Quantitative data-driven analysis (QDA) has shown to be robust and intuitive method to extract functional connectivity information from resting-state fMRI data for group-level comparison. In this study, the QDA method is applied to patients suffering from epileptic seizures. Multiple brain regions of significant (p<0.01) differences were detected. The results are consistent with published works in temporal lobe epilepsy and frontal lobe epilepsy in literature using invasive methods. All brain regions experience down-regulation in functional connectivity in epilepsy patients compared to healthy control subjects.
With ethical permission from the Central Ethical Review Board in Stockholm region, resting-state fMRI measurements were conducted for a total of 22 normal adult subjects (male/female=14/10, age=33.2±13.5), and 36 (male/female=15/20, age=32.8±12.5) patients suffering from epilepsy seizures. All subjects were scanned using a 3T whole-body clinical MRI scanner (TIM Trio, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). A single-shot 2D gradient-recalled echo echo-planar imaging sequence was used with the following acquisition parameters: 32 transverse slices (3.6mm thickness), TR/TE=2500/35ms, FOV=220mm, matrix size=64x64, flip angle=90°, 185 dynamic timeframes, IPAT=2. A 32-channel phased-array head coil was used for the signal reception. Foam padding were used to for every subject reduce the head motions. During the resting-state fMRI scans the participants were instructed to close their eyes but not fall asleep, they were also instructed to not think about anything specific during the resting-state fMRI scans.
For each subject, we compute the Pearson’s cross-correlation coefficients (CC) of the post-processed resting-state fMRI time course of all voxels inside a brain mask with that of every other voxel. For each voxel, we compute the following QDA output maps: (1) Connection Strength Index (CSI) which is defined as the non-zero mean value of CC ≥ 0.3 for all voxel pairs involving the current voxel in question; (2) Connection Count Index (CCI) which is defined as the number of voxel pairs involving the current voxel in question with CC ≥ 0.3.
Two-way, unpaired Welch’s t-tests were performed on the CCI and CSI maps to reveal regions of significant differences in functional connectivity between healthy control and epilepsy patients. For multiple comparison correction, a minimum cluster size of ≥20 contiguous voxels were enforced for all regions of significant difference (p<0.01).
Two-way unpaired Welch’s t-tests for the QDA output maps CCI and CSI between epilepsy patients and healthy controls reveals significant (p<0.01) differences in multiple brain regions between the two groups. All regions showing group-level differences are detailed in figure 1. The Middle Temporal Gyrus (Brodmann Area 21, BA21) only brain region showing differences at group level for in both CCI and CSI. It is also the only brain region for CCI that presents group-level differences (figure 2). For CSI, there are additional brain regions displaying group-level differences in the Left Lentiform Nucleus (figure 3), Left Precentral Gyrus (Left BA9), and Left Superior Frontal Gyrus (figure 4).
Boxplots of the extracted mean CCI and CSI values of all respective brain regions of significant group-level differences (p<0.01) shows clear down-regulation of functional connectivity in these brain regions for the epilepsy patients compared to healthy controls (figure 5).
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Figure 2: Brain regions with statistical significant differences in CCI between healthy controls and epilepsy patients (p<0.01).
Figure 3: Brain region in the left Lentiform Nucleus with statistical significant differences in CSI between healthy controls and epilepsy patients (p<0.01). The cross-hair is centered at the voxel with highest t-score in the cluster.
Figure 4: Brain regions with statistical significant differences in CSI between healthy controls and epilepsy patients (p<0.01). The inflated brain surface mapping is unable to show brain regions located in the Left Lentiform Nucleus, which is shown separately as representative slices in figure 2.