Carlo Nicolini1, Cecile Bordier1, and Angelo Bifone1
1Center for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Rovereto (TN), Italy
analysis has been widely applied to study the modular organization of brain
functional connectivity networks. However, existing methods suffer from a
fundamental resolution limit. Here, we propose and validate a novel,
resolution-limit-free approach dubbed Asymptotical Surprise. Application of
this method to human resting state networks reveals the presence of
heterogeneously distributed modules, corresponding to neuroanatomically and
functionally plausible networks. The finer partition afforded by Asymptotical
Surprise enables a more accurate identification of connector hubs, the brain
regions that are thought to be responsible for the integration of functionally
segregated modules into a cohesive structure.
Graph theory provides a powerful framework to investigate brain
functional connectivity networks and their modular organization. However, most
graph-based methods suffer from a fundamental resolution limit that may have
affected previous studies and prevented detection of modules, or “communities”,
that are smaller than a specific scale. Here, we propose Asymptotical Surprise,
a novel, resolution-limit-free method for the study of weighted brain
connectivity networks. We assessed the performance of this novel
approach on synthetic networks endowed with planted modular structures, and
compared it to some of the leading graph partitioning methods. We applied
Asymptotical Surprise to weighted functional connectivity networks from resting
state fMRI data, revealing a heterogeneous, multiscale community structure. In
the light of the finer partition afforded by Asymptotical Surprise, we revised
the classification of connector hubs, the brain nodes responsible for the
integration of functional modules into a cohesive structure.Methods
We used the extension of Surprise [1] to weighted networks recently
proposed by Traag et al. [2]. A novel algorithm, dubbed PACO, was specifically developed
to identify the optimal partition by maximization of Asymptotical Surprise.
This approach was applied to ring-of-clique networks, and to synthetic LFR
modular networks with different levels of correlation noise. The performance of
Surprise was compared to that of Infomap [3] and Newman’s Modularity [4], two of
the most widely applied methods, by calculating Normalized Mutual Information
(NMI), Specificity and Sensitivity to the planted modular structures. Finally, we
applied Asymptotical Surprise to benchmark human resting state functional
connectivity networks from the brains of 27 healthy subjects [5]. Connector
hubs were identified on the basis of within-module degree and partition
coefficient [6] calculated for the same functional connectivity network with
all three methods.Results
Fig. 1 shows NMI, Sensitivity and Specificity of Newman’s Modularity,
InfoMap and Asymptotical Surprise in the detection of the modular structure of
synthetic networks for different levels of noise and number of instances.
Surprise presents the best Sensitivity to smaller modules while maintaining
comparable Specificity to the other methods. Application of the three community
detection methods to human resting state connectivity networks shows substantially
different partitions (Fig. 2), with a wide distribution of modules ranging from
large communities to singletons for Surprise and Infomap. The modules retrieved
by Surprise correspond to functionally and anatomically plausible structures
(Fig.3) including spatially extended cortical networks and smaller subcortical
nuclei. The differences in the community structures detected by the three
methods result in a different classification of the network’s connector hubs
(Fig. 4), the nodes that are thought to be responsible for the integration of
segregated functional modules into a cohesive structure.Discussion
The presence of heterogeneously distributed modules
in human functional connectivity networks may have important consequences for
our understanding of the brain functional organization, and for the
identification of integrative hubs. The
connector hubs identified by our three methods present substantial differences,
consistent with the idea that hub classification depends on community structure.
By way of example, the Precuneus and the Cingulate Cortex are highlighted by
Asymptotical Surprise, but not by resolution limited methods, as connector
hubs. These are two key elements of the Default Mode Network that have been
consistently identified as vulnerable regions in neurological diseases. Conclusion
Asymptotical Surprise optimization proved superior
to existing methods in terms of Sensitivity and accuracy in detection of
planted structures in synthetic networks. Asymptotical Surprise revealed a
complex modular structure of resting state connectivity, with communities of
widely different sizes reflecting distributed functional networks alongside
with smaller, anatomically or functionally defined modules. This evidence
corroborates the idea that the resolution limit may have negatively affected
current models of the brain modular organization and the identification of the
hubs responsible for integration of functional modules. Acknowledgements
This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No
668863. References
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