We introduce a new method combining Compressed Sensing (CS) and parallel MRI (pMRI) for fast MRI acquisition. The method, termed SPID-CS, is advantageous over existing methods since it (1) produces a high-quality initial reconstruction, (2) avoids aliasing related to sub-Nyquist sampling by joining information from different coils, (3) enables flexible k-space sampling, (4) converges much faster than conventional CS and (5) enables clinical real-time reconstruction due to its extremely short runtime.
Compressed Sensing (CS) and parallel MRI (pMRI) are two powerful tools for fast MRI acquisition. However, methods attempting to combine them (e.g. [1-5]) face two main limitations. First, CS algorithms involve heavy computations and long run times which limit their clinical applicability [2]. Second, CS and pMRI have fundamentally contradicting sampling requirements: CS techniques require random k-space sampling [4] for effective incoherent artifacts removal. Parallel MRI methods, on the other hand, are often optimal for highly ordered (equi-spaced) k-space sampling [7]. In this work we introduce a new pMRI-CS reconstruction method based on the SPID (Sensitivity Profile Indexing and Deconvolution) pMRI technique [8]. The new method, referred to as SPID-CS, addresses the two above noted problems: it significantly reduces the number of CS iterations required to achieve a high-quality reconstruction, and it enables various and flexible sub-Nyquist k-space sampling schemes.Theory
SPID is a parallel-MRI non-iterative robust reconstruction method for sub-Nyquist k-space sampling, operating in a hybrid image-frequency domain. Uniquely, SPID produces the convolution of the unknown MR image f(x,y) with a known user-defined kernel g(x). The resulting convolution image h(x,y) is computed in a 1D manner for each row of f(x,y) separately, in the image domain, i.e. for row y0: h(x,y0)=f(x,y0)∗g(x). Once this convolved image is generated, f(x,y) is simply calculated by applying a 1D deconvolution procedure. The proposed SPID-CS method involves two steps: (1) SPID reconstruction from k-space samples, and (2) CS reconstruction initiated from the SPID result. This process is general and suitable for any sub-Nyquist k-space sampling comprising of a set of columns or rows. The set can be obtained using flexible acquisition schemes including ordered, varying-period and random sampling.Methods
A T1-weighted scan was performed on a healthy volunteer on a Phillips 7T scanner equipped with a 32-channel head-coil using a gradient echo protocol. Full k-space was acquired and then decimated offline. Sensitivity maps were computed from separate low-resolution scans. Post-processing was performed in MatLab on an 8 core Intel 3.6 GHz PC (16 GB RAM). SPID [8] was implemented with a Gaussian kernel (sigma=1) and a standard frequency-domain deconvolution. A POCS-based CS reconstruction was implemented with the Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT) [9], using a Daubechies-2 wavelet and soft thresholding. For comparison with the proposed method we also computed the conventional POCS-based CS reconstruction, which is initiated from a Zero-Filled (ZF) undersampled k-space, termed herein as ZF-CS. All reconstruction qualities were evaluated by their correlation with a gold standard image calculated from the full k-space according to the method proposed by Roemer et al. [10].Results & Discussion
Fig. 1 shows images reconstructed from a regularly (equi-spaced) sampled k-space with a reduction factor of R=4. The SPID-CS initial reconstruction is clearly superior to the standard ZF-CS one; SPID produced an image without the aliasing present in the ZF-CS reconstruction (see arrows). The SPID-related noise was removed by the CS process within 5 iterations, whereas the standard ZF-CS required 25 iterations to reach the same quality. The faster convergence of SPID-CS is also evident from the comparison of the SPID-CS and ZF-CS correlation curves depicted in Fig. 1c. Fig. 2 shows similar results for reconstructions from k-space samples obtained using a varying-period sampling with R=4 (shown in Fig 2d).
Another advantage of SPID-CS is that the heaviest SPID computations are performed offline, prior to the MRI acquisition, and only once for all slices. In this work they consumed 60.8 seconds. In the post-processing stage, SPID-CS reconstruction is highly efficient: it required only 0.75 seconds until convergence, whereas the ZF-CS reconstruction required 9.09 seconds (convergence was arbitrarily defined when the correlation reached 0.995). Further improvement of the SPID computation may be obtained by parallelizing the process; this is attainable since SPID operates on each row of h(x,y) separately.
We introduced the SPID-CS method which (1) produces a high-quality initial reconstruction, (2) avoids aliasing related to sub-Nyquist sampling by joining information from different coils, (3) enables flexible k-space sampling, (4) converges much faster than conventional CS and (5) enables clinical real-time reconstruction due to its extremely short runtime.1. Murphy, Mark, et al. "Fast-SPIRiT compressed sensing parallel imaging MRI: scalable parallel implementation and clinically feasible runtime." IEEE transactions on medical imaging 31.6 (2012): 1250-1262.
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7. Pruessmann, Klaas P., et al. "SENSE: sensitivity encoding for fast MRI." Magnetic resonance in medicine 42.5 (1999): 952-962.
8. Azhari, Haim, Daniel K. Sodickson, and Robert R. Edelman. "Rapid MR imaging by sensitivity profile indexing and deconvolution reconstruction (SPID)." Magnetic resonance imaging 21.6 (2003): 575-584.
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