: 8s; 2nd level-window: 30s) was tested offline using a custom-designed high-performance 16-core workstation (3.4 GHz) (CreativeC LLC, Albuquerque). Computer simulations showed that the 1st level meta-statistics with an 8s sliding-window provides a ~2.5-fold suppression for single spikes and signal-offsets11. Seed optimization7 was performed in 4 major resting state networks (RSNs) using unilateral seed regions (auditory-AUN–BA41, default-mode-DMN–BA7, sensorimotor-SMN–BA01-04, visual-VSN–BA17) using the first 1.5min of the scan and correlation threshold of 0.6.
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11. Vakamudi, K., Damaraju, E., Posse, S. 2016. Enhanced confound tolerance of resting fMRI: Combinnig regression and sliding-window meta-statistics. Hum Brain Mapp. 2016.
Figure 2. Processing times of each processing step along with resulting AUN maps with optimized-seed from right BA41 (displayed at zero-threshold to identify the artifactual WM connectivity). The latency between the transfer of the reconstructed image to the fully detrended map with hierarchical meta-statistics is ~1.2 s (~6 images).
Labels: 4ROIs+SWMS-I – 4 seed-regions belonging to 4-RSNs+1st level meta-statistics; d(WM-CSF) – only WM and CSF time-courses detrending; d(Motion) – only motion detrending; d(WM-CSF + Motion) – detrending of 6-rigid-body motion, WM, and CSF time-courses; d(WM-CSF + Motion)+SWMS-II – addition of 2nd sliding-window meta-statistics to the detrending of motion, WM, CSF.