Attentional top-down effects are known to modulate responses when spatially directing attention within sensory modality. The directing of attention between sensory modality is less well understood. Here we present fMRI data using a Posner type attention paradigm between sensory areas (visual and somatosensory). We show that the visual, somatosensory and IPS regions are recruited during attention periods, with some of these areas modulated by degree of attention. Additional IPS regions were modulated strongly with attention recruitment. This paradigm presents top-down influence on cortical regions, allowing the study of the top-down influences of attention switching between sensory modalities.
We employed a variant of the Posner paradigm [4] as shown in Figure 1. Subjects fixated on a central dot while target stimuli were presented in either the visual or somatosensory domain. Subjects reported (with a button press) whether target stimuli were of high or low frequency whilst non-target stimuli (middle frequency) were presented in the other sensory domain. A 250ms cue period indicated to subjects the probability (0, 40, 60, 100%) of the target appearing in the visual domain, thus subjects’ modulated their attention between visual (V) and somatosensory (S) domains. In one fMRI run, 25 trial blocks of the four conditions (S/V 100/0, 60/40, 40/60, 0/100) were presented in a random order, with four runs acquired per subject.
Data acquisition
GE-EPI fMRI data were acquired on 7 healthy subjects using a simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) protocol on a 7T Philips Achieva (TR/TE=1900/32ms, 1.5 mm3 resolution, multiband factor 2, 58 slices covering visual and somatosensory cortices, 210 volumes per run). Respiratory and cardiac traces were acquired for physiological correction. For each subject, a PSIR anatomical image (0.7 mm3, 98 slices, TI= 785/2685 ms) was acquired.
Data analysis
fMRI data were physiological-noise corrected using RETROICOR [5], re-aligned (within and between runs/subject), co-registered to anatomical images, normalized to MNI space [SPM12 (] and spatially smoothed (4.5 mm). A GLM was created with 4 regressors for each of the attentional conditions formed from a boxcar of aISI periods convolved with a HRF. Results were grouped across runs and subjects in a second level fixed effects analysis. First the ‘main effect of task’ conditions was assessed. Second, to analyze the modulation by attention, a linear regression was fit to the beta weights derived from the GLM for each condition, masked by areas activated by the ‘main effect of task’ conditions. Further analysis at the individual subject level was restricted to the visual stream and intraparietal sulcus (IPS) (i.e. small volume corrected) to where modulatory attentional effects were hypothesized to occur. PSIR data were segmented to determine grey matter using Freesurfer ( for subsequent display of activation on surface representations.
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