The treatment of obesity is clinically significant as it is related to many serious heart diseases and diabetes. Therefore, it is very advantageous to be able to non-invasively monitor whether or not a treatment is effective. Presented here is a method using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based water-fat separation, quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM), and transverse relaxation rate (R∗2) to dynamically monitor brown adipose tissue (BAT) activation and the white adipose tissue (WAT) beiging process. In a mouse model, increases in susceptibility between 40-164% and increases in R∗2 between 32-71% were observed in intracapsular BAT and inguinal WAT indicating metabolic changes related to BAT activation and WAT beiging.
To confirm the accuracy of the proposed estimation methods, phantom experiments were first conducted containing vials of tap water, vegetable oil, and horse spleen ferritin (an iron-based protein) (Ref. F4503, Sigma-Aldrich) solutions diluted with distilled water to concentrations (CFer) of 10, 5, and 2.5 mg/ml. In vivo experiments were then performed using two C57/BL6 mice on both the intracapsular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) and inguinal white adipose tissue (igWAT). MR data was acquired pre- and post-injection (on the iBAT at 60, 90, 120, and 150 minutes and on the igWAT at 195 minutes) of CL316,243 (1 mg/kg), which is known to cause BAT activation and WAT beiging.1,2 Both phantom and in vivo mouse experiments were performed using a 7T Varian Magnex MRI Scanner with Multi-echo 3D gradient-recalled echo sequences.
Water/Fat separation was performed to confirm adipose tissue locations using a 3D graphcut algorithm with a fixed multi-fat peak model that accounted for local frequency shifts due to static field inhomogeneities and R∗2 effects.3 To estimate susceptibility and R∗2, initially, the field map (fB map) was estimated using variable projection (VARPRO)4 and spatial regularization by minimizing:
where Q is the number of voxels, µ is a smoothness parameter, w is a spatial weight parameter, δq is the local neighborhood of voxel q, and
where I is the identity matrix, ψ is an N (number of echoes) by M (number of fat peaks) matrix with \mathbf{\psi_{(n,1)}}=e^{i2\pi f_{B}t_{n}} and \mathbf{\psi_{(n,1)}}=e^{i2\pi (f_{B}+f_{F,m})t_{n}} with fF representing the water-fat frequency shift, and s is the MR signal.3 The field map was then converted into a change in phase map and used to perform quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM). Regularization enabled sophisticated harmonic artifact reduction for phase data (RESHARP)5 was used to remove the background field and total variation using split Bregman (TVSB)6 was used to solve the ill-posed inverse problem.
The R_{2}^{*} map was also estimated using VARPRO by minimizing
where \mathbf{\psi}=e^{-R_{2}^{*}t_{n}}, \mathbf{\psi}=e^{R_{2}^{*}t_{n}}, and s_{q-f_{B}} is the signal with the already estimated field map component removed.3 A 3D Gaussian filter was then applied to the R_{2}^{*} maps to impose spatial smoothness.
Measurements of susceptibility and R_{2}^{*} were made across multiple axial slices within each vial of the phantoms and within the iBAT and igWAT of the mice at each time point.
In the phantom experiment, the measured susceptibilities for all samples are comparable to previously published results7,8; it is also shown that water has a very low R_{2}^{*}, vegetable oil has a comparably high R_{2}^{*} due to large fat content, and higher ferritin concentrations have higher R_{2}^{*} values than lower concentrations (see Figure 1a and 1b).
In both the iBAT and igWAT of the mice, increases in susceptibility and R_{2}^{*} are seen over time (see Figure 1c and 1d). Results for iBAT of Mouse 1 are not presented due to highly noisy pre-injection data, and data was not collected for igWAT of Mouse 2 due to time constraints. To better show the observed increases, all measurements were normalized to their corresponding pre-injection measurement, and average percentage changes were calculated. Results showed that increases in susceptibility between 40-164% and increases in R_{2}^{*} between 32-71% were observed in iBAT and igWAT (see Figure 2). Distributions of the measurements were also examined to determine if there was a complete shift in the measured values post-injection or if a skewed distribution occurred. Figure 3 shows that there is a complete shift from lower values to higher values for both susceptibility and R_{2}^{*} in both the iBAT and igWAT. Figures 4 and 5 also show this shift by comparing measurements within similar anatomies.
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