Imaging and Quantification of Grafted Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Rat Knee Joint
Sergey Magnitsky1, Jaskanwaljeet Kaur1, Yu-An Evan Lay2, Geetha Mohan2, Jinjin Zhang3, Djaudat Idiyatullin3, Michael Garwood3, and Nancy Lane2

1Radiology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2Center for Musculoskeletal Health, UC Davis, 3Radiology, University of Minnesota


Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) have high potentials for a treatment of bone diseases. T2*w-MRI in combination with iron labeling of MSCs has shown promising results for the detection of therapeutic cells. However, this method is not applicable for the detection of MSCs in knee joints because both the iron labeled cells and bones produce a hypointense signal. We have shown that the SWIFT sequence overcomes this limitation and generates a distinct and quantifiable signal from iron labeled cells in a knee joint in vivo. Proposed protocol opens new opportunities for in vivo monitoring of cell therapy of bone disorders.


Stem cell therapy made a considerable progress for the treatment of neurological, cardiovascular and other disorders [1, 2]. It has been shown histologically that Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC’s) have high potentials for a treatment of bone loss diseases such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis [3, 4]. An injection of MSCs directly into a knee joint has been suggested, as a potential delivery method of the therapeutic cells. Noninvasive technique to observe the delivery and quantification of grafted overtime cells is needed to facilitate the research. Conventional T2*-weighted MRI method was successfully implemented for the detection of grafted cells in brain, spine and muscle tissues. However, this method produces a hypointense signal from both bones and grafted cells, which make the detection and quantification of the grafted cells challenging. Our previous studies indicate that the SWIFT [5] pulse sequence enables to produce a hyperintense signal from iron labeled cells in muscle tissue [6]. In this project, we tested a feasibility of SWIFT sequence to image and quantify an amount of therapeutic cells after administration into a knee joint.


Cell culture: Mouse MSCs were maintained on uncoated flasks in media with DMEM and 10% FBS and labeled with different concentration of Feraheme [7]. Phantoms: 250 µl tubes were filled 0,50, 75,100, 200 µg/ml of Feraheme. MSCs injection: 50 µl of iron-oxide labeled MSCs (incubated with 200 µg/ml of Feraheme overnight) were injected into the knee joint of rats high limbs. Imaging: Three-dimensional gradient echo (GE) TR=10ms, TE=3ms, flip 100 and radial SWIFT images with 2.6 µsec duration of segmented RF pulse with excitation bandwidth of 100 kHz were acquired.


Fig.1A depicts a SWIFT image of a phantom with the different concentrations of the iron oxide solutions. Distinct hyperintense signals were detected from all iron concentrations. We implemented variable flip angle method and generated a color-coded R1-map of the phantom (Fig.1B) [8]. The linear dependence of Feraheme concentration on the longitudinal relaxivity was observed (Fig.1C).

Fig.2 shows in vivo SWIFT images of a rat knee joint before (A) and after (B) injection of 107 iron labeled MSCs. A distinct signal from grafted cells was detected on the SWIFT (B) but not on GE (C) images. R1 mapping of the tissue enable us to quantify the amount of iron oxide/grafted cells in the tissue.

Discussion and Conclusion

Bones appear dark on the conventional T2-weighed MR images which are usually utilized for the detection of iron labeled cells. (Fig2.C). We have shown that this limitation can be overcome with the SWIFT imaging protocol. This sequence allowed us to generate a hyperintense MR signal from both iron labeled cells and knee joint but with different contrast (Fig. 2A). The labeling MSCs with 200 µg/ml of Feraheme permits to distinguish grafted cells from surrounding tissue in rat knee joint (Fig. 2B). A linear dependence of iron oxide concentration on R1-relaxivity (Fig.1C) permitted us to quantify the distribution of iron in the knee joint after administration of the iron labeled cells (Fig.2D), and even better visualize donor cells. In conclusion: the SWIFT sequence will be very useful in all areas of stem cell therapy, especially for the bone degenerative diseases where the detection and quantification of therapeutic cells is particularly challenging.


This study was supported by NIH grants R21A06850 (SM), AR043052 (NL), P41 EB015894 (MG). We also would like to thank Sergio B Wong and Tony Huynh for the help with MRI acquisition and animal preparations.


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5. Idiyatullin, D., et al., Fast and quiet MRI using a swept radiofrequency. J Magn Reson, 2006. 181(2): p. 342-9.

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Figure1. Quantification of SWIFT MRI signal.

A– SWIFT MR image (flip angle-20) of the phantom with different concentrations of iron oxide solutions. B– R1 map of the phantom generated with variable flip angle method. C– Longitudinal relaxivity as a function of the iron oxide concentration.

Figure 2. MRI detection and quantitation of grafted MSCs.

In vivo SWIFT MR images of rat knee before (A) and after (B) injection of 10e7 of iron labeled MSCs (200 µg/ml), C-GE image of knee after injection, D – R1-map of the knee after injection.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)