MR cardiac cine plays a key role in quantifying the cardiac function. The measurement accuracy is highly dependent of both spatial and temporal resolution, which can be improved substantially by acceleration with parallel imaging. SPIRiT, a GRAPPA-like parallel imaging reconstruction, can be applied to cardiac cine by incorporating temporal sensitivity estimation (TSPIRiT). In this study, we propose to enhance MR cardiac cine using TSPIRiT with generalized data fidelity (GDF) based on the assumption that k-space signal in cardiac cine changes smoothly. Results show that the proposed method can provide better tradeoff between SNR and temporal resolution when compared with TSPIRiT and k-t SPIRiT.
The proposed method (TSPIRiT+GDF) promotes consistency with calibration within current frame only, and it is more computationally efficient. Data fidelity enforces the reconstructed k-t space data to be consistent with acquisition. To reduce the noise associated with high undersampling factors, the concept of data fidelity is generalized based on the assumption that signal changes smoothly, i.e., an unacquired sample should be close to its temporally nearest samples (Figure 1). It can be expressed as an optimization problem.
\arg \min \limits_{x}||(G-I)x||_2^2+||λ(x-m)||_2^2
where G is a shift-invariant interpolation operator which is determined with calibration data. I is an identity matrix, x the vectorized k-t space data, m the nearest sampled points in temporal direction, λ the weighting vector that controls data fidelity. The weighting vector is adapted to the acquired data such that, when signal is changing very slowly, a wider window is used to further improve SNR. The weights can be determined with the cross-correlation between two frames.
Data Description and Retrospective Undersampling
Data were obtained from online resources [8]. The retrospectively gated bSSFP short-axis view cardiac cine of a healthy volunteer was acquired using a 3T Siemens scanner with 30 channels, FOV=340×550 mm2, matrix size=168×416, slice thickness=6mm, resolution=2.02×1.32, 25 cardiac phases with a temporal resolution of 42.72 ms, TE/TR=1.78/3.56ms, and flip angle=40° [8]. Retrospective undersampling at R=6,8,10, and 12, with 8 central phase-encoding lines fully sampled were performed (Figure 2).
Image Reconstruction
TSPIRiT+GDF was incorporated with k-t space subtraction strategy, i.e., the temporal average was subtracted from each frame and reconstruction was applied to the residual k-t space. This has been adopted in [5, 9, 10], aiming to increase SNR of final images. Two methods were also implemented for comparison: (a) frame-by-frame SPIRiT (TSPIRiT) with low rank constraint (TSPIRiT+LR) with 3×3 kernel; and (b) k-t SPIRiT with 3×3×3 kernel [6]. For fair comparison, TSPIRiT+LR and k-t SPIRiT were also incorporated with k-t space subtraction, and 12 iterations were performed for all methods above (TSPIRiT+GDF, TSPIRiT+LR, and k-t SPIRiT).
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