This work proposes a novel method for the classification of ICs in resting-state fMRI data based on sparse paradigm free mapping (PFM), a deconvolution approach that enables detecting BOLD events without prior information of their timing. This approach uses a single temporal feature, the significance of the deconvolution model estimated with PFM. Our results demonstrate that despite its simplicity this approach achieves similar sensitivity in classifying the neuronal-related BOLD components to the more complex classification method of ICA-AROMA, but with less specificity in classifying noise components. In addition, it can improve the identification of physiological noise components.
Data acquisition and analysis: 79 subjects were scanned in a Siemens Trio 3T scanner with a 32 channel head coil during resting state while fixating eyes on a white cross (TR/TE: 2000/28 ms, FA: 78º, FOV: 192x192 mm, voxel size: 3x3x3 mm3, 33 slices). Datasets were corrected for head motion and spatially smoothed (5 mm FWHM Gaussian) with FSL (FMRIB, Oxford, UK). Subsequently, the preprocessed datasets were analyzed with probabilistic ICA (MELODIC)12 where the order of the decomposition was estimated based on the Laplace approximation (LAP) method.
ICA Classification: The basis of our classification approach is that if the IC is of neuronal origin, its time series must include neuronal-related BOLD events that can be detected by deconvolution of the IC time series with PFM11. In contrast, if the IC is related to noise or artefacts, the time series must not include any events, i.e. the deconvolved time series must be zero. Hence, for each subject, we computed the deconvolution of the IC time series with the PFM implementation in AFNI (see 3dPFM, using the SPM canonical HRF, the Dantzig Selector and the Bayesian Information Criterion. The normalized z-score of the F-statistic of a full model comprising the deconvolved BOLD events was also computed for each component. Our hypothesis is that a high z-scores (z > 0) indicates high probability of a neuronal-related BOLD IC, whereas a z-score equal to 0 is obtained when no events are detected. For evaluation, ICs were also classified manually10 and with the automated method ICA-AROMA3 with default parameters.
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