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Enhancing resolution in single-shot MRI by SUper-resolved SPEN with SENSE (SUSPENSE)
Gilad Liberman1, Eddy Solomon1, Michael Lustig2, and Lucio Frydman1

1Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Berkeley, CA


Spatio-temporal encoding (SPEN) delivers single-scan images with increased robustness to shift and susceptibility artifacts. These acquisitions are usually carried out in a “hybrid” mode that prevents a sufficiently dense sampling along the SPEN domain. Alleviating this resolution loss had so far demanded the acquisition of multiple interleaved scans. The present study demonstrates that by relying on multiple sensors, a similar resolution enhancement can be achieved in a single shot. The principles and potential of the ensuing Super-resolved SPEN with SENSE (SUSPENSE) is demonstrated, with sub-mm single-shot 3T image acquisitions on phantoms and humans.


Single-shot 2D SPEN is carried out in a hybrid mode, where “blips” sample the low-bandwidth domain in image space. In most instances a sufficiently dense sampling of the SPEN domain is unfeasible, but the ensuing loss in spatial resolution can be offset by the acquisition of multiple interleaved scans [1]. Unlike EPI interleaving, where the aim of the blips is to increase the sampling density so as to cover the FOVy without folding artifacts [2], SPEN interleaving samples regions in space that had been skipped by the original rasterization. Still, whether sampling ky or y, interleaved EPI and SPEN share the common need for performing multiple scans. Techniques such as SMASH/SENSE/GRAPPA can be used to fill missing lines in k-space [3-5] –either alone or in combination with compressed-sensing (CS) [6-7]. The present study exploits this to achieve a resolution enhancement that is identical to that afforded by interleaved SPEN, but can be completed in a single scan.


The SPEN pulse sequence used in this work (Figure 1) imparts a parabolic phase on the spins along their y axis. By spatially advancing this parabola, the acquisition gradient Ga manages to image the full FOVy. Ideally, Ga blips would be fine enough to maximize the ensuing image resolution, which for fully-refocused SPEN [8,9] demands blipping NmaxSPEN=2γGaFOVyTe times [2,10]. While this is hard to achieve in a single shot, multiple sensors can make up for this deficit. To visualize this notice that although they are implemented for different purposes, both SPEN and EPI interleaving premodulate acquisitions by a certain factor \exp[-iΔk(l-1)y], over 1 ≤ l ≤ Nshot interleaved scans. According to the SMASH formalism [3] such spatial phase variations can, if sufficiently slow, be mimicked by summing signals arising from multiple coils: \exp[-ih\Delta k\cdot y] =\sum_cn^h_cS_c(y) , where n^h_c are suitable weighting coefficients for harmonic h and S_c are sensitivity maps for the various c-coils. Such formalism is usually of limited usefulness since the weighting coefficients need to hold throughout the entire FOVy (Figure 1B); in SPEN however, where signals stem from a localized spatial neighborhood, it is simple and robust to extend such formalism for the sake of computing the “missing” interleaved data. To do so we look for a RO and SPEN (x and y) set of localized coefficients , such that the coils will satisfy, for that particular y-neighborhood, \sum_{c=1}^{n_c}n^h_{c,y}W(y)S_c(x,y) = W(y)\exp[-ih\Delta k\cdot y],\ \ \ y\in FOV_y where Nc is the number of coils and W(y) is a weighting function which emphasizes the interpolated location. This enables one to faithfully synthesize localized harmonics up to a high resolution-enhancement factor R (Figure 1C). It is feasible to incorporate into this formalism, SENSE- and GRAPPA-based reconstruction algorithms. In the former case one can also search numerically for an image I satisfying A(I)=Data, where A is an operator which includes the quadratic phase and the sensors’ sensitivities. This was here implemented using CS reconstruction with a total-variation filter [7], leading to Super-resolved SPEN with SENSE (SUSPENSE). SUSPENSE, like SMASH, requires a coil sensitivity map. The direct-space sampling of SPEN, however, implies that despite its undersampling, unfolded low-resolution images carrying their respective sensitivity maps will arise; this renders the method completely self-referenced and fully auto-calibrated. Additionally, and also unlike the EPI case, the R-factor can be set in post-processing; the maximal R is limited by the sensors coverage over the FOV, and should be limited to N^{max}_{SPEN}/Npe.


SUSPENSE was validated on a phantom with a stripe pattern of sub-mm separation and on healthy human volunteers, using a 3T Siemens with a 32-channel head coil. Applications involved DWI imaging at sub-mm resolution.

Results and Discussion

Figure 2 shows phantom image reconstructions performed for increasing R-factors. In the original single-shot resolution (0.94mm) the phantom stripes are blurred, but higher Rs succeed to resolve these pattern. Notice that R-factors ≥3 do not increase the effective resolution, as with it N^{max}_{SPEN} has been reached. Figure 3 shows a DWI experiment acquired at a native in-plane resolution of 4.5x1mm (SPENxRO) with a high N^{max}_{SPEN}=200 value (FOV=18cm). Reconstruction using SUSPENSE with R=5 results in a final 0.9x1mm in-plane resolution. The high bandwidth used provides high robustness to inhomogeneities, otherwise noticeable at the frontal tissue-air border region.


SUSPENSE provides robust, high resolution anatomical and ADC maps, free from multi-shot complications.


Funding by grants ISF 795/13, ERC-2014-PoC # 633888, Minerva Foundation #712277, and the Kimmel Institute of Magnetic Resonance (Weizmann), is acknowledged. ML acknowledges a Visiting Faculty Program Fellowship (Weizmann). We are also grateful to Dr. Sagit Shushan (Wolfson Medical Center), and the Weizmann MRI team (Edna Furman-Haran, Fanny Attar and Nachum Stern).


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(A) Double bipolar π-chirp-based SPEN pulse sequence (Gd denotes optional diffusion gradients). (B) Sensor synthesized harmonics in conventional k-space imaging. (C) Locally accurate sensor-synthesized harmonics used in SUSPENSE.

(A) Photograph of the stripped pattern phantom used to assess SUSPENSE resolution improvement. (B) Full-FOV image (top), and zoomed-in images of the stripped area, reconstructed using SUSPENSE with increasing resolution factors.

(A) Diffusion-weighted SUSPENSE images of a human brain collected with the single-shot sequence in Fig. 1. (B) Comparison of ADC maps extracted with high-resolution SUSPENSE, compared with standard-resolution EPI results. For improving SNR, the SUSPENSE experiment involved 20 repetitions with TR=10sec, each fully reconstructed separately in a single-shot manner and subsequently coadded.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)