The assessment of vertebral bone marrow fat unsaturation is attracting growing interest for applications in bone metabolism and osteoporosis. Especially in younger subjects, the presence of a strong and broad water peak confounds the extraction of surrounding peaks (olefinic and glycerol peaks), which are used for the determination of fat unsaturation. Inversion-recovery spectroscopy allows the extraction of these peaks by differentiating the signals based on different T1 relaxation times between water and fat. The feasibility of using inversion-recovery spectroscopy was evaluated in a phantom experiment in comparison with gas chromatography and in vivo in four young and healthy volunteers.
Phantom measurements: Oil phantoms containing coconut, corn, linseed, olive, walnut oils were analyzed using gas chromatography (GC) and measured using a dynamic hyperbolic secant based inversion-recovery single-voxel STEAM-MRS (dyn IR-MRS) sequence (TR=4000 ms, TE=10 ms, TM=16 ms, VOI=15x15x15 mm3, 8 averages per TI, 1 startup cycle) at eight different inversion times (TI=10/100/400/600/700/900/1200/1500 ms).
In vivo measurements: The L4 vertebra of 4 young and healthy subjects (1 female, 3 males, mean±standard deviation (SD) age = 29.8±3.5 years) was measured. The built-in-the-table posterior coil elements (12-channel array) were used for signal reception. The L4 vertebra was scanned using a dyn IR-MRS sequence (TR=4000 ms, TE=10 ms, TM=16 ms, VOI=15x15x15 mm3, 8 averages per TI, 1 startup cycle) at eight different inversion times (TI=10/100/400/600/700/900/1200/1500 ms). For comparison, a long TE single-voxel PRESS MRS sequence (TR=4000 ms, TE=200 ms, VOI=15x15x15 mm3, 80 averages) was also acquired with a matched scan time of 5:24 min. One subject was scanned three times to assess reproducibility.
All measurements were conducted on a 3 T whole-body scanner (Ingenia, Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands).
Quantification: Frequency based peak fitting was performed for the long TE PRESS measurements and a joint TI peak fitting (T1 relaxation constrained) was performed for the dyn IR-MRS measurements. Apparent (app.) ndb, nmidb and CL were calculated from the extracted peak areas4 and calibrated using the obtained correlation coefficients from the phantom measurements. Olefinic / methyl + methylene peak area (O/MM) ratios were calculated for comparison between long TE PRESS and dyn IR-MRS measurements in agreement with existing literature.5,6 In addition, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated between the results measured with the dyn IR-MRS and GC.
App. ndb, nmidb and CL showed a correlation coefficient and R2 of 1.5, 1.6 and 1.6, and 0.99, 0.99 and 0.93, respectively, between GC and dyn IR-MRS. (Fig. 1) An exemplary dyn IR-MRS measuring VBM is given in Fig. 2a. Measured O/MM ratio, app. ndb, nmidb and CL, as well as T1 relaxation of the methyl, methylene, diallylic, olefinic and water peak are given in Table 1. The reproducibility measurements (see spectral appearance in Fig. 2b/c) yielded a mean±SD for the O/MM ratio of 0.186±0.023 and 0.156±0.010 with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 0.13 and 0.07 for the long TE PRESS and dyn IR-MRS, respectively.Discussion & Conclusion
The reported results show that the proposed dyn IR-MRS enables the simultaneous extraction of VBM fat unsaturation and polyunsaturation and T1 relaxation values. Dyn IR-MRS showed better reproducibility and SNR performance compared to previously used long TE PRESS measuring the O/MM ratio. Furthermore, it also allows the extraction of app. ndb, nmidb and CL. The measured values for app. ndb, nmidb and CL are similar to those previously reported for bone marrow.8,9 One limitation is that the T2-weighting was corrected using the correlation coefficients from the phantom experiment and not directly measured. Extracted T1 values demonstrate the need for individual T1 modelling for each peak: e.g. mean T1 of the methyl and methylene peak in VBM were 883 and 338 ms, respectively. In conclusion, dyn IR-MRS allows the robust assessment of fat unsaturation characteristics in VBM.1. Schwartz AV: Marrow fat and bone: review of clinical findings. Front Endocrinol 2015; 6:40.
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