Single-shot spatiotemporally encoded (SPEN) MRI is a novel fast imaging scheme with remarkably reduced geometric distortions at high field compared to conventional single-shot EPI. The k-space along SPEN dimension is undersampled, resulting in aliases at regions of rapid profile variation. The feasibility of utilizing sensitivity profiles of array receiver coils to unravel the undersampling aliases is investigated. High resolution relative sensitivity profiles can be obtained from multicoil 2D polynomial fitting of the SPEN reconstructed images without additional reference scans. The effectiveness of the SPEN SENSE strategy is validated by healthy human brain scans at 3T.
Healthy human brain data were acquired with informed consent on a SIEMENS 3T Prisma scanner using a 20-channel head coil (16 channels were activated for data collection), with the following parameters: field-of-view = 220x220mm2, slice thickness = 5mm, acquisition matrix size = 64x64, bandwidth and duration of the excitation chirp pulse = 50kHz and 5.12ms respectively (corresponding to fully-sampled points of 256 and acceleration factor of 4 along SPEN dimension), flip angle = 30°, acquisition bandwidth = 1502Hz/voxel, and TE = 66ms. Single-shot accelerated EPI data were also acquired with similar parameters and with 48 additional autocalibration data lines for comparison. The postprocessing procedures of the SPEN SENSE scheme are listed in Fig.1. Firstly, SPEN reconstructions were performed on each channel. Then high resolution relative sensitivity profiles 4 were obtained from multicoil SPEN reconstructed images directly, similar to the strategy implemented in multi-shot phase scrambling MRI 5. One coil was chosen as reference to remove the influence of rapid phase variations on sensitivity fitting. Next, SENSE unfolding was performed on multicoil SPEN reconstructed data of each voxel. Each voxel along SPEN dimension can be regarded as superposition of Nfull/N aliased voxels, each separated by N2/Nfull voxels, where N is the number of k-space points acquired and Nfull is the number of fully-sampled points. The SENSE equation set can be represented by
SXunfold=XpFT, (1)
where S is the complex sensitivity profile matrix, XpFT is the vector of multicoil voxel data obtained from partial Fourier reconstruction 2 and Xunfold is the unfolded vector. This equation set can be easily solved by linear least squares estimation using
Xunfold=(SHΨ−1S)−1SHΨ−1XpFT, (2)
where H represents transpose conjugate and Ψ is the noise covariance matrix. The aliased components are of large noise and discarded in this study. The unfolding calculations were performed voxel by voxel, instead of on each aliased group by conventional SENSE.
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