The quality of EPI image is intrinsically hindered by Nyquist ghost and geometric distortion which are commonly handled by a 1D non-phase encoded reference and a field map based corrections, respectively. In some cases, a 2D phase reference is required, but scan time is increased. The geometric-mismatch between EPI and coil sensitivities is another concern. Here, the 2D phase correction (without prolonging scan time) and the distortion correction are integrated into a single forward operator rather than considering them consecutively. The results show that the stable reduction in Nyquist ghosting and distortion can improve the tSNR of EPI time series.
Measurement model and Reconstruction: The discrete EPI samples s at coil element j can be written in matrix-vector form [Eq.1]:
{s^j=\sum_{k=k1}^{k2} M^kEC^j∅^kv+ε, k_1 corresponds\ to\ even\ echo,k_2\ to\ odd\ echo ---1}
where v is the underlying image that we wish to estimate from the noisy data s. {E={e}^{-i(Λ[k_x ]r_x+k_yψ[r_y])}} is denoting the forward encoding operator that accounts for k-space non-uniformity due to the ramp sampling in the readout direction and image distortion caused by B0 inhomogeneity in the phase encoding direction. M is the binary sampling mask (1=sampled, 0=otherwise). C is the coil sensitivity. The noise ({ε}) is considered white Gaussian. {{∅}^{k}} consists of a set of phases \left\{{e}^{i0} for\ k_1,\ and\ {e}^{i∆φ} for\ k_2\right\}. Note that the phase difference ({\left(∆φ=angle(v^{+*} ∙v^{-})\right)}) is estimated using the individual even v^{+} and odd v^{-} images which are obtained by iterative SENSE with integrated geometric distortion correction. The * denotes the complex conjugate. The matrix E represents the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). In practice, the direct computation of E is computationally intensive. Instead, the NUFFT-based operators5 are used [Eq.2]:
{E\approx(G_Λ F_Λ D_Λ)iF\left(D_ψ F_ψ G_ψ\right) ---2}
where G_Λ is an oversampled interpolation that maps the undistorted image from a regular grid onto the finer distorted grid {ψ[r_y]}. {F_ψ} is an oversampled FFT. {D_ψ} indicates a deapodization operator that accounts for the blurring introduced by {G_ψ}. In this work, the distorted grid was computed from the B0 field map2. The inverse FFT iF transforms the k-space back to image domain. G_Λ denotes a gridding operator that maps oversampled k-space data from a uniform grid onto the actual k-space trajectory Λ[k_x ]. Finally, the image v is reconstructed by minimizing the cost function [Eq.3]:
{\Im(v)=‖s-A(v)‖_2^2+λ‖Lv‖_2^2, with\ A=\sum_{k=k1}^{k2}\sum_{j=1}^{N_c}M^kEC^j∅^k ---3}
The Tikhonov regularization with the tri-diagonal regularization matrix (L) is used. The regularization parameter (λ) is a positive integer. Figure 1 is a diagram of the proposed reconstruction.
Data acquisition: Seven healthy volunteers underwent scanning on a whole body 7T (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) equipped with a 32-channel head coil. All EPI scans with 50 time points were performed using the vendor provided EPI sequence. Double-echo GRE reference data were collected using the FLASH sequence and served to estimate the B0 field maps and coil sensitivity profiles. The conventional (offline) reconstruction comprises 1D phase correction, 1D gridding, coil combination (root-sum-square for R=1, SENSE for R>1), and distortion correction2. The coil sensitivities were estimated using Chatnuntawech’s method6.
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