The nonlinear relationship between missing and acquired data in k-space has been proved in nonlinear GRAPPA. In this work, we propose nonlinear SPIRiT which integrates the polynomial kernel method into SPIRiT via a simple second-order virtual coil approach. The proposed method represents the relationship between missing and acquired data in k-space of SPIRiT using a more accurate nonlinear model. In vivo results demonstrated that nonlinear SPIRiT could suppress aliasing artifact or noise better than SPIRiT, and was applicable to more acceleration scenarios than nonlinear GRAPPA.
Theory The kernel methods in
machine learning are typically used to find nonlinear relationships in dataset
via transforming the data to a new feature space. This work aims to employ the
kernel methods into SPIRiT to extract the intrinsic nonlinear relationship between
data and its neighbors in k-space. The proposed nonlinear SPIRiT contains three
steps. Firstly, both the calibration and subsampled data are transformed into a
higher dimensional space via kernel methods. Polynomial kernel is employed as
it has explicit representation, and includes the linear relationship as a
special case. A two order polynomial kernel uses the original data and the
square of data as the first and second-order terms separately. The virtual coil
concept is employed to simplify the implementation. A new k-space data is
generated with the channel number being doubled. The data in physical coils is
kept as the first-order terms, while the virtual coils containing the square of
original data point-by-point works as the second-order terms. Secondly, the
least-squares method used by original SPIRiT calibration is still used to
estimate the nonlinear relationship from the transformed data. Finally, the
nonlinear model is applied on the physical and virtual coil data in a POCS
iteration to recovery unacquired data.
sampled 3D brain data with elliptical scanning was acquired from a healthy
volunteer using a T1 weighted SPACE sequence and a 32 channel coil set on a 3T
Siemens Tim Trio MRI system. Informed consents were obtained before the
examination. A ky-kz slice was extracted after 1D Fourier Transform along
readout direction. The 2D full k-space data was compressed to 18 channels for
efficient computation. Imaging parameters were: FOV = 215x179x133 mm3, matrix
size = 336x280x208, and isotropic resolution of 0.64 mm. Firstly, 1D uniform
subsampling with an outer reduction factor of 4 and embedded 36 calibration
lines were simulated to compare nonlinear SPIRiT with nonlinear GRAPPA, as well
as GRAPPA and SPIRiT. Both linear and nonlinear SPIRiT were solved by POCS
algorithm using 30 iterations. Secondly, a 2D uniform subsampling with both
acceleration factors being 2 and calibration data size of 36x36 was simulated
to investigate the performance of nonlinear SPIRiT with 2D acceleration and compared with nonlinear GRAPPA.
Finally, the influence of the amount of calibration data on the reconstruction
quality of nonlinear SPIRiT was investigated with a uniform 2x2 subsampling and
compared with SPIRiT reconstruction.
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